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//go:generate go run gen.go

// Package publicsuffix provides a public suffix list based on data from // https://publicsuffix.org/ // // A public suffix is one under which Internet users can directly register // names. It is related to, but different from, a TLD (top level domain). // // "com" is a TLD (top level domain). Top level means it has no dots. // // "com" is also a public suffix. Amazon and Google have registered different // siblings under that domain: "amazon.com" and "google.com". // // "au" is another TLD, again because it has no dots. But it's not "amazon.au". // Instead, it's "amazon.com.au". // // "com.au" isn't an actual TLD, because it's not at the top level (it has // dots). But it is an eTLD (effective TLD), because that's the branching point // for domain name registrars. // // Another name for "an eTLD" is "a public suffix". Often, what's more of // interest is the eTLD+1, or one more label than the public suffix. For // example, browsers partition read/write access to HTTP cookies according to // the eTLD+1. Web pages served from "amazon.com.au" can't read cookies from // "google.com.au", but web pages served from "maps.google.com" can share // cookies from "www.google.com", so you don't have to sign into Google Maps // separately from signing into Google Web Search. Note that all four of those // domains have 3 labels and 2 dots. The first two domains are each an eTLD+1, // the last two are not (but share the same eTLD+1: "google.com"). // // All of these domains have the same eTLD+1: // - "www.books.amazon.co.uk" // - "books.amazon.co.uk" // - "amazon.co.uk" // // Specifically, the eTLD+1 is "amazon.co.uk", because the eTLD is "co.uk". // // There is no closed form algorithm to calculate the eTLD of a domain. // Instead, the calculation is data driven. This package provides a // pre-compiled snapshot of Mozilla's PSL (Public Suffix List) data at // https://publicsuffix.org/
package publicsuffix // import "golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix" // TODO: specify case sensitivity and leading/trailing dot behavior for // func PublicSuffix and func EffectiveTLDPlusOne. import ( ) // List implements the cookiejar.PublicSuffixList interface by calling the // PublicSuffix function. var List cookiejar.PublicSuffixList = list{} type list struct{} func (list) ( string) string { , := PublicSuffix() return } func (list) () string { return version } // PublicSuffix returns the public suffix of the domain using a copy of the // publicsuffix.org database compiled into the library. // // icann is whether the public suffix is managed by the Internet Corporation // for Assigned Names and Numbers. If not, the public suffix is either a // privately managed domain (and in practice, not a top level domain) or an // unmanaged top level domain (and not explicitly mentioned in the // publicsuffix.org list). For example, "foo.org" and "foo.co.uk" are ICANN // domains, "foo.dyndns.org" and "foo.blogspot.co.uk" are private domains and // "cromulent" is an unmanaged top level domain. // // Use cases for distinguishing ICANN domains like "foo.com" from private // domains like "foo.appspot.com" can be found at // https://wiki.mozilla.org/Public_Suffix_List/Use_Cases func ( string) ( string, bool) { , := uint32(0), uint32(numTLD) , , , := , len(), false, false : for { := strings.LastIndex(, ".") if { = = 1 + } if == { break } := find([1+:], , ) if == notFound { break } := uint32(nodes.get() >> (nodesBitsTextOffset + nodesBitsTextLength)) = &(1<<nodesBitsICANN-1) != 0 >>= nodesBitsICANN = children.get( & (1<<nodesBitsChildren - 1)) = & (1<<childrenBitsLo - 1) >>= childrenBitsLo = & (1<<childrenBitsHi - 1) >>= childrenBitsHi switch & (1<<childrenBitsNodeType - 1) { case nodeTypeNormal: = 1 + case nodeTypeException: = 1 + len() break } >>= childrenBitsNodeType = &(1<<childrenBitsWildcard-1) != 0 if ! { = } if == -1 { break } = [:] } if == len() { // If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*". return [1+strings.LastIndex(, "."):], } return [:], } const notFound uint32 = 1<<32 - 1 // find returns the index of the node in the range [lo, hi) whose label equals // label, or notFound if there is no such node. The range is assumed to be in // strictly increasing node label order. func find( string, , uint32) uint32 { for < { := + (-)/2 := nodeLabel() if < { = + 1 } else if == { return } else { = } } return notFound } // nodeLabel returns the label for the i'th node. func nodeLabel( uint32) string { := nodes.get() := & (1<<nodesBitsTextLength - 1) >>= nodesBitsTextLength := & (1<<nodesBitsTextOffset - 1) return text[ : +] } // EffectiveTLDPlusOne returns the effective top level domain plus one more // label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "foo.bar.golang.org" is "golang.org". func ( string) (string, error) { if strings.HasPrefix(, ".") || strings.HasSuffix(, ".") || strings.Contains(, "..") { return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: empty label in domain %q", ) } , := PublicSuffix() if len() <= len() { return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: cannot derive eTLD+1 for domain %q", ) } := len() - len() - 1 if [] != '.' { return "", fmt.Errorf("publicsuffix: invalid public suffix %q for domain %q", , ) } return [1+strings.LastIndex([:], "."):], nil } type uint32String string func ( uint32String) ( uint32) uint32 { := * 4 return (uint32([])<<24 | uint32([+1])<<16 | uint32([+2])<<8 | uint32([+3])) } type uint40String string func ( uint40String) ( uint32) uint64 { := uint64( * (nodesBits / 8)) return uint64([])<<32 | uint64([+1])<<24 | uint64([+2])<<16 | uint64([+3])<<8 | uint64([+4]) }