package smb2
import ""
type NegotiateRequest struct {
SecurityMode uint16
Capabilities uint32
ClientGuid [16 ]byte
Dialects []uint16
Contexts []Encoder
func (c *NegotiateRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *NegotiateRequest ) Size () int {
size := 36 + len (c .Dialects )*2
for _ , cc := range c .Contexts {
size = Roundup (size , 8 )
size += cc .Size ()
return 64 + size
func (c *NegotiateRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_NEGOTIATE
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 36 )
le .PutUint16 (req [4 :6 ], c .SecurityMode )
le .PutUint32 (req [8 :12 ], c .Capabilities )
copy (req [12 :28 ], c .ClientGuid [:])
bs := req [36 :]
for i , d := range c .Dialects {
le .PutUint16 (bs [2 *i :2 *i +2 ], d )
le .PutUint16 (req [2 :4 ], uint16 (len (c .Dialects )))
off := 36 + len (c .Dialects )*2
for i , cc := range c .Contexts {
off = Roundup (off , 8 )
if i == 0 {
le .PutUint32 (req [28 :32 ], uint32 (off +64 ))
cc .Encode (req [off :])
off += cc .Size ()
le .PutUint16 (req [32 :34 ], uint16 (len (c .Contexts )))
type NegotiateRequestDecoder []byte
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 36 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 36 {
return true
noff := r .NegotiateContextOffset ()
if noff &7 != 0 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (noff )-36 {
return true
return false
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) DialectCount () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [2 :4 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) SecurityMode () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [4 :6 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) Capabilities () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [8 :12 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) ClientGuid () []byte {
return r [12 :28 ]
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) ClientStartTime () []byte {
return r [28 :36 ]
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) Dialects () []uint16 {
bs := r [36 : 36 +2 *r .DialectCount ()]
us := make ([]uint16 , len (bs )/2 )
for i := range us {
us [i ] = le .Uint16 (bs [2 *i : 2 *i +2 ])
return us
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) NegotiateContextOffset () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [28 :32 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) NegotiateContextCount () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [32 :34 ])
func (r NegotiateRequestDecoder ) NegotiateContextList () []byte {
off := r .NegotiateContextOffset ()
if off < 36 {
return nil
return r [off -36 :]
type SessionSetupRequest struct {
Flags uint8
SecurityMode uint8
Capabilities uint32
Channel uint32
SecurityBuffer []byte
PreviousSessionId uint64
func (c *SessionSetupRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *SessionSetupRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .SecurityBuffer ) == 0 {
return 64 + 24 + 1
return 64 + 24 + len (c .SecurityBuffer )
func (c *SessionSetupRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 25 )
req [2 ] = c .Flags
req [3 ] = c .SecurityMode
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .Capabilities )
le .PutUint32 (req [8 :12 ], c .Channel )
le .PutUint64 (req [16 :24 ], c .PreviousSessionId )
copy (req [24 :], c .SecurityBuffer )
le .PutUint16 (req [12 :14 ], 64 +24 )
le .PutUint16 (req [14 :16 ], uint16 (len (c .SecurityBuffer )))
type SessionSetupRequestDecoder []byte
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 24 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 25 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .SecurityBufferOffset ()+r .SecurityBufferLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) SecurityMode () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) Capabilities () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) Channel () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [8 :12 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) PreviousSessionId () uint64 {
return le .Uint64 (r [16 :24 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) SecurityBufferOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [12 :14 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) SecurityBufferLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [14 :16 ])
func (r SessionSetupRequestDecoder ) SecurityBuffer () []byte {
off := r .SecurityBufferOffset ()
if off < 64 +24 {
return nil
off -= 64
len := r .SecurityBufferLength ()
return r [off : off +len ]
type LogoffRequest struct {
func (c *LogoffRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *LogoffRequest ) Size () int {
return 64 + 4
func (c *LogoffRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_LOGOFF
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 4 )
type LogoffRequestDecoder []byte
func (r LogoffRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 4 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 4 {
return true
return false
func (r LogoffRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
type TreeConnectRequest struct {
Flags uint16
Path string
func (c *TreeConnectRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *TreeConnectRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .Path ) == 0 {
return 64 + 8 + 1
return 64 + 8 + utf16le .EncodedStringLen (c .Path )
func (c *TreeConnectRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_TREE_CONNECT
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 9 )
le .PutUint16 (req [2 :4 ], c .Flags )
plen := utf16le .EncodeString (req [8 :], c .Path )
le .PutUint16 (req [4 :6 ], 8 +64 )
le .PutUint16 (req [6 :8 ], uint16 (plen ))
type TreeConnectRequestDecoder []byte
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 8 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 9 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .PathOffset ()+r .PathLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [2 :4 ])
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) PathOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [4 :6 ])
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) PathLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [6 :8 ])
func (r TreeConnectRequestDecoder ) Path () string {
off := r .PathOffset ()
if off < 64 +8 {
return ""
off -= 64
len := r .PathLength ()
return utf16le .DecodeToString (r [off : off +len ])
type TreeDisconnectRequest struct {
func (c *TreeDisconnectRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *TreeDisconnectRequest ) Size () int {
return 64 + 4
func (c *TreeDisconnectRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 4 )
type TreeDisconnectRequestDecoder []byte
func (r TreeDisconnectRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 4 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 4 {
return true
return false
func (r TreeDisconnectRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
type CreateRequest struct {
SecurityFlags uint8
RequestedOplockLevel uint8
ImpersonationLevel uint32
SmbCreateFlags uint64
DesiredAccess uint32
FileAttributes uint32
ShareAccess uint32
CreateDisposition uint32
CreateOptions uint32
Name string
Contexts []Encoder
func (c *CreateRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *CreateRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .Name ) == 0 && len (c .Contexts ) == 0 {
return 64 + 56 + 1
size := 64 + 56 + utf16le .EncodedStringLen (c .Name )
for _ , ctx := range c .Contexts {
size = Roundup (size , 8 )
size += ctx .Size ()
return size
func (c *CreateRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_CREATE
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 57 )
req [2 ] = c .SecurityFlags
req [3 ] = c .RequestedOplockLevel
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .ImpersonationLevel )
le .PutUint64 (req [8 :16 ], c .SmbCreateFlags )
le .PutUint32 (req [24 :28 ], c .DesiredAccess )
le .PutUint32 (req [28 :32 ], c .FileAttributes )
le .PutUint32 (req [32 :36 ], c .ShareAccess )
le .PutUint32 (req [36 :40 ], c .CreateDisposition )
le .PutUint32 (req [40 :44 ], c .CreateOptions )
nlen := utf16le .EncodeString (req [56 :], c .Name )
le .PutUint16 (req [44 :46 ], 56 +64 )
le .PutUint16 (req [46 :48 ], uint16 (nlen ))
off := 56 + nlen
var ctx []byte
var next int
for i , c := range c .Contexts {
off = Roundup (off , 8 )
if i == 0 {
le .PutUint32 (req [48 :52 ], uint32 (64 +off ))
} else {
le .PutUint32 (ctx [:4 ], uint32 (next ))
ctx = req [off :]
c .Encode (ctx )
next = c .Size ()
off += next
le .PutUint32 (req [52 :56 ], uint32 (off -(56 +nlen )))
type CreateRequestDecoder []byte
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 56 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 57 {
return true
noff := r .NameOffset ()
if noff &7 != 0 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (noff +r .NameLength ())-64 {
return true
coff := r .CreateContextsOffset ()
if coff &7 != 0 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (coff +r .CreateContextsLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) SecurityFlags () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) RequestedOplockLevel () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) ImpersonationLevel () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) SmbCreateFlags () uint64 {
return le .Uint64 (r [8 :16 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) DesiredAccess () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [24 :28 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) FileAttributes () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [28 :32 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) ShareAccess () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [32 :36 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) CreateDisposition () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [36 :40 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) CreateOptions () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [40 :44 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) NameOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [44 :46 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) NameLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [46 :48 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) CreateContextsOffset () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [48 :52 ])
func (r CreateRequestDecoder ) CreateContextsLength () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [52 :56 ])
type CloseRequest struct {
Flags uint16
FileId *FileId
func (c *CloseRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *CloseRequest ) Size () int {
return 64 + 24
func (c *CloseRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_CLOSE
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 24 )
le .PutUint16 (req [2 :4 ], c .Flags )
c .FileId .Encode (req [8 :24 ])
type CloseRequestDecoder []byte
func (r CloseRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 24 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 24 {
return true
return false
func (r CloseRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r CloseRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [2 :4 ])
func (r CloseRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [8 :24 ])
type FlushRequest struct {
FileId *FileId
func (c *FlushRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *FlushRequest ) Size () int {
return 64 + 24
func (c *FlushRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_FLUSH
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 24 )
c .FileId .Encode (req [8 :24 ])
type FlushRequestDecoder []byte
func (r FlushRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 24 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 24 {
return true
return false
func (r FlushRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r FlushRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [8 :24 ])
type ReadRequest struct {
Padding uint8
Flags uint8
Length uint32
Offset uint64
FileId *FileId
MinimumCount uint32
Channel uint32
RemainingBytes uint32
ReadChannelInfo []Encoder
func (c *ReadRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *ReadRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .ReadChannelInfo ) == 0 {
return 64 + 48 + 1
size := 64 + 48
for _ , r := range c .ReadChannelInfo {
size += r .Size ()
return size
func (c *ReadRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_READ
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 49 )
req [2 ] = c .Padding
req [3 ] = c .Flags
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .Length )
le .PutUint64 (req [8 :16 ], c .Offset )
c .FileId .Encode (req [16 :32 ])
le .PutUint32 (req [32 :36 ], c .MinimumCount )
le .PutUint32 (req [36 :40 ], c .Channel )
le .PutUint32 (req [40 :44 ], c .RemainingBytes )
off := 48
for i , r := range c .ReadChannelInfo {
if i == 0 {
le .PutUint16 (req [44 :46 ], uint16 (64 +off ))
r .Encode (req [off :])
off += r .Size ()
le .PutUint16 (req [46 :48 ], uint16 (off -48 ))
type ReadRequestDecoder []byte
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 48 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 49 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .ReadChannelInfoOffset ()+r .ReadChannelInfoLength ()) {
return true
return false
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) Padding () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) Length () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) Offset () uint64 {
return le .Uint64 (r [8 :16 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [16 :32 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) MinimumCount () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [32 :36 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) Channel () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [36 :40 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) RemainingBytes () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [40 :44 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) ReadChannelInfoOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [44 :46 ])
func (r ReadRequestDecoder ) ReadChannelInfoLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [46 :48 ])
type WriteRequest struct {
FileId *FileId
Flags uint32
Channel uint32
RemainingBytes uint32
Offset uint64
WriteChannelInfo []Encoder
Data []byte
func (c *WriteRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *WriteRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .Data ) == 0 && len (c .WriteChannelInfo ) == 0 {
return 64 + 48 + 1
off := 64 + 48
for _ , w := range c .WriteChannelInfo {
off += w .Size ()
off += len (c .Data )
return off
func (c *WriteRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_WRITE
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 49 )
le .PutUint64 (req [8 :16 ], c .Offset )
c .FileId .Encode (req [16 :32 ])
le .PutUint32 (req [32 :36 ], c .Channel )
le .PutUint32 (req [36 :40 ], c .RemainingBytes )
le .PutUint32 (req [44 :48 ], c .Flags )
off := 48
for i , w := range c .WriteChannelInfo {
if i == 0 {
le .PutUint16 (req [40 :42 ], uint16 (64 +off ))
w .Encode (req [off :])
off += w .Size ()
le .PutUint16 (req [42 :44 ], uint16 (off -48 ))
le .PutUint16 (req [2 :4 ], uint16 (64 +off ))
copy (req [off :], c .Data )
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], uint32 (len (c .Data )))
type WriteRequestDecoder []byte
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 48 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 49 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .WriteChannelInfoOffset ()+r .WriteChannelInfoLength ())-64 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (uint32 (r .DataOffset ())+r .Length ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) DataOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [2 :4 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) Length () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) Offset () uint64 {
return le .Uint64 (r [8 :16 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [16 :32 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) Channel () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [32 :36 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) RemainingBytes () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [36 :40 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) WriteChannelInfoOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [40 :42 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) WriteChannelInfoLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [42 :44 ])
func (r WriteRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [44 :48 ])
type CancelRequest struct {
func (c *CancelRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *CancelRequest ) Size () int {
return 64 + 4
func (c *CancelRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_CANCEL
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 4 )
type CancelRequestDecoder []byte
func (r CancelRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 4 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 4 {
return true
return false
func (r CancelRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
type IoctlRequest struct {
CtlCode uint32
FileId *FileId
OutputOffset uint32
OutputCount uint32
MaxInputResponse uint32
MaxOutputResponse uint32
Flags uint32
Input Encoder
func (c *IoctlRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *IoctlRequest ) Size () int {
if c .Input == nil {
return 64 + 56 + 1
return 64 + 56 + c .Input .Size ()
func (c *IoctlRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_IOCTL
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 57 )
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .CtlCode )
c .FileId .Encode (req [8 :24 ])
le .PutUint32 (req [32 :36 ], c .MaxInputResponse )
le .PutUint32 (req [36 :40 ], c .OutputOffset )
le .PutUint32 (req [40 :44 ], c .OutputCount )
le .PutUint32 (req [44 :48 ], c .MaxOutputResponse )
le .PutUint32 (req [48 :52 ], c .Flags )
off := 56
if c .Input != nil {
le .PutUint32 (req [24 :28 ], uint32 (off +64 ))
c .Input .Encode (req [off :])
le .PutUint32 (req [28 :32 ], uint32 (c .Input .Size ()))
type IoctlRequestDecoder []byte
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 56 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 57 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .InputOffset ()+r .InputCount ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) CtlCode () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [8 :24 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) InputOffset () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [24 :28 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) InputCount () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [28 :32 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) MaxInputResponse () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [32 :36 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) OutputOffset () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [36 :40 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) OutputCount () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [40 :44 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) MaxOutputResponse () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [44 :48 ])
func (r IoctlRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [48 :52 ])
type QueryDirectoryRequest struct {
FileInfoClass uint8
Flags uint8
FileIndex uint32
FileId *FileId
OutputBufferLength uint32
FileName string
func (c *QueryDirectoryRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *QueryDirectoryRequest ) Size () int {
if len (c .FileName ) == 0 {
return 64 + 32 + 1
return 64 + 32 + utf16le .EncodedStringLen (c .FileName )
func (c *QueryDirectoryRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 33 )
req [2 ] = c .FileInfoClass
req [3 ] = c .Flags
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .FileIndex )
c .FileId .Encode (req [8 :24 ])
le .PutUint32 (req [28 :32 ], c .OutputBufferLength )
off := 32
le .PutUint16 (req [24 :26 ], uint16 (off +64 ))
flen := utf16le .EncodeString (req [off :], c .FileName )
le .PutUint16 (req [26 :28 ], uint16 (flen ))
type QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder []byte
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 32 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 33 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (r .FileNameOffset ()+r .FileNameLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) FileInfoClass () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) FileIndex () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [8 :24 ])
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) FileNameOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [24 :26 ])
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) FileNameLength () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [26 :28 ])
func (r QueryDirectoryRequestDecoder ) OutputBufferLength () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [28 :32 ])
type QueryInfoRequest struct {
InfoType uint8
FileInfoClass uint8
OutputBufferLength uint32
AdditionalInformation uint32
Flags uint32
FileId *FileId
Input Encoder
func (c *QueryInfoRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *QueryInfoRequest ) Size () int {
if c .Input == nil {
return 64 + 40 + 1
return 64 + 40 + c .Input .Size ()
func (c *QueryInfoRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_QUERY_INFO
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 41 )
req [2 ] = c .InfoType
req [3 ] = c .FileInfoClass
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], c .OutputBufferLength )
le .PutUint32 (req [16 :20 ], c .AdditionalInformation )
le .PutUint32 (req [20 :24 ], c .Flags )
c .FileId .Encode (req [24 :40 ])
off := 40
if c .Input != nil {
le .PutUint16 (req [8 :10 ], uint16 (off +64 ))
c .Input .Encode (req [off :])
le .PutUint32 (req [12 :16 ], uint32 (c .Input .Size ()))
type QueryInfoRequestDecoder []byte
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 40 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 41 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (uint32 (r .InputBufferOffset ())+r .InputBufferLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) InfoType () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) FileInfoClass () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) OutputBufferLength () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) InputBufferOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [8 :10 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) InputBufferLength () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [12 :16 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) AdditionalInformation () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [16 :20 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) Flags () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [20 :24 ])
func (r QueryInfoRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [24 :40 ])
type SetInfoRequest struct {
InfoType uint8
FileInfoClass uint8
AdditionalInformation uint32
FileId *FileId
Input Encoder
func (c *SetInfoRequest ) Header () *PacketHeader {
return &c .PacketHeader
func (c *SetInfoRequest ) Size () int {
if c .Input == nil {
return 64 + 32 + 1
return 64 + 32 + c .Input .Size ()
func (c *SetInfoRequest ) Encode (pkt []byte ) {
c .Command = SMB2_SET_INFO
c .encodeHeader (pkt )
req := pkt [64 :]
le .PutUint16 (req [:2 ], 33 )
req [2 ] = c .InfoType
req [3 ] = c .FileInfoClass
le .PutUint32 (req [12 :16 ], c .AdditionalInformation )
c .FileId .Encode (req [16 :32 ])
off := 32
if c .Input != nil {
le .PutUint16 (req [8 :10 ], uint16 (off +64 ))
c .Input .Encode (req [off :])
le .PutUint32 (req [4 :8 ], uint32 (c .Input .Size ()))
type SetInfoRequestDecoder []byte
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) IsInvalid () bool {
if len (r ) < 32 {
return true
if r .StructureSize () != 33 {
return true
if len (r ) < int (uint32 (r .BufferOffset ())+r .BufferLength ())-64 {
return true
return false
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) StructureSize () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [:2 ])
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) InfoType () uint8 {
return r [2 ]
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) FileInfoClass () uint8 {
return r [3 ]
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) BufferLength () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [4 :8 ])
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) BufferOffset () uint16 {
return le .Uint16 (r [8 :10 ])
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) AdditionalInformation () uint32 {
return le .Uint32 (r [12 :16 ])
func (r SetInfoRequestDecoder ) FileId () FileIdDecoder {
return FileIdDecoder (r [16 :32 ])
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .