package kadmin
import (
const (
verisonHex = "ff80"
type Request struct {
APREQ messages .APReq
KRBPriv messages .KRBPriv
type Reply struct {
MessageLength int
Version int
APREPLength int
APREP messages .APRep
KRBPriv messages .KRBPriv
KRBError messages .KRBError
IsKRBError bool
ResultCode uint16
Result string
func (m *Request ) Marshal () (b []byte , err error ) {
b = []byte {255 , 128 }
ab , e := m .APREQ .Marshal ()
if e != nil {
err = fmt .Errorf ("error marshaling AP_REQ: %v" , e )
if len (ab ) > math .MaxUint16 {
err = errors .New ("length of AP_REQ greater then max Uint16 size" )
al := make ([]byte , 2 )
binary .BigEndian .PutUint16 (al , uint16 (len (ab )))
b = append (b , al ...)
b = append (b , ab ...)
pb , e := m .KRBPriv .Marshal ()
if e != nil {
err = fmt .Errorf ("error marshaling KRB_Priv: %v" , e )
b = append (b , pb ...)
if len (b )+2 > math .MaxUint16 {
err = errors .New ("length of message greater then max Uint16 size" )
ml := make ([]byte , 2 )
binary .BigEndian .PutUint16 (ml , uint16 (len (b )+2 ))
b = append (ml , b ...)
func (m *Reply ) Unmarshal (b []byte ) error {
m .MessageLength = int (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (b [0 :2 ]))
m .Version = int (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (b [2 :4 ]))
if m .Version != 1 {
return fmt .Errorf ("kadmin reply has incorrect protocol version number: %d" , m .Version )
m .APREPLength = int (binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (b [4 :6 ]))
if m .APREPLength != 0 {
err := m .APREP .Unmarshal (b [6 : 6 +m .APREPLength ])
if err != nil {
return err
err = m .KRBPriv .Unmarshal (b [6 +m .APREPLength : m .MessageLength ])
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
m .IsKRBError = true
m .KRBError .Unmarshal (b [6 :m .MessageLength ])
m .ResultCode , m .Result = parseResponse (m .KRBError .EData )
return nil
func parseResponse(b []byte ) (c uint16 , s string ) {
c = binary .BigEndian .Uint16 (b [0 :2 ])
buf := bytes .NewBuffer (b [2 :])
m := make ([]byte , len (b )-2 )
binary .Read (buf , binary .BigEndian , &m )
s = string (m )
func (m *Reply ) Decrypt (key types .EncryptionKey ) error {
if m .IsKRBError {
return m .KRBError
err := m .KRBPriv .DecryptEncPart (key )
if err != nil {
return err
m .ResultCode , m .Result = parseResponse (m .KRBPriv .DecryptedEncPart .UserData )
return nil
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