package ksuid
import (
type CompressedSet []byte
func (set CompressedSet ) Iter () CompressedSetIter {
return CompressedSetIter {
content : []byte (set ),
func (set CompressedSet ) String () string {
b := bytes .Buffer {}
b .WriteByte ('[' )
set .writeTo (&b )
b .WriteByte (']' )
return b .String ()
func (set CompressedSet ) GoString () string {
b := bytes .Buffer {}
b .WriteString ("ksuid.CompressedSet{" )
set .writeTo (&b )
b .WriteByte ('}' )
return b .String ()
func (set CompressedSet ) writeTo (b *bytes .Buffer ) {
a := [27 ]byte {}
for i , it := 0 , set .Iter (); it .Next (); i ++ {
if i != 0 {
b .WriteString (", " )
b .WriteByte ('"' )
it .KSUID .Append (a [:0 ])
b .Write (a [:])
b .WriteByte ('"' )
func Compress (ids ...KSUID ) CompressedSet {
c := 1 + byteLength + (len (ids ) / 5 )
b := make ([]byte , 0 , c )
return AppendCompressed (b , ids ...)
func AppendCompressed (set []byte , ids ...KSUID ) CompressedSet {
if len (ids ) != 0 {
if !IsSorted (ids ) {
Sort (ids )
one := makeUint128 (0 , 1 )
set = append (set , byte (rawKSUID ))
set = append (set , ids [0 ][:]...)
timestamp := ids [0 ].Timestamp ()
lastKSUID := ids [0 ]
lastValue := uint128Payload (ids [0 ])
for i := 1 ; i != len (ids ); i ++ {
id := ids [i ]
if id == lastKSUID {
t := id .Timestamp ()
v := uint128Payload (id )
if t != timestamp {
d := t - timestamp
n := varintLength32 (d )
set = append (set , timeDelta |byte (n ))
set = appendVarint32 (set , d , n )
set = append (set , id [timestampLengthInBytes :]...)
timestamp = t
} else {
d := sub128 (v , lastValue )
if d != one {
n := varintLength128 (d )
set = append (set , payloadDelta |byte (n ))
set = appendVarint128 (set , d , n )
} else {
l , c := rangeLength (ids [i +1 :], t , id , v )
m := uint64 (l + 1 )
n := varintLength64 (m )
set = append (set , payloadRange |byte (n ))
set = appendVarint64 (set , m , n )
i += c
id = ids [i ]
v = uint128Payload (id )
lastKSUID = id
lastValue = v
return CompressedSet (set )
func rangeLength(ids []KSUID , timestamp uint32 , lastKSUID KSUID , lastValue uint128 ) (length int , count int ) {
one := makeUint128 (0 , 1 )
for i := range ids {
id := ids [i ]
if id == lastKSUID {
if id .Timestamp () != timestamp {
count = i
v := uint128Payload (id )
if sub128 (v , lastValue ) != one {
count = i
lastKSUID = id
lastValue = v
length ++
count = len (ids )
func appendVarint128(b []byte , v uint128 , n int ) []byte {
c := v .bytes ()
return append (b , c [len (c )-n :]...)
func appendVarint64(b []byte , v uint64 , n int ) []byte {
c := [8 ]byte {}
binary .BigEndian .PutUint64 (c [:], v )
return append (b , c [len (c )-n :]...)
func appendVarint32(b []byte , v uint32 , n int ) []byte {
c := [4 ]byte {}
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (c [:], v )
return append (b , c [len (c )-n :]...)
func varint128(b []byte ) uint128 {
a := [16 ]byte {}
copy (a [16 -len (b ):], b )
return makeUint128FromPayload (a [:])
func varint64(b []byte ) uint64 {
a := [8 ]byte {}
copy (a [8 -len (b ):], b )
return binary .BigEndian .Uint64 (a [:])
func varint32(b []byte ) uint32 {
a := [4 ]byte {}
copy (a [4 -len (b ):], b )
return binary .BigEndian .Uint32 (a [:])
func varintLength128(v uint128 ) int {
if v [1 ] != 0 {
return 8 + varintLength64 (v [1 ])
return varintLength64 (v [0 ])
func varintLength64(v uint64 ) int {
switch {
case (v & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 ) == 0 :
return 1
case (v & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000 ) == 0 :
return 2
case (v & 0xFFFFFFFFFF000000 ) == 0 :
return 3
case (v & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) == 0 :
return 4
case (v & 0xFFFFFF0000000000 ) == 0 :
return 5
case (v & 0xFFFF000000000000 ) == 0 :
return 6
case (v & 0xFF00000000000000 ) == 0 :
return 7
default :
return 8
func varintLength32(v uint32 ) int {
switch {
case (v & 0xFFFFFF00 ) == 0 :
return 1
case (v & 0xFFFF0000 ) == 0 :
return 2
case (v & 0xFF000000 ) == 0 :
return 3
default :
return 4
const (
rawKSUID = 0
timeDelta = (1 << 6 )
payloadDelta = (1 << 7 )
payloadRange = (1 << 6 ) | (1 << 7 )
type CompressedSetIter struct {
content []byte
offset int
seqlength uint64
timestamp uint32
lastValue uint128
func (it *CompressedSetIter ) Next () bool {
if it .seqlength != 0 {
value := incr128 (it .lastValue )
it .KSUID = value .ksuid (it .timestamp )
it .seqlength --
it .lastValue = value
return true
if it .offset == len (it .content ) {
return false
b := it .content [it .offset ]
it .offset ++
const mask = rawKSUID | timeDelta | payloadDelta | payloadRange
tag := int (b ) & mask
cnt := int (b ) & ^mask
switch tag {
case rawKSUID :
off0 := it .offset
off1 := off0 + byteLength
copy (it .KSUID [:], it .content [off0 :off1 ])
it .offset = off1
it .timestamp = it .KSUID .Timestamp ()
it .lastValue = uint128Payload (it .KSUID )
case timeDelta :
off0 := it .offset
off1 := off0 + cnt
off2 := off1 + payloadLengthInBytes
it .timestamp += varint32 (it .content [off0 :off1 ])
binary .BigEndian .PutUint32 (it .KSUID [:timestampLengthInBytes ], it .timestamp )
copy (it .KSUID [timestampLengthInBytes :], it .content [off1 :off2 ])
it .offset = off2
it .lastValue = uint128Payload (it .KSUID )
case payloadDelta :
off0 := it .offset
off1 := off0 + cnt
delta := varint128 (it .content [off0 :off1 ])
value := add128 (it .lastValue , delta )
it .KSUID = value .ksuid (it .timestamp )
it .offset = off1
it .lastValue = value
case payloadRange :
off0 := it .offset
off1 := off0 + cnt
value := incr128 (it .lastValue )
it .KSUID = value .ksuid (it .timestamp )
it .seqlength = varint64 (it .content [off0 :off1 ])
it .offset = off1
it .seqlength --
it .lastValue = value
default :
panic ("KSUID set iterator is reading malformed data" )
return true
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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