package gorm
import (
type DeletedAt sql .NullTime
func (n *DeletedAt ) Scan (value interface {}) error {
return (*sql .NullTime )(n ).Scan (value )
func (n DeletedAt ) Value () (driver .Value , error ) {
if !n .Valid {
return nil , nil
return n .Time , nil
func (n DeletedAt ) MarshalJSON () ([]byte , error ) {
if n .Valid {
return json .Marshal (n .Time )
return json .Marshal (nil )
func (n *DeletedAt ) UnmarshalJSON (b []byte ) error {
if string (b ) == "null" {
n .Valid = false
return nil
err := json .Unmarshal (b , &n .Time )
if err == nil {
n .Valid = true
return err
func (DeletedAt ) QueryClauses (f *schema .Field ) []clause .Interface {
return []clause .Interface {SoftDeleteQueryClause {Field : f , ZeroValue : parseZeroValueTag (f )}}
func parseZeroValueTag(f *schema .Field ) sql .NullString {
if v , ok := f .TagSettings ["ZEROVALUE" ]; ok {
if _ , err := now .Parse (v ); err == nil {
return sql .NullString {String : v , Valid : true }
return sql .NullString {Valid : false }
type SoftDeleteQueryClause struct {
ZeroValue sql .NullString
Field *schema .Field
func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause ) Name () string {
return ""
func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause ) Build (clause .Builder ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause ) MergeClause (*clause .Clause ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteQueryClause ) ModifyStatement (stmt *Statement ) {
if _ , ok := stmt .Clauses ["soft_delete_enabled" ]; !ok && !stmt .Statement .Unscoped {
if c , ok := stmt .Clauses ["WHERE" ]; ok {
if where , ok := c .Expression .(clause .Where ); ok && len (where .Exprs ) >= 1 {
for _ , expr := range where .Exprs {
if orCond , ok := expr .(clause .OrConditions ); ok && len (orCond .Exprs ) == 1 {
where .Exprs = []clause .Expression {clause .And (where .Exprs ...)}
c .Expression = where
stmt .Clauses ["WHERE" ] = c
stmt .AddClause (clause .Where {Exprs : []clause .Expression {
clause .Eq {Column : clause .Column {Table : clause .CurrentTable , Name : sd .Field .DBName }, Value : sd .ZeroValue },
stmt .Clauses ["soft_delete_enabled" ] = clause .Clause {}
func (DeletedAt ) UpdateClauses (f *schema .Field ) []clause .Interface {
return []clause .Interface {SoftDeleteUpdateClause {Field : f , ZeroValue : parseZeroValueTag (f )}}
type SoftDeleteUpdateClause struct {
ZeroValue sql .NullString
Field *schema .Field
func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause ) Name () string {
return ""
func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause ) Build (clause .Builder ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause ) MergeClause (*clause .Clause ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteUpdateClause ) ModifyStatement (stmt *Statement ) {
if stmt .SQL .Len () == 0 && !stmt .Statement .Unscoped {
SoftDeleteQueryClause (sd ).ModifyStatement (stmt )
func (DeletedAt ) DeleteClauses (f *schema .Field ) []clause .Interface {
return []clause .Interface {SoftDeleteDeleteClause {Field : f , ZeroValue : parseZeroValueTag (f )}}
type SoftDeleteDeleteClause struct {
ZeroValue sql .NullString
Field *schema .Field
func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause ) Name () string {
return ""
func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause ) Build (clause .Builder ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause ) MergeClause (*clause .Clause ) {
func (sd SoftDeleteDeleteClause ) ModifyStatement (stmt *Statement ) {
if stmt .SQL .Len () == 0 && !stmt .Statement .Unscoped {
curTime := stmt .DB .NowFunc ()
stmt .AddClause (clause .Set {{Column : clause .Column {Name : sd .Field .DBName }, Value : curTime }})
stmt .SetColumn (sd .Field .DBName , curTime , true )
if stmt .Schema != nil {
_ , queryValues := schema .GetIdentityFieldValuesMap (stmt .Context , stmt .ReflectValue , stmt .Schema .PrimaryFields )
column , values := schema .ToQueryValues (stmt .Table , stmt .Schema .PrimaryFieldDBNames , queryValues )
if len (values ) > 0 {
stmt .AddClause (clause .Where {Exprs : []clause .Expression {clause .IN {Column : column , Values : values }}})
if stmt .ReflectValue .CanAddr () && stmt .Dest != stmt .Model && stmt .Model != nil {
_, queryValues = schema .GetIdentityFieldValuesMap (stmt .Context , reflect .ValueOf (stmt .Model ), stmt .Schema .PrimaryFields )
column , values = schema .ToQueryValues (stmt .Table , stmt .Schema .PrimaryFieldDBNames , queryValues )
if len (values ) > 0 {
stmt .AddClause (clause .Where {Exprs : []clause .Expression {clause .IN {Column : column , Values : values }}})
SoftDeleteQueryClause (sd ).ModifyStatement (stmt )
stmt .AddClauseIfNotExists (clause .Update {})
stmt .Build (stmt .DB .Callback ().Update ().Clauses ...)
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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