HostAddresses implements RFC 4120 type: Contains tests if a HostAddress is contained within the HostAddresses struct. Equal tests if a HostAddress slice is equal to the HostAddresses struct.
func HostAddressesFromNetIPs(ips []net.IP) (ha HostAddresses)
func LocalHostAddresses() (ha HostAddresses, err error)
PAData implements RFC 4120 types:[]byte GetETypeInfo returns an ETypeInfo from the PAData. GetETypeInfo2 returns an ETypeInfo2 from the PAData. Unmarshal bytes into the PAData
PADataSequence implements RFC 4120 types: Contains tests if a PADataSequence contains PA Data of a certain type. Unmarshal bytes into the PADataSequence
*PADataSequence :
func string, cname PrincipalName, realm string, etypeID int32, pas PADataSequence) (EncryptionKey, etype.EType, error)
PAEncTimestamp implements RFC 4120 types:[]byteETypeint32KVNOint Unmarshal bytes into the PAEncTimestamp
PAEncTSEnc implements RFC 4120 types: Unmarshal bytes into the PAEncTSEnc
TypedDataSequence implements RFC 4120 type: Unmarshal bytes into the TypedDataSequence.
Package-Level Functions (total 17)
GenerateEncryptionKey creates a new EncryptionKey with a random key value.
GetHostAddress returns a HostAddress struct from a string in the format <hostname>:<port>
GetPAEncTSEncAsnMarshalled returns the bytes of a PAEncTSEnc.
HostAddressesContains tests if a HostAddress is contained in a HostAddress slice.
HostAddressesEqual tests if two HostAddress slices are equal.
HostAddressesFromNetIPs returns a HostAddresses type from a slice of net.IP
HostAddressFromNetIP returns a HostAddress type from a net.IP
IsFlagSet tests if a flag is set in the ASN1 BitString.
LocalHostAddresses returns a HostAddresses struct for the local machines interface IP addresses.
NewAuthenticator creates a new Authenticator.
NewKrbFlags returns an ASN1 BitString struct of the right size for KrbFlags.
NewPrincipalName creates a new PrincipalName from the name type int32 and name string provided.
ParseSPNString will parse a string in the format <service>/<name>@<realm>
a PrincipalName type will be returned with the name type set to KRB_NT_PRINCIPAL(1)
and the realm will be returned as a string. If the "@<realm>" suffix
is not included in the SPN then the value of realm string returned will be ""
SetFlag sets a flag in an ASN1 BitString.
SetFlags sets the flags of an ASN1 BitString.
UnsetFlag unsets a flag in an ASN1 BitString.
UnsetFlags unsets flags in an ASN1 BitString.
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.6.7. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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