package html
import (
a ""
type parser struct {
tokenizer *Tokenizer
tok Token
hasSelfClosingToken bool
doc *Node
oe, afe nodeStack
head, form *Node
scripting, framesetOK bool
templateStack insertionModeStack
im insertionMode
originalIM insertionMode
fosterParenting bool
quirks bool
fragment bool
context *Node
func (p *parser ) top () *Node {
if n := p .oe .top (); n != nil {
return n
return p .doc
var (
defaultScopeStopTags = map [string ][]a .Atom {
"" : {a .Applet , a .Caption , a .Html , a .Table , a .Td , a .Th , a .Marquee , a .Object , a .Template },
"math" : {a .AnnotationXml , a .Mi , a .Mn , a .Mo , a .Ms , a .Mtext },
"svg" : {a .Desc , a .ForeignObject , a .Title },
type scope int
const (
defaultScope scope = iota
func (p *parser ) popUntil (s scope , matchTags ...a .Atom ) bool {
if i := p .indexOfElementInScope (s , matchTags ...); i != -1 {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
return true
return false
func (p *parser ) indexOfElementInScope (s scope , matchTags ...a .Atom ) int {
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
tagAtom := p .oe [i ].DataAtom
if p .oe [i ].Namespace == "" {
for _ , t := range matchTags {
if t == tagAtom {
return i
switch s {
case defaultScope :
case listItemScope :
if tagAtom == a .Ol || tagAtom == a .Ul {
return -1
case buttonScope :
if tagAtom == a .Button {
return -1
case tableScope :
if tagAtom == a .Html || tagAtom == a .Table || tagAtom == a .Template {
return -1
case selectScope :
if tagAtom != a .Optgroup && tagAtom != a .Option {
return -1
default :
panic ("unreachable" )
switch s {
case defaultScope , listItemScope , buttonScope :
for _ , t := range defaultScopeStopTags [p .oe [i ].Namespace ] {
if t == tagAtom {
return -1
return -1
func (p *parser ) elementInScope (s scope , matchTags ...a .Atom ) bool {
return p .indexOfElementInScope (s , matchTags ...) != -1
func (p *parser ) clearStackToContext (s scope ) {
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
tagAtom := p .oe [i ].DataAtom
switch s {
case tableScope :
if tagAtom == a .Html || tagAtom == a .Table || tagAtom == a .Template {
p .oe = p .oe [:i +1 ]
case tableRowScope :
if tagAtom == a .Html || tagAtom == a .Tr || tagAtom == a .Template {
p .oe = p .oe [:i +1 ]
case tableBodyScope :
if tagAtom == a .Html || tagAtom == a .Tbody || tagAtom == a .Tfoot || tagAtom == a .Thead || tagAtom == a .Template {
p .oe = p .oe [:i +1 ]
default :
panic ("unreachable" )
func (p *parser ) parseGenericRawTextElement () {
p .addElement ()
p .originalIM = p .im
p .im = textIM
func (p *parser ) generateImpliedEndTags (exceptions ...string ) {
var i int
loop :
for i = len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
n := p .oe [i ]
if n .Type != ElementNode {
switch n .DataAtom {
case a .Dd , a .Dt , a .Li , a .Optgroup , a .Option , a .P , a .Rb , a .Rp , a .Rt , a .Rtc :
for _ , except := range exceptions {
if n .Data == except {
break loop
p .oe = p .oe [:i +1 ]
func (p *parser ) addChild (n *Node ) {
if p .shouldFosterParent () {
p .fosterParent (n )
} else {
p .top ().AppendChild (n )
if n .Type == ElementNode {
p .oe = append (p .oe , n )
func (p *parser ) shouldFosterParent () bool {
if p .fosterParenting {
switch p .top ().DataAtom {
case a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
return true
return false
func (p *parser ) fosterParent (n *Node ) {
var table , parent , prev , template *Node
var i int
for i = len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if p .oe [i ].DataAtom == a .Table {
table = p .oe [i ]
var j int
for j = len (p .oe ) - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- {
if p .oe [j ].DataAtom == a .Template {
template = p .oe [j ]
if template != nil && (table == nil || j > i ) {
template .AppendChild (n )
if table == nil {
parent = p .oe [0 ]
} else {
parent = table .Parent
if parent == nil {
parent = p .oe [i -1 ]
if table != nil {
prev = table .PrevSibling
} else {
prev = parent .LastChild
if prev != nil && prev .Type == TextNode && n .Type == TextNode {
prev .Data += n .Data
parent .InsertBefore (n , table )
func (p *parser ) addText (text string ) {
if text == "" {
if p .shouldFosterParent () {
p .fosterParent (&Node {
Type : TextNode ,
Data : text ,
t := p .top ()
if n := t .LastChild ; n != nil && n .Type == TextNode {
n .Data += text
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : TextNode ,
Data : text ,
func (p *parser ) addElement () {
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : ElementNode ,
DataAtom : p .tok .DataAtom ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
Attr : p .tok .Attr ,
func (p *parser ) addFormattingElement () {
tagAtom , attr := p .tok .DataAtom , p .tok .Attr
p .addElement ()
identicalElements := 0
findIdenticalElements :
for i := len (p .afe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
n := p .afe [i ]
if n .Type == scopeMarkerNode {
if n .Type != ElementNode {
if n .Namespace != "" {
if n .DataAtom != tagAtom {
if len (n .Attr ) != len (attr ) {
compareAttributes :
for _ , t0 := range n .Attr {
for _ , t1 := range attr {
if t0 .Key == t1 .Key && t0 .Namespace == t1 .Namespace && t0 .Val == t1 .Val {
continue compareAttributes
continue findIdenticalElements
identicalElements ++
if identicalElements >= 3 {
p .afe .remove (n )
p .afe = append (p .afe , p .top ())
func (p *parser ) clearActiveFormattingElements () {
for {
if n := p .afe .pop (); len (p .afe ) == 0 || n .Type == scopeMarkerNode {
func (p *parser ) reconstructActiveFormattingElements () {
n := p .afe .top ()
if n == nil {
if n .Type == scopeMarkerNode || p .oe .index (n ) != -1 {
i := len (p .afe ) - 1
for n .Type != scopeMarkerNode && p .oe .index (n ) == -1 {
if i == 0 {
i = -1
i --
n = p .afe [i ]
for {
i ++
clone := p .afe [i ].clone ()
p .addChild (clone )
p .afe [i ] = clone
if i == len (p .afe )-1 {
func (p *parser ) acknowledgeSelfClosingTag () {
p .hasSelfClosingToken = false
type insertionMode func (*parser ) bool
func (p *parser ) setOriginalIM () {
if p .originalIM != nil {
panic ("html: bad parser state: originalIM was set twice" )
p .originalIM = p .im
func (p *parser ) resetInsertionMode () {
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
n := p .oe [i ]
last := i == 0
if last && p .context != nil {
n = p .context
switch n .DataAtom {
case a .Select :
if !last {
for ancestor , first := n , p .oe [0 ]; ancestor != first ; {
ancestor = p .oe [p .oe .index (ancestor )-1 ]
switch ancestor .DataAtom {
case a .Template :
p .im = inSelectIM
case a .Table :
p .im = inSelectInTableIM
p .im = inSelectIM
case a .Td , a .Th :
p .im = inCellIM
case a .Tr :
p .im = inRowIM
case a .Tbody , a .Thead , a .Tfoot :
p .im = inTableBodyIM
case a .Caption :
p .im = inCaptionIM
case a .Colgroup :
p .im = inColumnGroupIM
case a .Table :
p .im = inTableIM
case a .Template :
if n .Namespace != "" {
p .im = p .templateStack .top ()
case a .Head :
p .im = inHeadIM
case a .Body :
p .im = inBodyIM
case a .Frameset :
p .im = inFramesetIM
case a .Html :
if p .head == nil {
p .im = beforeHeadIM
} else {
p .im = afterHeadIM
default :
if last {
p .im = inBodyIM
const whitespace = " \t\r\n\f"
func initialIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
p .tok .Data = strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (p .tok .Data ) == 0 {
return true
case CommentToken :
p .doc .AppendChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
n , quirks := parseDoctype (p .tok .Data )
p .doc .AppendChild (n )
p .quirks = quirks
p .im = beforeHTMLIM
return true
p .quirks = true
p .im = beforeHTMLIM
return false
func beforeHTMLIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case DoctypeToken :
return true
case TextToken :
p .tok .Data = strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (p .tok .Data ) == 0 {
return true
case StartTagToken :
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Html {
p .addElement ()
p .im = beforeHeadIM
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Head , a .Body , a .Html , a .Br :
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Html , a .Html .String ())
return false
default :
return true
case CommentToken :
p .doc .AppendChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Html , a .Html .String ())
return false
func beforeHeadIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
p .tok .Data = strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (p .tok .Data ) == 0 {
return true
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Head :
p .addElement ()
p .head = p .top ()
p .im = inHeadIM
return true
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Head , a .Body , a .Html , a .Br :
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Head , a .Head .String ())
return false
default :
return true
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return true
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Head , a .Head .String ())
return false
func inHeadIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) < len (p .tok .Data ) {
p .addText (p .tok .Data [:len (p .tok .Data )-len (s )])
if s == "" {
return true
p .tok .Data = s
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Base , a .Basefont , a .Bgsound , a .Link , a .Meta :
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
return true
case a .Noscript :
if p .scripting {
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
return true
p .addElement ()
p .im = inHeadNoscriptIM
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
return true
case a .Script , a .Title :
p .addElement ()
p .setOriginalIM ()
p .im = textIM
return true
case a .Noframes , a .Style :
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
return true
case a .Head :
return true
case a .Template :
for _ , e := range p .oe {
if e .Namespace != "" {
p .im = ignoreTheRemainingTokens
return true
p .addElement ()
p .afe = append (p .afe , &scopeMarker )
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inTemplateIM
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inTemplateIM )
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Head :
p .oe .pop ()
p .im = afterHeadIM
return true
case a .Body , a .Html , a .Br :
p .parseImpliedToken (EndTagToken , a .Head , a .Head .String ())
return false
case a .Template :
if !p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
return true
p .generateImpliedEndTags ()
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if n := p .oe [i ]; n .Namespace == "" && n .DataAtom == a .Template {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .resetInsertionMode ()
return true
default :
return true
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return true
p .parseImpliedToken (EndTagToken , a .Head , a .Head .String ())
return false
func inHeadNoscriptIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case DoctypeToken :
return true
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Basefont , a .Bgsound , a .Link , a .Meta , a .Noframes , a .Style :
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Head :
return true
case a .Noscript :
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Noscript , a .Br :
default :
return true
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) == 0 {
return inHeadIM (p )
case CommentToken :
return inHeadIM (p )
p .oe .pop ()
if p .top ().DataAtom != a .Head {
panic ("html: the new current node will be a head element." )
p .im = inHeadIM
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Noscript {
return true
return false
func afterHeadIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) < len (p .tok .Data ) {
p .addText (p .tok .Data [:len (p .tok .Data )-len (s )])
if s == "" {
return true
p .tok .Data = s
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Body :
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inBodyIM
return true
case a .Frameset :
p .addElement ()
p .im = inFramesetIM
return true
case a .Base , a .Basefont , a .Bgsound , a .Link , a .Meta , a .Noframes , a .Script , a .Style , a .Template , a .Title :
p .oe = append (p .oe , p .head )
defer p .oe .remove (p .head )
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Head :
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Body , a .Html , a .Br :
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
default :
return true
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return true
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Body , a .Body .String ())
p .framesetOK = true
return false
func copyAttributes(dst *Node , src Token ) {
if len (src .Attr ) == 0 {
attr := map [string ]string {}
for _ , t := range dst .Attr {
attr [t .Key ] = t .Val
for _ , t := range src .Attr {
if _ , ok := attr [t .Key ]; !ok {
dst .Attr = append (dst .Attr , t )
attr [t .Key ] = t .Val
func inBodyIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
d := p .tok .Data
switch n := p .oe .top (); n .DataAtom {
case a .Pre , a .Listing :
if n .FirstChild == nil {
if d != "" && d [0 ] == '\r' {
d = d [1 :]
if d != "" && d [0 ] == '\n' {
d = d [1 :]
d = strings .Replace (d , "\x00" , "" , -1 )
if d == "" {
return true
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addText (d )
if p .framesetOK && strings .TrimLeft (d , whitespace ) != "" {
p .framesetOK = false
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
if p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
return true
copyAttributes (p .oe [0 ], p .tok )
case a .Base , a .Basefont , a .Bgsound , a .Link , a .Meta , a .Noframes , a .Script , a .Style , a .Template , a .Title :
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Body :
if p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
return true
if len (p .oe ) >= 2 {
body := p .oe [1 ]
if body .Type == ElementNode && body .DataAtom == a .Body {
p .framesetOK = false
copyAttributes (body , p .tok )
case a .Frameset :
if !p .framesetOK || len (p .oe ) < 2 || p .oe [1 ].DataAtom != a .Body {
return true
body := p .oe [1 ]
if body .Parent != nil {
body .Parent .RemoveChild (body )
p .oe = p .oe [:1 ]
p .addElement ()
p .im = inFramesetIM
return true
case a .Address , a .Article , a .Aside , a .Blockquote , a .Center , a .Details , a .Dialog , a .Dir , a .Div , a .Dl , a .Fieldset , a .Figcaption , a .Figure , a .Footer , a .Header , a .Hgroup , a .Main , a .Menu , a .Nav , a .Ol , a .P , a .Section , a .Summary , a .Ul :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
case a .H1 , a .H2 , a .H3 , a .H4 , a .H5 , a .H6 :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
switch n := p .top (); n .DataAtom {
case a .H1 , a .H2 , a .H3 , a .H4 , a .H5 , a .H6 :
p .oe .pop ()
p .addElement ()
case a .Pre , a .Listing :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
case a .Form :
if p .form != nil && !p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
return true
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
if !p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
p .form = p .top ()
case a .Li :
p .framesetOK = false
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
node := p .oe [i ]
switch node .DataAtom {
case a .Li :
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
case a .Address , a .Div , a .P :
default :
if !isSpecialElement (node ) {
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
case a .Dd , a .Dt :
p .framesetOK = false
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
node := p .oe [i ]
switch node .DataAtom {
case a .Dd , a .Dt :
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
case a .Address , a .Div , a .P :
default :
if !isSpecialElement (node ) {
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
case a .Plaintext :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
case a .Button :
p .popUntil (defaultScope , a .Button )
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
case a .A :
for i := len (p .afe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 && p .afe [i ].Type != scopeMarkerNode ; i -- {
if n := p .afe [i ]; n .Type == ElementNode && n .DataAtom == a .A {
p .inBodyEndTagFormatting (a .A , "a" )
p .oe .remove (n )
p .afe .remove (n )
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addFormattingElement ()
case a .B , a .Big , a .Code , a .Em , a .Font , a .I , a .S , a .Small , a .Strike , a .Strong , a .Tt , a .U :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addFormattingElement ()
case a .Nobr :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
if p .elementInScope (defaultScope , a .Nobr ) {
p .inBodyEndTagFormatting (a .Nobr , "nobr" )
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addFormattingElement ()
case a .Applet , a .Marquee , a .Object :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .afe = append (p .afe , &scopeMarker )
p .framesetOK = false
case a .Table :
if !p .quirks {
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inTableIM
return true
case a .Area , a .Br , a .Embed , a .Img , a .Input , a .Keygen , a .Wbr :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Input {
for _ , t := range p .tok .Attr {
if t .Key == "type" {
if strings .ToLower (t .Val ) == "hidden" {
return true
p .framesetOK = false
case a .Param , a .Source , a .Track :
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
case a .Hr :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
p .framesetOK = false
case a .Image :
p .tok .DataAtom = a .Img
p .tok .Data = a .Img .String ()
return false
case a .Textarea :
p .addElement ()
p .setOriginalIM ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = textIM
case a .Xmp :
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
case a .Iframe :
p .framesetOK = false
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
case a .Noembed :
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
case a .Noscript :
if p .scripting {
p .parseGenericRawTextElement ()
return true
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
case a .Select :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inSelectIM
return true
case a .Optgroup , a .Option :
if p .top ().DataAtom == a .Option {
p .oe .pop ()
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
case a .Rb , a .Rtc :
if p .elementInScope (defaultScope , a .Ruby ) {
p .generateImpliedEndTags ()
p .addElement ()
case a .Rp , a .Rt :
if p .elementInScope (defaultScope , a .Ruby ) {
p .generateImpliedEndTags ("rtc" )
p .addElement ()
case a .Math , a .Svg :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Math {
adjustAttributeNames (p .tok .Attr , mathMLAttributeAdjustments )
} else {
adjustAttributeNames (p .tok .Attr , svgAttributeAdjustments )
adjustForeignAttributes (p .tok .Attr )
p .addElement ()
p .top ().Namespace = p .tok .Data
if p .hasSelfClosingToken {
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
return true
case a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Frame , a .Head , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Th , a .Thead , a .Tr :
default :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Body :
if p .elementInScope (defaultScope , a .Body ) {
p .im = afterBodyIM
case a .Html :
if p .elementInScope (defaultScope , a .Body ) {
p .parseImpliedToken (EndTagToken , a .Body , a .Body .String ())
return false
return true
case a .Address , a .Article , a .Aside , a .Blockquote , a .Button , a .Center , a .Details , a .Dialog , a .Dir , a .Div , a .Dl , a .Fieldset , a .Figcaption , a .Figure , a .Footer , a .Header , a .Hgroup , a .Listing , a .Main , a .Menu , a .Nav , a .Ol , a .Pre , a .Section , a .Summary , a .Ul :
p .popUntil (defaultScope , p .tok .DataAtom )
case a .Form :
if p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
i := p .indexOfElementInScope (defaultScope , a .Form )
if i == -1 {
return true
p .generateImpliedEndTags ()
if p .oe [i ].DataAtom != a .Form {
return true
p .popUntil (defaultScope , a .Form )
} else {
node := p .form
p .form = nil
i := p .indexOfElementInScope (defaultScope , a .Form )
if node == nil || i == -1 || p .oe [i ] != node {
return true
p .generateImpliedEndTags ()
p .oe .remove (node )
case a .P :
if !p .elementInScope (buttonScope , a .P ) {
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .P , a .P .String ())
p .popUntil (buttonScope , a .P )
case a .Li :
p .popUntil (listItemScope , a .Li )
case a .Dd , a .Dt :
p .popUntil (defaultScope , p .tok .DataAtom )
case a .H1 , a .H2 , a .H3 , a .H4 , a .H5 , a .H6 :
p .popUntil (defaultScope , a .H1 , a .H2 , a .H3 , a .H4 , a .H5 , a .H6 )
case a .A , a .B , a .Big , a .Code , a .Em , a .Font , a .I , a .Nobr , a .S , a .Small , a .Strike , a .Strong , a .Tt , a .U :
p .inBodyEndTagFormatting (p .tok .DataAtom , p .tok .Data )
case a .Applet , a .Marquee , a .Object :
if p .popUntil (defaultScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
case a .Br :
p .tok .Type = StartTagToken
return false
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
default :
p .inBodyEndTagOther (p .tok .DataAtom , p .tok .Data )
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case ErrorToken :
if len (p .templateStack ) > 0 {
p .im = inTemplateIM
return false
for _ , e := range p .oe {
switch e .DataAtom {
case a .Dd , a .Dt , a .Li , a .Optgroup , a .Option , a .P , a .Rb , a .Rp , a .Rt , a .Rtc , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Th ,
a .Thead , a .Tr , a .Body , a .Html :
default :
return true
return true
func (p *parser ) inBodyEndTagFormatting (tagAtom a .Atom , tagName string ) {
if current := p .oe .top (); current .Data == tagName && p .afe .index (current ) == -1 {
p .oe .pop ()
for i := 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ {
var formattingElement *Node
for j := len (p .afe ) - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j -- {
if p .afe [j ].Type == scopeMarkerNode {
if p .afe [j ].DataAtom == tagAtom {
formattingElement = p .afe [j ]
if formattingElement == nil {
p .inBodyEndTagOther (tagAtom , tagName )
feIndex := p .oe .index (formattingElement )
if feIndex == -1 {
p .afe .remove (formattingElement )
if !p .elementInScope (defaultScope , tagAtom ) {
var furthestBlock *Node
for _ , e := range p .oe [feIndex :] {
if isSpecialElement (e ) {
furthestBlock = e
if furthestBlock == nil {
e := p .oe .pop ()
for e != formattingElement {
e = p .oe .pop ()
p .afe .remove (e )
commonAncestor := p .oe [feIndex -1 ]
bookmark := p .afe .index (formattingElement )
lastNode := furthestBlock
node := furthestBlock
x := p .oe .index (node )
j := 0
for {
j ++
x --
node = p .oe [x ]
if node == formattingElement {
if ni := p .afe .index (node ); j > 3 && ni > -1 {
p .afe .remove (node )
if ni <= bookmark {
bookmark --
if p .afe .index (node ) == -1 {
p .oe .remove (node )
clone := node .clone ()
p .afe [p .afe .index (node )] = clone
p .oe [p .oe .index (node )] = clone
node = clone
if lastNode == furthestBlock {
bookmark = p .afe .index (node ) + 1
if lastNode .Parent != nil {
lastNode .Parent .RemoveChild (lastNode )
node .AppendChild (lastNode )
lastNode = node
if lastNode .Parent != nil {
lastNode .Parent .RemoveChild (lastNode )
switch commonAncestor .DataAtom {
case a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
p .fosterParent (lastNode )
default :
commonAncestor .AppendChild (lastNode )
clone := formattingElement .clone ()
reparentChildren (clone , furthestBlock )
furthestBlock .AppendChild (clone )
if oldLoc := p .afe .index (formattingElement ); oldLoc != -1 && oldLoc < bookmark {
bookmark --
p .afe .remove (formattingElement )
p .afe .insert (bookmark , clone )
p .oe .remove (formattingElement )
p .oe .insert (p .oe .index (furthestBlock )+1 , clone )
func (p *parser ) inBodyEndTagOther (tagAtom a .Atom , tagName string ) {
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if (p .oe [i ].DataAtom == tagAtom ) &&
((tagAtom != 0 ) || (p .oe [i ].Data == tagName )) {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
if isSpecialElement (p .oe [i ]) {
func textIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case ErrorToken :
p .oe .pop ()
case TextToken :
d := p .tok .Data
if n := p .oe .top (); n .DataAtom == a .Textarea && n .FirstChild == nil {
if d != "" && d [0 ] == '\r' {
d = d [1 :]
if d != "" && d [0 ] == '\n' {
d = d [1 :]
if d == "" {
return true
p .addText (d )
return true
case EndTagToken :
p .oe .pop ()
p .im = p .originalIM
p .originalIM = nil
return p .tok .Type == EndTagToken
func inTableIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
p .tok .Data = strings .Replace (p .tok .Data , "\x00" , "" , -1 )
switch p .oe .top ().DataAtom {
case a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
if strings .Trim (p .tok .Data , whitespace ) == "" {
p .addText (p .tok .Data )
return true
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Caption :
p .clearStackToContext (tableScope )
p .afe = append (p .afe , &scopeMarker )
p .addElement ()
p .im = inCaptionIM
return true
case a .Colgroup :
p .clearStackToContext (tableScope )
p .addElement ()
p .im = inColumnGroupIM
return true
case a .Col :
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Colgroup , a .Colgroup .String ())
return false
case a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead :
p .clearStackToContext (tableScope )
p .addElement ()
p .im = inTableBodyIM
return true
case a .Td , a .Th , a .Tr :
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Tbody , a .Tbody .String ())
return false
case a .Table :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Table ) {
p .resetInsertionMode ()
return false
return true
case a .Style , a .Script , a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Input :
for _ , t := range p .tok .Attr {
if t .Key == "type" && strings .ToLower (t .Val ) == "hidden" {
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
return true
case a .Form :
if p .oe .contains (a .Template ) || p .form != nil {
return true
p .addElement ()
p .form = p .oe .pop ()
case a .Select :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
switch p .top ().DataAtom {
case a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
p .fosterParenting = true
p .addElement ()
p .fosterParenting = false
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inSelectInTableIM
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Table :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Table ) {
p .resetInsertionMode ()
return true
return true
case a .Body , a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Html , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Th , a .Thead , a .Tr :
return true
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return true
case ErrorToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
p .fosterParenting = true
defer func () { p .fosterParenting = false }()
return inBodyIM (p )
func inCaptionIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
if !p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Caption ) {
return true
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inTableIM
return false
case a .Select :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inSelectInTableIM
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Caption :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Caption ) {
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inTableIM
return true
case a .Table :
if !p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Caption ) {
return true
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inTableIM
return false
case a .Body , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Html , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Th , a .Thead , a .Tr :
return true
return inBodyIM (p )
func inColumnGroupIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) < len (p .tok .Data ) {
p .addText (p .tok .Data [:len (p .tok .Data )-len (s )])
if s == "" {
return true
p .tok .Data = s
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return true
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Col :
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
return true
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Colgroup :
if p .oe .top ().DataAtom == a .Colgroup {
p .oe .pop ()
p .im = inTableIM
return true
case a .Col :
return true
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case ErrorToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
if p .oe .top ().DataAtom != a .Colgroup {
return true
p .oe .pop ()
p .im = inTableIM
return false
func inTableBodyIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Tr :
p .clearStackToContext (tableBodyScope )
p .addElement ()
p .im = inRowIM
return true
case a .Td , a .Th :
p .parseImpliedToken (StartTagToken , a .Tr , a .Tr .String ())
return false
case a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Tbody , a .Thead , a .Tfoot ) {
p .im = inTableIM
return false
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead :
if p .elementInScope (tableScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
p .clearStackToContext (tableBodyScope )
p .oe .pop ()
p .im = inTableIM
return true
case a .Table :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Tbody , a .Thead , a .Tfoot ) {
p .im = inTableIM
return false
return true
case a .Body , a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Html , a .Td , a .Th , a .Tr :
return true
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
return inTableIM (p )
func inRowIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Td , a .Th :
p .clearStackToContext (tableRowScope )
p .addElement ()
p .afe = append (p .afe , &scopeMarker )
p .im = inCellIM
return true
case a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Tr ) {
p .im = inTableBodyIM
return false
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Tr :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Tr ) {
p .im = inTableBodyIM
return true
return true
case a .Table :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Tr ) {
p .im = inTableBodyIM
return false
return true
case a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead :
if p .elementInScope (tableScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
p .parseImpliedToken (EndTagToken , a .Tr , a .Tr .String ())
return false
return true
case a .Body , a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Html , a .Td , a .Th :
return true
return inTableIM (p )
func inCellIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Tbody , a .Td , a .Tfoot , a .Th , a .Thead , a .Tr :
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Td , a .Th ) {
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inRowIM
return false
return true
case a .Select :
p .reconstructActiveFormattingElements ()
p .addElement ()
p .framesetOK = false
p .im = inSelectInTableIM
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Td , a .Th :
if !p .popUntil (tableScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
return true
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inRowIM
return true
case a .Body , a .Caption , a .Col , a .Colgroup , a .Html :
return true
case a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr :
if !p .elementInScope (tableScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
return true
if p .popUntil (tableScope , a .Td , a .Th ) {
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .im = inRowIM
return false
return inBodyIM (p )
func inSelectIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
p .addText (strings .Replace (p .tok .Data , "\x00" , "" , -1 ))
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Option :
if p .top ().DataAtom == a .Option {
p .oe .pop ()
p .addElement ()
case a .Optgroup :
if p .top ().DataAtom == a .Option {
p .oe .pop ()
if p .top ().DataAtom == a .Optgroup {
p .oe .pop ()
p .addElement ()
case a .Select :
if !p .popUntil (selectScope , a .Select ) {
return true
p .resetInsertionMode ()
case a .Input , a .Keygen , a .Textarea :
if p .elementInScope (selectScope , a .Select ) {
p .parseImpliedToken (EndTagToken , a .Select , a .Select .String ())
return false
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
return true
case a .Script , a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Iframe , a .Noembed , a .Noframes , a .Noscript , a .Plaintext , a .Style , a .Title , a .Xmp :
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
return true
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Option :
if p .top ().DataAtom == a .Option {
p .oe .pop ()
case a .Optgroup :
i := len (p .oe ) - 1
if p .oe [i ].DataAtom == a .Option {
i --
if p .oe [i ].DataAtom == a .Optgroup {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
case a .Select :
if !p .popUntil (selectScope , a .Select ) {
return true
p .resetInsertionMode ()
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case DoctypeToken :
return true
case ErrorToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
return true
func inSelectInTableIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case StartTagToken , EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Caption , a .Table , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead , a .Tr , a .Td , a .Th :
if p .tok .Type == EndTagToken && !p .elementInScope (tableScope , p .tok .DataAtom ) {
return true
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if n := p .oe [i ]; n .DataAtom == a .Select {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
p .resetInsertionMode ()
return false
return inSelectIM (p )
func inTemplateIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken , CommentToken , DoctypeToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Base , a .Basefont , a .Bgsound , a .Link , a .Meta , a .Noframes , a .Script , a .Style , a .Template , a .Title :
return inHeadIM (p )
case a .Caption , a .Colgroup , a .Tbody , a .Tfoot , a .Thead :
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inTableIM )
p .im = inTableIM
return false
case a .Col :
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inColumnGroupIM )
p .im = inColumnGroupIM
return false
case a .Tr :
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inTableBodyIM )
p .im = inTableBodyIM
return false
case a .Td , a .Th :
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inRowIM )
p .im = inRowIM
return false
default :
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inBodyIM )
p .im = inBodyIM
return false
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Template :
return inHeadIM (p )
default :
return true
case ErrorToken :
if !p .oe .contains (a .Template ) {
return true
p .generateImpliedEndTags ()
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if n := p .oe [i ]; n .Namespace == "" && n .DataAtom == a .Template {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
p .clearActiveFormattingElements ()
p .templateStack .pop ()
p .resetInsertionMode ()
return false
return false
func afterBodyIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case ErrorToken :
return true
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) == 0 {
return inBodyIM (p )
case StartTagToken :
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Html {
return inBodyIM (p )
case EndTagToken :
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Html {
if !p .fragment {
p .im = afterAfterBodyIM
return true
case CommentToken :
if len (p .oe ) < 1 || p .oe [0 ].DataAtom != a .Html {
panic ("html: bad parser state: <html> element not found, in the after-body insertion mode" )
p .oe [0 ].AppendChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
p .im = inBodyIM
return false
func inFramesetIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case TextToken :
s := strings .Map (func (c rune ) rune {
switch c {
case ' ' , '\t' , '\n' , '\f' , '\r' :
return c
return -1
}, p .tok .Data )
if s != "" {
p .addText (s )
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Frameset :
p .addElement ()
case a .Frame :
p .addElement ()
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
case a .Noframes :
return inHeadIM (p )
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Frameset :
if p .oe .top ().DataAtom != a .Html {
p .oe .pop ()
if p .oe .top ().DataAtom != a .Frameset {
p .im = afterFramesetIM
return true
default :
return true
func afterFramesetIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case TextToken :
s := strings .Map (func (c rune ) rune {
switch c {
case ' ' , '\t' , '\n' , '\f' , '\r' :
return c
return -1
}, p .tok .Data )
if s != "" {
p .addText (s )
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Noframes :
return inHeadIM (p )
case EndTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
p .im = afterAfterFramesetIM
return true
default :
return true
func afterAfterBodyIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case ErrorToken :
return true
case TextToken :
s := strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespace )
if len (s ) == 0 {
return inBodyIM (p )
case StartTagToken :
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Html {
return inBodyIM (p )
case CommentToken :
p .doc .AppendChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
return true
case DoctypeToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
p .im = inBodyIM
return false
func afterAfterFramesetIM(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case CommentToken :
p .doc .AppendChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case TextToken :
s := strings .Map (func (c rune ) rune {
switch c {
case ' ' , '\t' , '\n' , '\f' , '\r' :
return c
return -1
}, p .tok .Data )
if s != "" {
p .tok .Data = s
return inBodyIM (p )
case StartTagToken :
switch p .tok .DataAtom {
case a .Html :
return inBodyIM (p )
case a .Noframes :
return inHeadIM (p )
case DoctypeToken :
return inBodyIM (p )
default :
return true
func ignoreTheRemainingTokens(p *parser ) bool {
return true
const whitespaceOrNUL = whitespace + "\x00"
func parseForeignContent(p *parser ) bool {
switch p .tok .Type {
case TextToken :
if p .framesetOK {
p .framesetOK = strings .TrimLeft (p .tok .Data , whitespaceOrNUL ) == ""
p .tok .Data = strings .Replace (p .tok .Data , "\x00" , "\ufffd" , -1 )
p .addText (p .tok .Data )
case CommentToken :
p .addChild (&Node {
Type : CommentNode ,
Data : p .tok .Data ,
case StartTagToken :
if !p .fragment {
b := breakout [p .tok .Data ]
if p .tok .DataAtom == a .Font {
loop :
for _ , attr := range p .tok .Attr {
switch attr .Key {
case "color" , "face" , "size" :
b = true
break loop
if b {
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
n := p .oe [i ]
if n .Namespace == "" || htmlIntegrationPoint (n ) || mathMLTextIntegrationPoint (n ) {
p .oe = p .oe [:i +1 ]
return false
current := p .adjustedCurrentNode ()
switch current .Namespace {
case "math" :
adjustAttributeNames (p .tok .Attr , mathMLAttributeAdjustments )
case "svg" :
if x := svgTagNameAdjustments [p .tok .Data ]; x != "" {
p .tok .DataAtom = a .Lookup ([]byte (x ))
p .tok .Data = x
adjustAttributeNames (p .tok .Attr , svgAttributeAdjustments )
default :
panic ("html: bad parser state: unexpected namespace" )
adjustForeignAttributes (p .tok .Attr )
namespace := current .Namespace
p .addElement ()
p .top ().Namespace = namespace
if namespace != "" {
p .tokenizer .NextIsNotRawText ()
if p .hasSelfClosingToken {
p .oe .pop ()
p .acknowledgeSelfClosingTag ()
case EndTagToken :
for i := len (p .oe ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if p .oe [i ].Namespace == "" {
return p .im (p )
if strings .EqualFold (p .oe [i ].Data , p .tok .Data ) {
p .oe = p .oe [:i ]
return true
default :
return true
func (p *parser ) adjustedCurrentNode () *Node {
if len (p .oe ) == 1 && p .fragment && p .context != nil {
return p .context
return p .oe .top ()
func (p *parser ) inForeignContent () bool {
if len (p .oe ) == 0 {
return false
n := p .adjustedCurrentNode ()
if n .Namespace == "" {
return false
if mathMLTextIntegrationPoint (n ) {
if p .tok .Type == StartTagToken && p .tok .DataAtom != a .Mglyph && p .tok .DataAtom != a .Malignmark {
return false
if p .tok .Type == TextToken {
return false
if n .Namespace == "math" && n .DataAtom == a .AnnotationXml && p .tok .Type == StartTagToken && p .tok .DataAtom == a .Svg {
return false
if htmlIntegrationPoint (n ) && (p .tok .Type == StartTagToken || p .tok .Type == TextToken ) {
return false
if p .tok .Type == ErrorToken {
return false
return true
func (p *parser ) parseImpliedToken (t TokenType , dataAtom a .Atom , data string ) {
realToken , selfClosing := p .tok , p .hasSelfClosingToken
p .tok = Token {
Type : t ,
DataAtom : dataAtom ,
Data : data ,
p .hasSelfClosingToken = false
p .parseCurrentToken ()
p .tok , p .hasSelfClosingToken = realToken , selfClosing
func (p *parser ) parseCurrentToken () {
if p .tok .Type == SelfClosingTagToken {
p .hasSelfClosingToken = true
p .tok .Type = StartTagToken
consumed := false
for !consumed {
if p .inForeignContent () {
consumed = parseForeignContent (p )
} else {
consumed = p .im (p )
if p .hasSelfClosingToken {
p .hasSelfClosingToken = false
func (p *parser ) parse () error {
var err error
for err != io .EOF {
n := p .oe .top ()
p .tokenizer .AllowCDATA (n != nil && n .Namespace != "" )
p .tokenizer .Next ()
p .tok = p .tokenizer .Token ()
if p .tok .Type == ErrorToken {
err = p .tokenizer .Err ()
if err != nil && err != io .EOF {
return err
p .parseCurrentToken ()
return nil
func Parse (r io .Reader ) (*Node , error ) {
return ParseWithOptions (r )
func ParseFragment (r io .Reader , context *Node ) ([]*Node , error ) {
return ParseFragmentWithOptions (r , context )
type ParseOption func (p *parser )
func ParseOptionEnableScripting (enable bool ) ParseOption {
return func (p *parser ) {
p .scripting = enable
func ParseWithOptions (r io .Reader , opts ...ParseOption ) (*Node , error ) {
p := &parser {
tokenizer : NewTokenizer (r ),
doc : &Node {
Type : DocumentNode ,
scripting : true ,
framesetOK : true ,
im : initialIM ,
for _ , f := range opts {
f (p )
if err := p .parse (); err != nil {
return nil , err
return p .doc , nil
func ParseFragmentWithOptions (r io .Reader , context *Node , opts ...ParseOption ) ([]*Node , error ) {
contextTag := ""
if context != nil {
if context .Type != ElementNode {
return nil , errors .New ("html: ParseFragment of non-element Node" )
if context .DataAtom != a .Lookup ([]byte (context .Data )) {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("html: inconsistent Node: DataAtom=%q, Data=%q" , context .DataAtom , context .Data )
contextTag = context .DataAtom .String ()
p := &parser {
doc : &Node {
Type : DocumentNode ,
scripting : true ,
fragment : true ,
context : context ,
if context != nil && context .Namespace != "" {
p .tokenizer = NewTokenizer (r )
} else {
p .tokenizer = NewTokenizerFragment (r , contextTag )
for _ , f := range opts {
f (p )
root := &Node {
Type : ElementNode ,
DataAtom : a .Html ,
Data : a .Html .String (),
p .doc .AppendChild (root )
p .oe = nodeStack {root }
if context != nil && context .DataAtom == a .Template {
p .templateStack = append (p .templateStack , inTemplateIM )
p .resetInsertionMode ()
for n := context ; n != nil ; n = n .Parent {
if n .Type == ElementNode && n .DataAtom == a .Form {
p .form = n
if err := p .parse (); err != nil {
return nil , err
parent := p .doc
if context != nil {
parent = root
var result []*Node
for c := parent .FirstChild ; c != nil ; {
next := c .NextSibling
parent .RemoveChild (c )
result = append (result , c )
c = next
return result , nil
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .