// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package ssh

import (

// debugTransport if set, will print packet types as they go over the
// wire. No message decoding is done, to minimize the impact on timing.
const debugTransport = false

const (
	gcm128CipherID = "aes128-gcm@openssh.com"
	gcm256CipherID = "aes256-gcm@openssh.com"
	aes128cbcID    = "aes128-cbc"
	tripledescbcID = "3des-cbc"

// packetConn represents a transport that implements packet based
// operations.
type packetConn interface {
	// Encrypt and send a packet of data to the remote peer.
	writePacket(packet []byte) error

	// Read a packet from the connection. The read is blocking,
	// i.e. if error is nil, then the returned byte slice is
	// always non-empty.
	readPacket() ([]byte, error)

	// Close closes the write-side of the connection.
	Close() error

// transport is the keyingTransport that implements the SSH packet
// protocol.
type transport struct {
	reader connectionState
	writer connectionState

	bufReader *bufio.Reader
	bufWriter *bufio.Writer
	rand      io.Reader
	isClient  bool

// packetCipher represents a combination of SSH encryption/MAC
// protocol.  A single instance should be used for one direction only.
type packetCipher interface {
	// writeCipherPacket encrypts the packet and writes it to w. The
	// contents of the packet are generally scrambled.
	writeCipherPacket(seqnum uint32, w io.Writer, rand io.Reader, packet []byte) error

	// readCipherPacket reads and decrypts a packet of data. The
	// returned packet may be overwritten by future calls of
	// readPacket.
	readCipherPacket(seqnum uint32, r io.Reader) ([]byte, error)

// connectionState represents one side (read or write) of the
// connection. This is necessary because each direction has its own
// keys, and can even have its own algorithms
type connectionState struct {
	seqNum           uint32
	dir              direction
	pendingKeyChange chan packetCipher

// prepareKeyChange sets up key material for a keychange. The key changes in
// both directions are triggered by reading and writing a msgNewKey packet
// respectively.
func ( *transport) ( *algorithms,  *kexResult) error {
	,  := newPacketCipher(.reader.dir, .r, )
	if  != nil {
	.reader.pendingKeyChange <- 

	,  = newPacketCipher(.writer.dir, .w, )
	if  != nil {
	.writer.pendingKeyChange <- 

	return nil

func ( *transport) ( []byte,  bool) {
	if len() == 0 {
	 := "server"
	if .isClient {
		 = "client"
	 := "read"
	if  {
		 = "write"

	log.Println(, , [0])

// Read and decrypt next packet.
func ( *transport) () ( []byte,  error) {
	for {
		,  = .reader.readPacket(.bufReader)
		if  != nil {
		if len() == 0 || ([0] != msgIgnore && [0] != msgDebug) {
	if debugTransport {
		.printPacket(, false)

	return , 

func ( *connectionState) ( *bufio.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
	,  := .packetCipher.readCipherPacket(.seqNum, )
	if  == nil && len() == 0 {
		 = errors.New("ssh: zero length packet")

	if len() > 0 {
		switch [0] {
		case msgNewKeys:
			select {
			case  := <-.pendingKeyChange:
				.packetCipher = 
				return nil, errors.New("ssh: got bogus newkeys message")

		case msgDisconnect:
			// Transform a disconnect message into an
			// error. Since this is lowest level at which
			// we interpret message types, doing it here
			// ensures that we don't have to handle it
			// elsewhere.
			var  disconnectMsg
			if  := Unmarshal(, &);  != nil {
				return nil, 
			return nil, &

	// The packet may point to an internal buffer, so copy the
	// packet out here.
	 := make([]byte, len())
	copy(, )

	return , 

func ( *transport) ( []byte) error {
	if debugTransport {
		.printPacket(, true)
	return .writer.writePacket(.bufWriter, .rand, )

func ( *connectionState) ( *bufio.Writer,  io.Reader,  []byte) error {
	 := len() > 0 && [0] == msgNewKeys

	 := .packetCipher.writeCipherPacket(.seqNum, , , )
	if  != nil {
	if  = .Flush();  != nil {
	if  {
		select {
		case  := <-.pendingKeyChange:
			.packetCipher = 
			panic("ssh: no key material for msgNewKeys")

func newTransport( io.ReadWriteCloser,  io.Reader,  bool) *transport {
	 := &transport{
		bufReader: bufio.NewReader(),
		bufWriter: bufio.NewWriter(),
		rand:      ,
		reader: connectionState{
			packetCipher:     &streamPacketCipher{cipher: noneCipher{}},
			pendingKeyChange: make(chan packetCipher, 1),
		writer: connectionState{
			packetCipher:     &streamPacketCipher{cipher: noneCipher{}},
			pendingKeyChange: make(chan packetCipher, 1),
		Closer: ,
	.isClient = 

	if  {
		.reader.dir = serverKeys
		.writer.dir = clientKeys
	} else {
		.reader.dir = clientKeys
		.writer.dir = serverKeys


type direction struct {
	ivTag     []byte
	keyTag    []byte
	macKeyTag []byte

var (
	serverKeys = direction{[]byte{'B'}, []byte{'D'}, []byte{'F'}}
	clientKeys = direction{[]byte{'A'}, []byte{'C'}, []byte{'E'}}

// setupKeys sets the cipher and MAC keys from kex.K, kex.H and sessionId, as
// described in RFC 4253, section 6.4. direction should either be serverKeys
// (to setup server->client keys) or clientKeys (for client->server keys).
func newPacketCipher( direction,  directionAlgorithms,  *kexResult) (packetCipher, error) {
	 := cipherModes[.Cipher]

	 := make([]byte, .ivSize)
	 := make([]byte, .keySize)

	generateKeyMaterial(, .ivTag, )
	generateKeyMaterial(, .keyTag, )

	var  []byte
	if !aeadCiphers[.Cipher] {
		 := macModes[.MAC]
		 = make([]byte, .keySize)
		generateKeyMaterial(, .macKeyTag, )

	return cipherModes[.Cipher].create(, , , )

// generateKeyMaterial fills out with key material generated from tag, K, H
// and sessionId, as specified in RFC 4253, section 7.2.
func generateKeyMaterial(,  []byte,  *kexResult) {
	var  []byte

	 := .Hash.New()
	for len() > 0 {

		if len() == 0 {
		} else {

		 := .Sum(nil)
		 := copy(, )
		 = [:]
		if len() > 0 {
			 = append(, ...)

const packageVersion = "SSH-2.0-Go"

// Sends and receives a version line.  The versionLine string should
// be US ASCII, start with "SSH-2.0-", and should not include a
// newline. exchangeVersions returns the other side's version line.
func exchangeVersions( io.ReadWriter,  []byte) ( []byte,  error) {
	// Contrary to the RFC, we do not ignore lines that don't
	// start with "SSH-2.0-" to make the library usable with
	// nonconforming servers.
	for ,  := range  {
		// The spec disallows non US-ASCII chars, and
		// specifically forbids null chars.
		if  < 32 {
			return nil, errors.New("ssh: junk character in version line")
	if _,  = .Write(append(, '\r', '\n'));  != nil {

	,  = readVersion()
	return , 

// maxVersionStringBytes is the maximum number of bytes that we'll
// accept as a version string. RFC 4253 section 4.2 limits this at 255
// chars
const maxVersionStringBytes = 255

// Read version string as specified by RFC 4253, section 4.2.
func readVersion( io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
	 := make([]byte, 0, 64)
	var  bool
	var  [1]byte

	for  := 0;  < maxVersionStringBytes; ++ {
		,  := io.ReadFull(, [:])
		if  != nil {
			return nil, 
		// The RFC says that the version should be terminated with \r\n
		// but several SSH servers actually only send a \n.
		if [0] == '\n' {
			if !bytes.HasPrefix(, []byte("SSH-")) {
				// RFC 4253 says we need to ignore all version string lines
				// except the one containing the SSH version (provided that
				// all the lines do not exceed 255 bytes in total).
				 = [:0]
			 = true

		// non ASCII chars are disallowed, but we are lenient,
		// since Go doesn't use null-terminated strings.

		// The RFC allows a comment after a space, however,
		// all of it (version and comments) goes into the
		// session hash.
		 = append(, [0])

	if ! {
		return nil, errors.New("ssh: overflow reading version string")

	// There might be a '\r' on the end which we should remove.
	if len() > 0 && [len()-1] == '\r' {
		 = [:len()-1]
	return , nil