// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package html

import (


// A parser implements the HTML5 parsing algorithm:
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#tree-construction
type parser struct {
	// tokenizer provides the tokens for the parser.
	tokenizer *Tokenizer
	// tok is the most recently read token.
	tok Token
	// Self-closing tags like <hr/> are treated as start tags, except that
	// hasSelfClosingToken is set while they are being processed.
	hasSelfClosingToken bool
	// doc is the document root element.
	doc *Node
	// The stack of open elements (section and active formatting
	// elements (section
	oe, afe nodeStack
	// Element pointers (section
	head, form *Node
	// Other parsing state flags (section
	scripting, framesetOK bool
	// The stack of template insertion modes
	templateStack insertionModeStack
	// im is the current insertion mode.
	im insertionMode
	// originalIM is the insertion mode to go back to after completing a text
	// or inTableText insertion mode.
	originalIM insertionMode
	// fosterParenting is whether new elements should be inserted according to
	// the foster parenting rules (section
	fosterParenting bool
	// quirks is whether the parser is operating in "quirks mode."
	quirks bool
	// fragment is whether the parser is parsing an HTML fragment.
	fragment bool
	// context is the context element when parsing an HTML fragment
	// (section 12.4).
	context *Node

func ( *parser) () *Node {
	if  := .oe.top();  != nil {
	return .doc

// Stop tags for use in popUntil. These come from section
var (
	defaultScopeStopTags = map[string][]a.Atom{
		"":     {a.Applet, a.Caption, a.Html, a.Table, a.Td, a.Th, a.Marquee, a.Object, a.Template},
		"math": {a.AnnotationXml, a.Mi, a.Mn, a.Mo, a.Ms, a.Mtext},
		"svg":  {a.Desc, a.ForeignObject, a.Title},

type scope int

const (
	defaultScope scope = iota

// popUntil pops the stack of open elements at the highest element whose tag
// is in matchTags, provided there is no higher element in the scope's stop
// tags (as defined in section It returns whether or not there was
// such an element. If there was not, popUntil leaves the stack unchanged.
// For example, the set of stop tags for table scope is: "html", "table". If
// the stack was:
// ["html", "body", "font", "table", "b", "i", "u"]
// then popUntil(tableScope, "font") would return false, but
// popUntil(tableScope, "i") would return true and the stack would become:
// ["html", "body", "font", "table", "b"]
// If an element's tag is in both the stop tags and matchTags, then the stack
// will be popped and the function returns true (provided, of course, there was
// no higher element in the stack that was also in the stop tags). For example,
// popUntil(tableScope, "table") returns true and leaves:
// ["html", "body", "font"]
func ( *parser) ( scope,  ...a.Atom) bool {
	if  := .indexOfElementInScope(, ...);  != -1 {
		.oe = .oe[:]
		return true
	return false

// indexOfElementInScope returns the index in p.oe of the highest element whose
// tag is in matchTags that is in scope. If no matching element is in scope, it
// returns -1.
func ( *parser) ( scope,  ...a.Atom) int {
	for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		 := .oe[].DataAtom
		if .oe[].Namespace == "" {
			for ,  := range  {
				if  ==  {
			switch  {
			case defaultScope:
				// No-op.
			case listItemScope:
				if  == a.Ol ||  == a.Ul {
					return -1
			case buttonScope:
				if  == a.Button {
					return -1
			case tableScope:
				if  == a.Html ||  == a.Table ||  == a.Template {
					return -1
			case selectScope:
				if  != a.Optgroup &&  != a.Option {
					return -1
		switch  {
		case defaultScope, listItemScope, buttonScope:
			for ,  := range defaultScopeStopTags[.oe[].Namespace] {
				if  ==  {
					return -1
	return -1

// elementInScope is like popUntil, except that it doesn't modify the stack of
// open elements.
func ( *parser) ( scope,  ...a.Atom) bool {
	return .indexOfElementInScope(, ...) != -1

// clearStackToContext pops elements off the stack of open elements until a
// scope-defined element is found.
func ( *parser) ( scope) {
	for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		 := .oe[].DataAtom
		switch  {
		case tableScope:
			if  == a.Html ||  == a.Table ||  == a.Template {
				.oe = .oe[:+1]
		case tableRowScope:
			if  == a.Html ||  == a.Tr ||  == a.Template {
				.oe = .oe[:+1]
		case tableBodyScope:
			if  == a.Html ||  == a.Tbody ||  == a.Tfoot ||  == a.Thead ||  == a.Template {
				.oe = .oe[:+1]

// parseGenericRawTextElement implements the generic raw text element parsing
// algorithm defined in
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parsing-elements-that-contain-only-text
// TODO: Since both RAWTEXT and RCDATA states are treated as tokenizer's part
// officially, need to make tokenizer consider both states.
func ( *parser) () {
	.originalIM = .im
	.im = textIM

// generateImpliedEndTags pops nodes off the stack of open elements as long as
// the top node has a tag name of dd, dt, li, optgroup, option, p, rb, rp, rt or rtc.
// If exceptions are specified, nodes with that name will not be popped off.
func ( *parser) ( ...string) {
	var  int
	for  = len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		 := .oe[]
		if .Type != ElementNode {
		switch .DataAtom {
		case a.Dd, a.Dt, a.Li, a.Optgroup, a.Option, a.P, a.Rb, a.Rp, a.Rt, a.Rtc:
			for ,  := range  {
				if .Data ==  {

	.oe = .oe[:+1]

// addChild adds a child node n to the top element, and pushes n onto the stack
// of open elements if it is an element node.
func ( *parser) ( *Node) {
	if .shouldFosterParent() {
	} else {

	if .Type == ElementNode {
		.oe = append(.oe, )

// shouldFosterParent returns whether the next node to be added should be
// foster parented.
func ( *parser) () bool {
	if .fosterParenting {
		switch .top().DataAtom {
		case a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			return true
	return false

// fosterParent adds a child node according to the foster parenting rules.
// Section, "foster parenting".
func ( *parser) ( *Node) {
	var , , ,  *Node
	var  int
	for  = len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		if .oe[].DataAtom == a.Table {
			 = .oe[]

	var  int
	for  = len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		if .oe[].DataAtom == a.Template {
			 = .oe[]

	if  != nil && ( == nil ||  > ) {

	if  == nil {
		// The foster parent is the html element.
		 = .oe[0]
	} else {
		 = .Parent
	if  == nil {
		 = .oe[-1]

	if  != nil {
		 = .PrevSibling
	} else {
		 = .LastChild
	if  != nil && .Type == TextNode && .Type == TextNode {
		.Data += .Data

	.InsertBefore(, )

// addText adds text to the preceding node if it is a text node, or else it
// calls addChild with a new text node.
func ( *parser) ( string) {
	if  == "" {

	if .shouldFosterParent() {
			Type: TextNode,
			Data: ,

	 := .top()
	if  := .LastChild;  != nil && .Type == TextNode {
		.Data += 
		Type: TextNode,
		Data: ,

// addElement adds a child element based on the current token.
func ( *parser) () {
		Type:     ElementNode,
		DataAtom: .tok.DataAtom,
		Data:     .tok.Data,
		Attr:     .tok.Attr,

// Section
func ( *parser) () {
	,  := .tok.DataAtom, .tok.Attr

	// Implement the Noah's Ark clause, but with three per family instead of two.
	 := 0
	for  := len(.afe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		 := .afe[]
		if .Type == scopeMarkerNode {
		if .Type != ElementNode {
		if .Namespace != "" {
		if .DataAtom !=  {
		if len(.Attr) != len() {
		for ,  := range .Attr {
			for ,  := range  {
				if .Key == .Key && .Namespace == .Namespace && .Val == .Val {
					// Found a match for this attribute, continue with the next attribute.
			// If we get here, there is no attribute that matches a.
			// Therefore the element is not identical to the new one.

		if  >= 3 {

	.afe = append(.afe, .top())

// Section
func ( *parser) () {
	for {
		if  := .afe.pop(); len(.afe) == 0 || .Type == scopeMarkerNode {

// Section
func ( *parser) () {
	 := .afe.top()
	if  == nil {
	if .Type == scopeMarkerNode || .oe.index() != -1 {
	 := len(.afe) - 1
	for .Type != scopeMarkerNode && .oe.index() == -1 {
		if  == 0 {
			 = -1
		 = .afe[]
	for {
		 := .afe[].clone()
		.afe[] = 
		if  == len(.afe)-1 {

// Section 12.2.5.
func ( *parser) () {
	.hasSelfClosingToken = false

// An insertion mode (section is the state transition function from
// a particular state in the HTML5 parser's state machine. It updates the
// parser's fields depending on parser.tok (where ErrorToken means EOF).
// It returns whether the token was consumed.
type insertionMode func(*parser) bool

// setOriginalIM sets the insertion mode to return to after completing a text or
// inTableText insertion mode.
// Section, "using the rules for".
func ( *parser) () {
	if .originalIM != nil {
		panic("html: bad parser state: originalIM was set twice")
	.originalIM = .im

// Section, "reset the insertion mode".
func ( *parser) () {
	for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		 := .oe[]
		 :=  == 0
		if  && .context != nil {
			 = .context

		switch .DataAtom {
		case a.Select:
			if ! {
				for ,  := , .oe[0];  != ; {
					 = .oe[.oe.index()-1]
					switch .DataAtom {
					case a.Template:
						.im = inSelectIM
					case a.Table:
						.im = inSelectInTableIM
			.im = inSelectIM
		case a.Td, a.Th:
			// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
			// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=829668
			.im = inCellIM
		case a.Tr:
			.im = inRowIM
		case a.Tbody, a.Thead, a.Tfoot:
			.im = inTableBodyIM
		case a.Caption:
			.im = inCaptionIM
		case a.Colgroup:
			.im = inColumnGroupIM
		case a.Table:
			.im = inTableIM
		case a.Template:
			// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
			if .Namespace != "" {
			.im = .templateStack.top()
		case a.Head:
			// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
			// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=829668
			.im = inHeadIM
		case a.Body:
			.im = inBodyIM
		case a.Frameset:
			.im = inFramesetIM
		case a.Html:
			if .head == nil {
				.im = beforeHeadIM
			} else {
				.im = afterHeadIM
			if  {
				.im = inBodyIM

const whitespace = " \t\r\n\f"

// Section
func initialIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		.tok.Data = strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len(.tok.Data) == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace, so ignore it.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		,  := parseDoctype(.tok.Data)
		.quirks = 
		.im = beforeHTMLIM
		return true
	.quirks = true
	.im = beforeHTMLIM
	return false

// Section
func beforeHTMLIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true
	case TextToken:
		.tok.Data = strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len(.tok.Data) == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace, so ignore it.
			return true
	case StartTagToken:
		if .tok.DataAtom == a.Html {
			.im = beforeHeadIM
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Head, a.Body, a.Html, a.Br:
			.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Html, a.Html.String())
			return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Html, a.Html.String())
	return false

// Section
func beforeHeadIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		.tok.Data = strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len(.tok.Data) == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace, so ignore it.
			return true
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Head:
			.head = .top()
			.im = inHeadIM
			return true
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Head, a.Body, a.Html, a.Br:
			.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Head, a.Head.String())
			return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true

	.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Head, a.Head.String())
	return false

// Section
func inHeadIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() < len(.tok.Data) {
			// Add the initial whitespace to the current node.
			if  == "" {
				return true
			.tok.Data = 
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Base, a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta:
			return true
		case a.Noscript:
			if .scripting {
				return true
			.im = inHeadNoscriptIM
			// Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode when scripting is disabled.
			return true
		case a.Script, a.Title:
			.im = textIM
			return true
		case a.Noframes, a.Style:
			return true
		case a.Head:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Template:
			// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
			// We don't handle all of the corner cases when mixing foreign
			// content (i.e. <math> or <svg>) with <template>. Without this
			// early return, we can get into an infinite loop, possibly because
			// of the "TODO... further divergence" a little below.
			// As a workaround, if we are mixing foreign content and templates,
			// just ignore the rest of the HTML. Foreign content is rare and a
			// relatively old HTML feature. Templates are also rare and a
			// relatively new HTML feature. Their combination is very rare.
			for ,  := range .oe {
				if .Namespace != "" {
					.im = ignoreTheRemainingTokens
					return true

			.afe = append(.afe, &scopeMarker)
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inTemplateIM
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inTemplateIM)
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Head:
			.im = afterHeadIM
			return true
		case a.Body, a.Html, a.Br:
			.parseImpliedToken(EndTagToken, a.Head, a.Head.String())
			return false
		case a.Template:
			if !.oe.contains(a.Template) {
				return true
			// TODO: remove this further divergence from the HTML5 spec.
			// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=829668
			for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
				if  := .oe[]; .Namespace == "" && .DataAtom == a.Template {
					.oe = .oe[:]
			return true
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true

	.parseImpliedToken(EndTagToken, a.Head, a.Head.String())
	return false

// Section
func inHeadNoscriptIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta, a.Noframes, a.Style:
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Head:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Noscript:
			// Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode even when a <noscript>
			// tag is in "in head noscript" insertion mode.
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Noscript, a.Br:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace.
			return inHeadIM()
	case CommentToken:
		return inHeadIM()
	if .top().DataAtom != a.Head {
		panic("html: the new current node will be a head element.")
	.im = inHeadIM
	if .tok.DataAtom == a.Noscript {
		return true
	return false

// Section
func afterHeadIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() < len(.tok.Data) {
			// Add the initial whitespace to the current node.
			if  == "" {
				return true
			.tok.Data = 
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Body:
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inBodyIM
			return true
		case a.Frameset:
			.im = inFramesetIM
			return true
		case a.Base, a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta, a.Noframes, a.Script, a.Style, a.Template, a.Title:
			.oe = append(.oe, .head)
			defer .oe.remove(.head)
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Head:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Body, a.Html, a.Br:
			// Drop down to creating an implied <body> tag.
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true

	.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Body, a.Body.String())
	.framesetOK = true
	return false

// copyAttributes copies attributes of src not found on dst to dst.
func copyAttributes( *Node,  Token) {
	if len(.Attr) == 0 {
	 := map[string]string{}
	for ,  := range .Attr {
		[.Key] = .Val
	for ,  := range .Attr {
		if ,  := [.Key]; ! {
			.Attr = append(.Attr, )
			[.Key] = .Val

// Section
func inBodyIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		 := .tok.Data
		switch  := .oe.top(); .DataAtom {
		case a.Pre, a.Listing:
			if .FirstChild == nil {
				// Ignore a newline at the start of a <pre> block.
				if  != "" && [0] == '\r' {
					 = [1:]
				if  != "" && [0] == '\n' {
					 = [1:]
		 = strings.Replace(, "\x00", "", -1)
		if  == "" {
			return true
		if .framesetOK && strings.TrimLeft(, whitespace) != "" {
			// There were non-whitespace characters inserted.
			.framesetOK = false
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			if .oe.contains(a.Template) {
				return true
			copyAttributes(.oe[0], .tok)
		case a.Base, a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta, a.Noframes, a.Script, a.Style, a.Template, a.Title:
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Body:
			if .oe.contains(a.Template) {
				return true
			if len(.oe) >= 2 {
				 := .oe[1]
				if .Type == ElementNode && .DataAtom == a.Body {
					.framesetOK = false
					copyAttributes(, .tok)
		case a.Frameset:
			if !.framesetOK || len(.oe) < 2 || .oe[1].DataAtom != a.Body {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			 := .oe[1]
			if .Parent != nil {
			.oe = .oe[:1]
			.im = inFramesetIM
			return true
		case a.Address, a.Article, a.Aside, a.Blockquote, a.Center, a.Details, a.Dialog, a.Dir, a.Div, a.Dl, a.Fieldset, a.Figcaption, a.Figure, a.Footer, a.Header, a.Hgroup, a.Main, a.Menu, a.Nav, a.Ol, a.P, a.Section, a.Summary, a.Ul:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
		case a.H1, a.H2, a.H3, a.H4, a.H5, a.H6:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			switch  := .top(); .DataAtom {
			case a.H1, a.H2, a.H3, a.H4, a.H5, a.H6:
		case a.Pre, a.Listing:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			// The newline, if any, will be dealt with by the TextToken case.
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Form:
			if .form != nil && !.oe.contains(a.Template) {
				// Ignore the token
				return true
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			if !.oe.contains(a.Template) {
				.form = .top()
		case a.Li:
			.framesetOK = false
			for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
				 := .oe[]
				switch .DataAtom {
				case a.Li:
					.oe = .oe[:]
				case a.Address, a.Div, a.P:
					if !isSpecialElement() {
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
		case a.Dd, a.Dt:
			.framesetOK = false
			for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
				 := .oe[]
				switch .DataAtom {
				case a.Dd, a.Dt:
					.oe = .oe[:]
				case a.Address, a.Div, a.P:
					if !isSpecialElement() {
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
		case a.Plaintext:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
		case a.Button:
			.popUntil(defaultScope, a.Button)
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.A:
			for  := len(.afe) - 1;  >= 0 && .afe[].Type != scopeMarkerNode; -- {
				if  := .afe[]; .Type == ElementNode && .DataAtom == a.A {
					.inBodyEndTagFormatting(a.A, "a")
		case a.B, a.Big, a.Code, a.Em, a.Font, a.I, a.S, a.Small, a.Strike, a.Strong, a.Tt, a.U:
		case a.Nobr:
			if .elementInScope(defaultScope, a.Nobr) {
				.inBodyEndTagFormatting(a.Nobr, "nobr")
		case a.Applet, a.Marquee, a.Object:
			.afe = append(.afe, &scopeMarker)
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Table:
			if !.quirks {
				.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inTableIM
			return true
		case a.Area, a.Br, a.Embed, a.Img, a.Input, a.Keygen, a.Wbr:
			if .tok.DataAtom == a.Input {
				for ,  := range .tok.Attr {
					if .Key == "type" {
						if strings.ToLower(.Val) == "hidden" {
							// Skip setting framesetOK = false
							return true
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Param, a.Source, a.Track:
		case a.Hr:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Image:
			.tok.DataAtom = a.Img
			.tok.Data = a.Img.String()
			return false
		case a.Textarea:
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = textIM
		case a.Xmp:
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Iframe:
			.framesetOK = false
		case a.Noembed:
		case a.Noscript:
			if .scripting {
				return true
			// Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode when scripting is disabled.
		case a.Select:
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inSelectIM
			return true
		case a.Optgroup, a.Option:
			if .top().DataAtom == a.Option {
		case a.Rb, a.Rtc:
			if .elementInScope(defaultScope, a.Ruby) {
		case a.Rp, a.Rt:
			if .elementInScope(defaultScope, a.Ruby) {
		case a.Math, a.Svg:
			if .tok.DataAtom == a.Math {
				adjustAttributeNames(.tok.Attr, mathMLAttributeAdjustments)
			} else {
				adjustAttributeNames(.tok.Attr, svgAttributeAdjustments)
			.top().Namespace = .tok.Data
			if .hasSelfClosingToken {
			return true
		case a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Frame, a.Head, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Th, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			// Ignore the token.
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Body:
			if .elementInScope(defaultScope, a.Body) {
				.im = afterBodyIM
		case a.Html:
			if .elementInScope(defaultScope, a.Body) {
				.parseImpliedToken(EndTagToken, a.Body, a.Body.String())
				return false
			return true
		case a.Address, a.Article, a.Aside, a.Blockquote, a.Button, a.Center, a.Details, a.Dialog, a.Dir, a.Div, a.Dl, a.Fieldset, a.Figcaption, a.Figure, a.Footer, a.Header, a.Hgroup, a.Listing, a.Main, a.Menu, a.Nav, a.Ol, a.Pre, a.Section, a.Summary, a.Ul:
			.popUntil(defaultScope, .tok.DataAtom)
		case a.Form:
			if .oe.contains(a.Template) {
				 := .indexOfElementInScope(defaultScope, a.Form)
				if  == -1 {
					// Ignore the token.
					return true
				if .oe[].DataAtom != a.Form {
					// Ignore the token.
					return true
				.popUntil(defaultScope, a.Form)
			} else {
				 := .form
				.form = nil
				 := .indexOfElementInScope(defaultScope, a.Form)
				if  == nil ||  == -1 || .oe[] !=  {
					// Ignore the token.
					return true
		case a.P:
			if !.elementInScope(buttonScope, a.P) {
				.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.P, a.P.String())
			.popUntil(buttonScope, a.P)
		case a.Li:
			.popUntil(listItemScope, a.Li)
		case a.Dd, a.Dt:
			.popUntil(defaultScope, .tok.DataAtom)
		case a.H1, a.H2, a.H3, a.H4, a.H5, a.H6:
			.popUntil(defaultScope, a.H1, a.H2, a.H3, a.H4, a.H5, a.H6)
		case a.A, a.B, a.Big, a.Code, a.Em, a.Font, a.I, a.Nobr, a.S, a.Small, a.Strike, a.Strong, a.Tt, a.U:
			.inBodyEndTagFormatting(.tok.DataAtom, .tok.Data)
		case a.Applet, a.Marquee, a.Object:
			if .popUntil(defaultScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
		case a.Br:
			.tok.Type = StartTagToken
			return false
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
			.inBodyEndTagOther(.tok.DataAtom, .tok.Data)
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case ErrorToken:
		// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
		if len(.templateStack) > 0 {
			.im = inTemplateIM
			return false
		for ,  := range .oe {
			switch .DataAtom {
			case a.Dd, a.Dt, a.Li, a.Optgroup, a.Option, a.P, a.Rb, a.Rp, a.Rt, a.Rtc, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Th,
				a.Thead, a.Tr, a.Body, a.Html:
				return true

	return true

func ( *parser) ( a.Atom,  string) {
	// This is the "adoption agency" algorithm, described at
	// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#adoptionAgency

	// TODO: this is a fairly literal line-by-line translation of that algorithm.
	// Once the code successfully parses the comprehensive test suite, we should
	// refactor this code to be more idiomatic.

	// Steps 1-2
	if  := .oe.top(); .Data ==  && .afe.index() == -1 {

	// Steps 3-5. The outer loop.
	for  := 0;  < 8; ++ {
		// Step 6. Find the formatting element.
		var  *Node
		for  := len(.afe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
			if .afe[].Type == scopeMarkerNode {
			if .afe[].DataAtom ==  {
				 = .afe[]
		if  == nil {
			.inBodyEndTagOther(, )

		// Step 7. Ignore the tag if formatting element is not in the stack of open elements.
		 := .oe.index()
		if  == -1 {
		// Step 8. Ignore the tag if formatting element is not in the scope.
		if !.elementInScope(defaultScope, ) {
			// Ignore the tag.

		// Step 9. This step is omitted because it's just a parse error but no need to return.

		// Steps 10-11. Find the furthest block.
		var  *Node
		for ,  := range .oe[:] {
			if isSpecialElement() {
		if  == nil {
			 := .oe.pop()
			for  !=  {
				 = .oe.pop()

		// Steps 12-13. Find the common ancestor and bookmark node.
		 := .oe[-1]
		 := .afe.index()

		// Step 14. The inner loop. Find the lastNode to reparent.
		 := .oe.index()
		// Step 14.1.
		 := 0
		for {
			// Step 14.2.
			// Step. 14.3.
			 = .oe[]
			// Step 14.4. Go to the next step if node is formatting element.
			if  ==  {
			// Step 14.5. Remove node from the list of active formatting elements if
			// inner loop counter is greater than three and node is in the list of
			// active formatting elements.
			if  := .afe.index();  > 3 &&  > -1 {
				// If any element of the list of active formatting elements is removed,
				// we need to take care whether bookmark should be decremented or not.
				// This is because the value of bookmark may exceed the size of the
				// list by removing elements from the list.
				if  <=  {
			// Step 14.6. Continue the next inner loop if node is not in the list of
			// active formatting elements.
			if .afe.index() == -1 {
			// Step 14.7.
			 := .clone()
			.afe[.afe.index()] = 
			.oe[.oe.index()] = 
			// Step 14.8.
			if  ==  {
				 = .afe.index() + 1
			// Step 14.9.
			if .Parent != nil {
			// Step 14.10.

		// Step 15. Reparent lastNode to the common ancestor,
		// or for misnested table nodes, to the foster parent.
		if .Parent != nil {
		switch .DataAtom {
		case a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:

		// Steps 16-18. Reparent nodes from the furthest block's children
		// to a clone of the formatting element.
		 := .clone()
		reparentChildren(, )

		// Step 19. Fix up the list of active formatting elements.
		if  := .afe.index();  != -1 &&  <  {
			// Move the bookmark with the rest of the list.
		.afe.insert(, )

		// Step 20. Fix up the stack of open elements.
		.oe.insert(.oe.index()+1, )

// inBodyEndTagOther performs the "any other end tag" algorithm for inBodyIM.
// "Any other end tag" handling from The rules for parsing tokens in foreign content
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#parsing-main-inforeign
func ( *parser) ( a.Atom,  string) {
	for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
		// Two element nodes have the same tag if they have the same Data (a
		// string-typed field). As an optimization, for common HTML tags, each
		// Data string is assigned a unique, non-zero DataAtom (a uint32-typed
		// field), since integer comparison is faster than string comparison.
		// Uncommon (custom) tags get a zero DataAtom.
		// The if condition here is equivalent to (p.oe[i].Data == tagName).
		if (.oe[].DataAtom == ) &&
			(( != 0) || (.oe[].Data == )) {
			.oe = .oe[:]
		if isSpecialElement(.oe[]) {

// Section
func textIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case ErrorToken:
	case TextToken:
		 := .tok.Data
		if  := .oe.top(); .DataAtom == a.Textarea && .FirstChild == nil {
			// Ignore a newline at the start of a <textarea> block.
			if  != "" && [0] == '\r' {
				 = [1:]
			if  != "" && [0] == '\n' {
				 = [1:]
		if  == "" {
			return true
		return true
	case EndTagToken:
	.im = .originalIM
	.originalIM = nil
	return .tok.Type == EndTagToken

// Section
func inTableIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		.tok.Data = strings.Replace(.tok.Data, "\x00", "", -1)
		switch .oe.top().DataAtom {
		case a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			if strings.Trim(.tok.Data, whitespace) == "" {
				return true
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Caption:
			.afe = append(.afe, &scopeMarker)
			.im = inCaptionIM
			return true
		case a.Colgroup:
			.im = inColumnGroupIM
			return true
		case a.Col:
			.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Colgroup, a.Colgroup.String())
			return false
		case a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead:
			.im = inTableBodyIM
			return true
		case a.Td, a.Th, a.Tr:
			.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Tbody, a.Tbody.String())
			return false
		case a.Table:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Table) {
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Style, a.Script, a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Input:
			for ,  := range .tok.Attr {
				if .Key == "type" && strings.ToLower(.Val) == "hidden" {
					return true
			// Otherwise drop down to the default action.
		case a.Form:
			if .oe.contains(a.Template) || .form != nil {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			.form = .oe.pop()
		case a.Select:
			switch .top().DataAtom {
			case a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
				.fosterParenting = true
			.fosterParenting = false
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inSelectInTableIM
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Table:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Table) {
				return true
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Body, a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Html, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Th, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true
	case ErrorToken:
		return inBodyIM()

	.fosterParenting = true
	defer func() { .fosterParenting = false }()

	return inBodyIM()

// Section
func inCaptionIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			if !.popUntil(tableScope, a.Caption) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			.im = inTableIM
			return false
		case a.Select:
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inSelectInTableIM
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Caption:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Caption) {
				.im = inTableIM
			return true
		case a.Table:
			if !.popUntil(tableScope, a.Caption) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			.im = inTableIM
			return false
		case a.Body, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Html, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Th, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	return inBodyIM()

// Section
func inColumnGroupIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() < len(.tok.Data) {
			// Add the initial whitespace to the current node.
			if  == "" {
				return true
			.tok.Data = 
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Col:
			return true
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Colgroup:
			if .oe.top().DataAtom == a.Colgroup {
				.im = inTableIM
			return true
		case a.Col:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
	case ErrorToken:
		return inBodyIM()
	if .oe.top().DataAtom != a.Colgroup {
		return true
	.im = inTableIM
	return false

// Section
func inTableBodyIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Tr:
			.im = inRowIM
			return true
		case a.Td, a.Th:
			.parseImpliedToken(StartTagToken, a.Tr, a.Tr.String())
			return false
		case a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Tbody, a.Thead, a.Tfoot) {
				.im = inTableIM
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead:
			if .elementInScope(tableScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
				.im = inTableIM
			return true
		case a.Table:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Tbody, a.Thead, a.Tfoot) {
				.im = inTableIM
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Body, a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Html, a.Td, a.Th, a.Tr:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true

	return inTableIM()

// Section
func inRowIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Td, a.Th:
			.afe = append(.afe, &scopeMarker)
			.im = inCellIM
			return true
		case a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Tr) {
				.im = inTableBodyIM
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Tr:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Tr) {
				.im = inTableBodyIM
				return true
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Table:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Tr) {
				.im = inTableBodyIM
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead:
			if .elementInScope(tableScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
				.parseImpliedToken(EndTagToken, a.Tr, a.Tr.String())
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Body, a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Html, a.Td, a.Th:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true

	return inTableIM()

// Section
func inCellIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Tbody, a.Td, a.Tfoot, a.Th, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Td, a.Th) {
				// Close the cell and reprocess.
				.im = inRowIM
				return false
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Select:
			.framesetOK = false
			.im = inSelectInTableIM
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Td, a.Th:
			if !.popUntil(tableScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			.im = inRowIM
			return true
		case a.Body, a.Caption, a.Col, a.Colgroup, a.Html:
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr:
			if !.elementInScope(tableScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			// Close the cell and reprocess.
			if .popUntil(tableScope, a.Td, a.Th) {
			.im = inRowIM
			return false
	return inBodyIM()

// Section
func inSelectIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		.addText(strings.Replace(.tok.Data, "\x00", "", -1))
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Option:
			if .top().DataAtom == a.Option {
		case a.Optgroup:
			if .top().DataAtom == a.Option {
			if .top().DataAtom == a.Optgroup {
		case a.Select:
			if !.popUntil(selectScope, a.Select) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
		case a.Input, a.Keygen, a.Textarea:
			if .elementInScope(selectScope, a.Select) {
				.parseImpliedToken(EndTagToken, a.Select, a.Select.String())
				return false
			// In order to properly ignore <textarea>, we need to change the tokenizer mode.
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		case a.Script, a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Iframe, a.Noembed, a.Noframes, a.Noscript, a.Plaintext, a.Style, a.Title, a.Xmp:
			// Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode when there are raw tags
			// to be ignored. These tags should be ignored from the tokenizer
			// properly.
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Option:
			if .top().DataAtom == a.Option {
		case a.Optgroup:
			 := len(.oe) - 1
			if .oe[].DataAtom == a.Option {
			if .oe[].DataAtom == a.Optgroup {
				.oe = .oe[:]
		case a.Select:
			if !.popUntil(selectScope, a.Select) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case DoctypeToken:
		// Ignore the token.
		return true
	case ErrorToken:
		return inBodyIM()

	return true

// Section
func inSelectInTableIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case StartTagToken, EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Caption, a.Table, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead, a.Tr, a.Td, a.Th:
			if .tok.Type == EndTagToken && !.elementInScope(tableScope, .tok.DataAtom) {
				// Ignore the token.
				return true
			// This is like p.popUntil(selectScope, a.Select), but it also
			// matches <math select>, not just <select>. Matching the MathML
			// tag is arguably incorrect (conceptually), but it mimics what
			// Chromium does.
			for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
				if  := .oe[]; .DataAtom == a.Select {
					.oe = .oe[:]
			return false
	return inSelectIM()

// Section
func inTemplateIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken, CommentToken, DoctypeToken:
		return inBodyIM()
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Base, a.Basefont, a.Bgsound, a.Link, a.Meta, a.Noframes, a.Script, a.Style, a.Template, a.Title:
			return inHeadIM()
		case a.Caption, a.Colgroup, a.Tbody, a.Tfoot, a.Thead:
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inTableIM)
			.im = inTableIM
			return false
		case a.Col:
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inColumnGroupIM)
			.im = inColumnGroupIM
			return false
		case a.Tr:
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inTableBodyIM)
			.im = inTableBodyIM
			return false
		case a.Td, a.Th:
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inRowIM)
			.im = inRowIM
			return false
			.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inBodyIM)
			.im = inBodyIM
			return false
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Template:
			return inHeadIM()
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
	case ErrorToken:
		if !.oe.contains(a.Template) {
			// Ignore the token.
			return true
		// TODO: remove this divergence from the HTML5 spec.
		// See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=829668
		for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
			if  := .oe[]; .Namespace == "" && .DataAtom == a.Template {
				.oe = .oe[:]
		return false
	return false

// Section
func afterBodyIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case ErrorToken:
		// Stop parsing.
		return true
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace.
			return inBodyIM()
	case StartTagToken:
		if .tok.DataAtom == a.Html {
			return inBodyIM()
	case EndTagToken:
		if .tok.DataAtom == a.Html {
			if !.fragment {
				.im = afterAfterBodyIM
			return true
	case CommentToken:
		// The comment is attached to the <html> element.
		if len(.oe) < 1 || .oe[0].DataAtom != a.Html {
			panic("html: bad parser state: <html> element not found, in the after-body insertion mode")
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	.im = inBodyIM
	return false

// Section
func inFramesetIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case TextToken:
		// Ignore all text but whitespace.
		 := strings.Map(func( rune) rune {
			switch  {
			case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r':
			return -1
		}, .tok.Data)
		if  != "" {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Frameset:
		case a.Frame:
		case a.Noframes:
			return inHeadIM()
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Frameset:
			if .oe.top().DataAtom != a.Html {
				if .oe.top().DataAtom != a.Frameset {
					.im = afterFramesetIM
					return true
		// Ignore the token.
	return true

// Section
func afterFramesetIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case TextToken:
		// Ignore all text but whitespace.
		 := strings.Map(func( rune) rune {
			switch  {
			case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r':
			return -1
		}, .tok.Data)
		if  != "" {
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Noframes:
			return inHeadIM()
	case EndTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			.im = afterAfterFramesetIM
			return true
		// Ignore the token.
	return true

// Section
func afterAfterBodyIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case ErrorToken:
		// Stop parsing.
		return true
	case TextToken:
		 := strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespace)
		if len() == 0 {
			// It was all whitespace.
			return inBodyIM()
	case StartTagToken:
		if .tok.DataAtom == a.Html {
			return inBodyIM()
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
		return true
	case DoctypeToken:
		return inBodyIM()
	.im = inBodyIM
	return false

// Section
func afterAfterFramesetIM( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case TextToken:
		// Ignore all text but whitespace.
		 := strings.Map(func( rune) rune {
			switch  {
			case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r':
			return -1
		}, .tok.Data)
		if  != "" {
			.tok.Data = 
			return inBodyIM()
	case StartTagToken:
		switch .tok.DataAtom {
		case a.Html:
			return inBodyIM()
		case a.Noframes:
			return inHeadIM()
	case DoctypeToken:
		return inBodyIM()
		// Ignore the token.
	return true

func ignoreTheRemainingTokens( *parser) bool {
	return true

const whitespaceOrNUL = whitespace + "\x00"

// Section
func parseForeignContent( *parser) bool {
	switch .tok.Type {
	case TextToken:
		if .framesetOK {
			.framesetOK = strings.TrimLeft(.tok.Data, whitespaceOrNUL) == ""
		.tok.Data = strings.Replace(.tok.Data, "\x00", "\ufffd", -1)
	case CommentToken:
			Type: CommentNode,
			Data: .tok.Data,
	case StartTagToken:
		if !.fragment {
			 := breakout[.tok.Data]
			if .tok.DataAtom == a.Font {
				for ,  := range .tok.Attr {
					switch .Key {
					case "color", "face", "size":
						 = true
			if  {
				for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
					 := .oe[]
					if .Namespace == "" || htmlIntegrationPoint() || mathMLTextIntegrationPoint() {
						.oe = .oe[:+1]
				return false
		 := .adjustedCurrentNode()
		switch .Namespace {
		case "math":
			adjustAttributeNames(.tok.Attr, mathMLAttributeAdjustments)
		case "svg":
			// Adjust SVG tag names. The tokenizer lower-cases tag names, but
			// SVG wants e.g. "foreignObject" with a capital second "O".
			if  := svgTagNameAdjustments[.tok.Data];  != "" {
				.tok.DataAtom = a.Lookup([]byte())
				.tok.Data = 
			adjustAttributeNames(.tok.Attr, svgAttributeAdjustments)
			panic("html: bad parser state: unexpected namespace")
		 := .Namespace
		.top().Namespace = 
		if  != "" {
			// Don't let the tokenizer go into raw text mode in foreign content
			// (e.g. in an SVG <title> tag).
		if .hasSelfClosingToken {
	case EndTagToken:
		for  := len(.oe) - 1;  >= 0; -- {
			if .oe[].Namespace == "" {
				return .im()
			if strings.EqualFold(.oe[].Data, .tok.Data) {
				.oe = .oe[:]
		return true
		// Ignore the token.
	return true

// Section
func ( *parser) () *Node {
	if len(.oe) == 1 && .fragment && .context != nil {
		return .context
	return .oe.top()

// Section 12.2.6.
func ( *parser) () bool {
	if len(.oe) == 0 {
		return false
	 := .adjustedCurrentNode()
	if .Namespace == "" {
		return false
	if mathMLTextIntegrationPoint() {
		if .tok.Type == StartTagToken && .tok.DataAtom != a.Mglyph && .tok.DataAtom != a.Malignmark {
			return false
		if .tok.Type == TextToken {
			return false
	if .Namespace == "math" && .DataAtom == a.AnnotationXml && .tok.Type == StartTagToken && .tok.DataAtom == a.Svg {
		return false
	if htmlIntegrationPoint() && (.tok.Type == StartTagToken || .tok.Type == TextToken) {
		return false
	if .tok.Type == ErrorToken {
		return false
	return true

// parseImpliedToken parses a token as though it had appeared in the parser's
// input.
func ( *parser) ( TokenType,  a.Atom,  string) {
	,  := .tok, .hasSelfClosingToken
	.tok = Token{
		Type:     ,
		DataAtom: ,
		Data:     ,
	.hasSelfClosingToken = false
	.tok, .hasSelfClosingToken = , 

// parseCurrentToken runs the current token through the parsing routines
// until it is consumed.
func ( *parser) () {
	if .tok.Type == SelfClosingTagToken {
		.hasSelfClosingToken = true
		.tok.Type = StartTagToken

	 := false
	for ! {
		if .inForeignContent() {
			 = parseForeignContent()
		} else {
			 = .im()

	if .hasSelfClosingToken {
		// This is a parse error, but ignore it.
		.hasSelfClosingToken = false

func ( *parser) () error {
	// Iterate until EOF. Any other error will cause an early return.
	var  error
	for  != io.EOF {
		// CDATA sections are allowed only in foreign content.
		 := .oe.top()
		.tokenizer.AllowCDATA( != nil && .Namespace != "")
		// Read and parse the next token.
		.tok = .tokenizer.Token()
		if .tok.Type == ErrorToken {
			 = .tokenizer.Err()
			if  != nil &&  != io.EOF {
	return nil

// Parse returns the parse tree for the HTML from the given Reader.
// It implements the HTML5 parsing algorithm
// (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#tree-construction),
// which is very complicated. The resultant tree can contain implicitly created
// nodes that have no explicit <tag> listed in r's data, and nodes' parents can
// differ from the nesting implied by a naive processing of start and end
// <tag>s. Conversely, explicit <tag>s in r's data can be silently dropped,
// with no corresponding node in the resulting tree.
// The input is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.
func ( io.Reader) (*Node, error) {
	return ParseWithOptions()

// ParseFragment parses a fragment of HTML and returns the nodes that were
// found. If the fragment is the InnerHTML for an existing element, pass that
// element in context.
// It has the same intricacies as Parse.
func ( io.Reader,  *Node) ([]*Node, error) {
	return ParseFragmentWithOptions(, )

// ParseOption configures a parser.
type ParseOption func(p *parser)

// ParseOptionEnableScripting configures the scripting flag.
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#enabling-and-disabling-scripting
// By default, scripting is enabled.
func ( bool) ParseOption {
	return func( *parser) {
		.scripting = 

// ParseWithOptions is like Parse, with options.
func ( io.Reader,  ...ParseOption) (*Node, error) {
	 := &parser{
		tokenizer: NewTokenizer(),
		doc: &Node{
			Type: DocumentNode,
		scripting:  true,
		framesetOK: true,
		im:         initialIM,

	for ,  := range  {

	if  := .parse();  != nil {
		return nil, 
	return .doc, nil

// ParseFragmentWithOptions is like ParseFragment, with options.
func ( io.Reader,  *Node,  ...ParseOption) ([]*Node, error) {
	 := ""
	if  != nil {
		if .Type != ElementNode {
			return nil, errors.New("html: ParseFragment of non-element Node")
		// The next check isn't just context.DataAtom.String() == context.Data because
		// it is valid to pass an element whose tag isn't a known atom. For example,
		// DataAtom == 0 and Data = "tagfromthefuture" is perfectly consistent.
		if .DataAtom != a.Lookup([]byte(.Data)) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html: inconsistent Node: DataAtom=%q, Data=%q", .DataAtom, .Data)
		 = .DataAtom.String()
	 := &parser{
		doc: &Node{
			Type: DocumentNode,
		scripting: true,
		fragment:  true,
		context:   ,
	if  != nil && .Namespace != "" {
		.tokenizer = NewTokenizer()
	} else {
		.tokenizer = NewTokenizerFragment(, )

	for ,  := range  {

	 := &Node{
		Type:     ElementNode,
		DataAtom: a.Html,
		Data:     a.Html.String(),
	.oe = nodeStack{}
	if  != nil && .DataAtom == a.Template {
		.templateStack = append(.templateStack, inTemplateIM)

	for  := ;  != nil;  = .Parent {
		if .Type == ElementNode && .DataAtom == a.Form {
			.form = 

	if  := .parse();  != nil {
		return nil, 

	 := .doc
	if  != nil {

	var  []*Node
	for  := .FirstChild;  != nil; {
		 := .NextSibling
		 = append(, )
	return , nil