package bridge
import (
type Session struct {
SSH *ssh .Client
SSHSession *ssh .Client
SFTP *sftp .Client
SMB *smb2 .Session
WinRM *winrm .Client
LastConnection time .Time
WindowsLetter string
WindowsPath string
Username string
IpAddr string
Port string
password string
sync .Mutex
func (s *Session ) CloseAllConnections () {
if s .SSH != nil {
err := s .SSH .Close ()
if err != nil {
logger .Sugar ().Warnw ("cannot close ssh session" )
if s .SFTP != nil {
err := s .SFTP .Close ()
if err != nil {
logger .Sugar ().Warnw ("cannot close sftp session" )
if s .SMB != nil {
err := s .SMB .Logoff ()
if err != nil {
logger .Sugar ().Warnw ("cannot close smb session" )
func (val *Session ) checkOutput (in io .Writer , output *bytes .Buffer ) bool {
val .Mutex .Lock ()
defer val .Mutex .Unlock ()
if output != nil && output .Len () > 0 && strings .Contains (output .String (), "liman-pass-sudo" ) {
_ , err := in .Write ([]byte (val .password + "\n" ))
if err != nil {
logger .Sugar ().Warnw ("cannot write sudo password" )
return false
return true
return false
func (val *Session ) Run (command string ) (string , error ) {
if val .SSH != nil {
sess , err := val .SSH .NewSession ()
if err != nil {
return "" , err
defer sess .Close ()
modes := ssh .TerminalModes {
ssh .ECHO : 0 ,
ssh .TTY_OP_ISPEED : 14400 ,
ssh .TTY_OP_OSPEED : 14400 ,
err = sess .RequestPty ("dumb" , 1000 , 1000 , modes )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
stdoutB := new (bytes .Buffer )
sess .Stdout = stdoutB
in , err := sess .StdinPipe ()
if err != nil {
return "" , err
if strings .Contains (command , "liman-pass-sudo" ) {
endChan := make (chan struct {})
defer close (endChan )
go func (in io .Writer , output *bytes .Buffer , endChan chan struct {}) {
For :
for {
select {
case <- time .After (20 * time .Second ):
case <- endChan :
break For
default :
if val .checkOutput (in , output ) {
break For
time .Sleep (500 )
}(in , stdoutB , endChan )
err = sess .Run ("(" + command + ") 2> /dev/null" )
if err != nil {
return err .Error(), err
tmp := strings .Split (stdoutB .String (), "liman-pass-sudo" )
output := tmp [len (tmp )-1 ]
return stripansi .Strip (strings .TrimSpace (output )), nil
} else if val .WinRM != nil {
command = "$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';" + command
encoder := unicode .UTF16 (unicode .LittleEndian , unicode .IgnoreBOM ).NewEncoder ()
encoded , _ := encoder .String (command )
command = base64 .StdEncoding .EncodeToString ([]byte (encoded ))
stdout , stderr , _ , err := val .WinRM .RunWithContextWithString (context .TODO (), "powershell.exe -encodedCommand " +command , "" )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
return strings .TrimSpace (stdout ) + strings .TrimSpace (stderr ), nil
return "" , errors .New ("cannot run command" )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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