package gorm
import (
type Statement struct {
TableExpr *clause .Expr
Table string
Model interface {}
Unscoped bool
Dest interface {}
ReflectValue reflect .Value
Clauses map [string ]clause .Clause
BuildClauses []string
Distinct bool
Selects []string
Omits []string
Joins []join
Preloads map [string ][]interface {}
Settings sync .Map
ConnPool ConnPool
Schema *schema .Schema
Context context .Context
RaiseErrorOnNotFound bool
SkipHooks bool
SQL strings .Builder
Vars []interface {}
CurDestIndex int
attrs []interface {}
assigns []interface {}
scopes []func (*DB ) *DB
type join struct {
Name string
Conds []interface {}
On *clause .Where
Selects []string
Omits []string
JoinType clause .JoinType
type StatementModifier interface {
ModifyStatement (*Statement )
func (stmt *Statement ) WriteString (str string ) (int , error ) {
return stmt .SQL .WriteString (str )
func (stmt *Statement ) WriteByte (c byte ) error {
return stmt .SQL .WriteByte (c )
func (stmt *Statement ) WriteQuoted (value interface {}) {
stmt .QuoteTo (&stmt .SQL , value )
func (stmt *Statement ) QuoteTo (writer clause .Writer , field interface {}) {
write := func (raw bool , str string ) {
if raw {
writer .WriteString (str )
} else {
stmt .DB .Dialector .QuoteTo (writer , str )
switch v := field .(type ) {
case clause .Table :
if v .Name == clause .CurrentTable {
if stmt .TableExpr != nil {
stmt .TableExpr .Build (stmt )
} else {
write (v .Raw , stmt .Table )
} else {
write (v .Raw , v .Name )
if v .Alias != "" {
writer .WriteByte (' ' )
write (v .Raw , v .Alias )
case clause .Column :
if v .Table != "" {
if v .Table == clause .CurrentTable {
write (v .Raw , stmt .Table )
} else {
write (v .Raw , v .Table )
writer .WriteByte ('.' )
if v .Name == clause .PrimaryKey {
if stmt .Schema == nil {
stmt .DB .AddError (ErrModelValueRequired )
} else if stmt .Schema .PrioritizedPrimaryField != nil {
write (v .Raw , stmt .Schema .PrioritizedPrimaryField .DBName )
} else if len (stmt .Schema .DBNames ) > 0 {
write (v .Raw , stmt .Schema .DBNames [0 ])
} else {
stmt .DB .AddError (ErrModelAccessibleFieldsRequired )
} else {
write (v .Raw , v .Name )
if v .Alias != "" {
writer .WriteString (" AS " )
write (v .Raw , v .Alias )
case []clause .Column :
writer .WriteByte ('(' )
for idx , d := range v {
if idx > 0 {
writer .WriteByte (',' )
stmt .QuoteTo (writer , d )
writer .WriteByte (')' )
case clause .Expr :
v .Build (stmt )
case string :
stmt .DB .Dialector .QuoteTo (writer , v )
case []string :
writer .WriteByte ('(' )
for idx , d := range v {
if idx > 0 {
writer .WriteByte (',' )
stmt .DB .Dialector .QuoteTo (writer , d )
writer .WriteByte (')' )
default :
stmt .DB .Dialector .QuoteTo (writer , fmt .Sprint (field ))
func (stmt *Statement ) Quote (field interface {}) string {
var builder strings .Builder
stmt .QuoteTo (&builder , field )
return builder .String ()
func (stmt *Statement ) AddVar (writer clause .Writer , vars ...interface {}) {
for idx , v := range vars {
if idx > 0 {
writer .WriteByte (',' )
switch v := v .(type ) {
case sql .NamedArg :
stmt .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , v .Value )
case clause .Column , clause .Table :
stmt .QuoteTo (writer , v )
case Valuer :
reflectValue := reflect .ValueOf (v )
if reflectValue .Kind () == reflect .Ptr && reflectValue .IsNil () {
stmt .AddVar (writer , nil )
} else {
stmt .AddVar (writer , v .GormValue (stmt .Context , stmt .DB ))
case clause .Interface :
c := clause .Clause {Name : v .Name ()}
v .MergeClause (&c )
c .Build (stmt )
case clause .Expression :
v .Build (stmt )
case driver .Valuer :
stmt .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , v )
stmt .DB .Dialector .BindVarTo (writer , stmt , v )
case []byte :
stmt .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , v )
stmt .DB .Dialector .BindVarTo (writer , stmt , v )
case []interface {}:
if len (v ) > 0 {
writer .WriteByte ('(' )
stmt .AddVar (writer , v ...)
writer .WriteByte (')' )
} else {
writer .WriteString ("(NULL)" )
case *DB :
subdb := v .Session (&Session {Logger : logger .Discard , DryRun : true }).getInstance ()
if v .Statement .SQL .Len () > 0 {
var (
vars = subdb .Statement .Vars
sql = v .Statement .SQL .String ()
subdb .Statement .Vars = make ([]interface {}, 0 , len (vars ))
for _ , vv := range vars {
subdb .Statement .Vars = append (subdb .Statement .Vars , vv )
bindvar := strings .Builder {}
v .Dialector .BindVarTo (&bindvar , subdb .Statement , vv )
sql = strings .Replace (sql , bindvar .String (), "?" , 1 )
subdb .Statement .SQL .Reset ()
subdb .Statement .Vars = stmt .Vars
if strings .Contains (sql , "@" ) {
clause .NamedExpr {SQL : sql , Vars : vars }.Build (subdb .Statement )
} else {
clause .Expr {SQL : sql , Vars : vars }.Build (subdb .Statement )
} else {
subdb .Statement .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , subdb .Statement .Vars ...)
subdb .callbacks .Query ().Execute (subdb )
writer .WriteString (subdb .Statement .SQL .String ())
stmt .Vars = subdb .Statement .Vars
default :
switch rv := reflect .ValueOf (v ); rv .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
if rv .Len () == 0 {
writer .WriteString ("(NULL)" )
} else if rv .Type ().Elem () == reflect .TypeOf (uint8 (0 )) {
stmt .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , v )
stmt .DB .Dialector .BindVarTo (writer , stmt , v )
} else {
writer .WriteByte ('(' )
for i := 0 ; i < rv .Len (); i ++ {
if i > 0 {
writer .WriteByte (',' )
stmt .AddVar (writer , rv .Index (i ).Interface ())
writer .WriteByte (')' )
default :
stmt .Vars = append (stmt .Vars , v )
stmt .DB .Dialector .BindVarTo (writer , stmt , v )
func (stmt *Statement ) AddClause (v clause .Interface ) {
if optimizer , ok := v .(StatementModifier ); ok {
optimizer .ModifyStatement (stmt )
} else {
name := v .Name ()
c := stmt .Clauses [name ]
c .Name = name
v .MergeClause (&c )
stmt .Clauses [name ] = c
func (stmt *Statement ) AddClauseIfNotExists (v clause .Interface ) {
if c , ok := stmt .Clauses [v .Name ()]; !ok || c .Expression == nil {
stmt .AddClause (v )
func (stmt *Statement ) BuildCondition (query interface {}, args ...interface {}) []clause .Expression {
if s , ok := query .(string ); ok {
if _ , err := strconv .Atoi (s ); err != nil {
if s == "" && len (args ) == 0 {
return nil
if len (args ) == 0 || (len (args ) > 0 && strings .Contains (s , "?" )) {
return []clause .Expression {clause .Expr {SQL : s , Vars : args }}
if len (args ) > 0 && strings .Contains (s , "@" ) {
return []clause .Expression {clause .NamedExpr {SQL : s , Vars : args }}
if strings .Contains (strings .TrimSpace (s ), " " ) {
return []clause .Expression {clause .Expr {SQL : s , Vars : args }}
if len (args ) == 1 {
return []clause .Expression {clause .Eq {Column : s , Value : args [0 ]}}
conds := make ([]clause .Expression , 0 , 4 )
args = append ([]interface {}{query }, args ...)
for idx , arg := range args {
if arg == nil {
if valuer , ok := arg .(driver .Valuer ); ok {
arg , _ = valuer .Value ()
switch v := arg .(type ) {
case clause .Expression :
conds = append (conds , v )
case *DB :
v .executeScopes ()
if cs , ok := v .Statement .Clauses ["WHERE" ]; ok && cs .Expression != nil {
if where , ok := cs .Expression .(clause .Where ); ok {
if len (where .Exprs ) == 1 {
if orConds , ok := where .Exprs [0 ].(clause .OrConditions ); ok {
where .Exprs [0 ] = clause .AndConditions (orConds )
conds = append (conds , clause .And (where .Exprs ...))
} else {
conds = append (conds , cs .Expression )
if v .Statement == stmt {
cs .Expression = nil
stmt .Statement .Clauses ["WHERE" ] = cs
case map [interface {}]interface {}:
for i , j := range v {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : i , Value : j })
case map [string ]string :
keys := make ([]string , 0 , len (v ))
for i := range v {
keys = append (keys , i )
sort .Strings (keys )
for _ , key := range keys {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : key , Value : v [key ]})
case map [string ]interface {}:
keys := make ([]string , 0 , len (v ))
for i := range v {
keys = append (keys , i )
sort .Strings (keys )
for _ , key := range keys {
reflectValue := reflect .Indirect (reflect .ValueOf (v [key ]))
switch reflectValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
if _ , ok := v [key ].(driver .Valuer ); ok {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : key , Value : v [key ]})
} else if _ , ok := v [key ].(Valuer ); ok {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : key , Value : v [key ]})
} else {
valueLen := reflectValue .Len ()
values := make ([]interface {}, valueLen )
for i := 0 ; i < valueLen ; i ++ {
values [i ] = reflectValue .Index (i ).Interface ()
conds = append (conds , clause .IN {Column : key , Values : values })
default :
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : key , Value : v [key ]})
default :
reflectValue := reflect .Indirect (reflect .ValueOf (arg ))
for reflectValue .Kind () == reflect .Ptr {
reflectValue = reflectValue .Elem ()
if s , err := schema .Parse (arg , stmt .DB .cacheStore , stmt .DB .NamingStrategy ); err == nil {
selectedColumns := map [string ]bool {}
if idx == 0 {
for _ , v := range args [1 :] {
if vs , ok := v .(string ); ok {
selectedColumns [vs ] = true
restricted := len (selectedColumns ) != 0
switch reflectValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Struct :
for _ , field := range s .Fields {
selected := selectedColumns [field .DBName ] || selectedColumns [field .Name ]
if selected || (!restricted && field .Readable ) {
if v , isZero := field .ValueOf (stmt .Context , reflectValue ); !isZero || selected {
if field .DBName != "" {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : clause .Column {Table : clause .CurrentTable , Name : field .DBName }, Value : v })
} else if field .DataType != "" {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : clause .Column {Table : clause .CurrentTable , Name : field .Name }, Value : v })
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
for i := 0 ; i < reflectValue .Len (); i ++ {
for _ , field := range s .Fields {
selected := selectedColumns [field .DBName ] || selectedColumns [field .Name ]
if selected || (!restricted && field .Readable ) {
if v , isZero := field .ValueOf (stmt .Context , reflectValue .Index (i )); !isZero || selected {
if field .DBName != "" {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : clause .Column {Table : clause .CurrentTable , Name : field .DBName }, Value : v })
} else if field .DataType != "" {
conds = append (conds , clause .Eq {Column : clause .Column {Table : clause .CurrentTable , Name : field .Name }, Value : v })
if restricted {
} else if !reflectValue .IsValid () {
stmt .AddError (ErrInvalidData )
} else if len (conds ) == 0 {
if len (args ) == 1 {
switch reflectValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
valueLen := reflectValue .Len ()
values := make ([]interface {}, valueLen )
for i := 0 ; i < valueLen ; i ++ {
values [i ] = reflectValue .Index (i ).Interface ()
if len (values ) > 0 {
conds = append (conds , clause .IN {Column : clause .PrimaryColumn , Values : values })
return conds
conds = append (conds , clause .IN {Column : clause .PrimaryColumn , Values : args })
return conds
func (stmt *Statement ) Build (clauses ...string ) {
var firstClauseWritten bool
for _ , name := range clauses {
if c , ok := stmt .Clauses [name ]; ok {
if firstClauseWritten {
stmt .WriteByte (' ' )
firstClauseWritten = true
if b , ok := stmt .DB .ClauseBuilders [name ]; ok {
b (c , stmt )
} else {
c .Build (stmt )
func (stmt *Statement ) Parse (value interface {}) (err error ) {
return stmt .ParseWithSpecialTableName (value , "" )
func (stmt *Statement ) ParseWithSpecialTableName (value interface {}, specialTableName string ) (err error ) {
if stmt .Schema , err = schema .ParseWithSpecialTableName (value , stmt .DB .cacheStore , stmt .DB .NamingStrategy , specialTableName ); err == nil && stmt .Table == "" {
if tables := strings .Split (stmt .Schema .Table , "." ); len (tables ) == 2 {
stmt .TableExpr = &clause .Expr {SQL : stmt .Quote (stmt .Schema .Table )}
stmt .Table = tables [1 ]
stmt .Table = stmt .Schema .Table
return err
func (stmt *Statement ) clone () *Statement {
newStmt := &Statement {
TableExpr : stmt .TableExpr ,
Table : stmt .Table ,
Model : stmt .Model ,
Unscoped : stmt .Unscoped ,
Dest : stmt .Dest ,
ReflectValue : stmt .ReflectValue ,
Clauses : map [string ]clause .Clause {},
Distinct : stmt .Distinct ,
Selects : stmt .Selects ,
Omits : stmt .Omits ,
Preloads : map [string ][]interface {}{},
ConnPool : stmt .ConnPool ,
Schema : stmt .Schema ,
Context : stmt .Context ,
RaiseErrorOnNotFound : stmt .RaiseErrorOnNotFound ,
SkipHooks : stmt .SkipHooks ,
if stmt .SQL .Len () > 0 {
newStmt .SQL .WriteString (stmt .SQL .String ())
newStmt .Vars = make ([]interface {}, 0 , len (stmt .Vars ))
newStmt .Vars = append (newStmt .Vars , stmt .Vars ...)
for k , c := range stmt .Clauses {
newStmt .Clauses [k ] = c
for k , p := range stmt .Preloads {
newStmt .Preloads [k ] = p
if len (stmt .Joins ) > 0 {
newStmt .Joins = make ([]join , len (stmt .Joins ))
copy (newStmt .Joins , stmt .Joins )
if len (stmt .scopes ) > 0 {
newStmt .scopes = make ([]func (*DB ) *DB , len (stmt .scopes ))
copy (newStmt .scopes , stmt .scopes )
stmt .Settings .Range (func (k , v interface {}) bool {
newStmt .Settings .Store (k , v )
return true
return newStmt
func (stmt *Statement ) SetColumn (name string , value interface {}, fromCallbacks ...bool ) {
if v , ok := stmt .Dest .(map [string ]interface {}); ok {
v [name ] = value
} else if v , ok := stmt .Dest .([]map [string ]interface {}); ok {
for _ , m := range v {
m [name ] = value
} else if stmt .Schema != nil {
if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (name ); field != nil {
destValue := reflect .ValueOf (stmt .Dest )
for destValue .Kind () == reflect .Ptr {
destValue = destValue .Elem ()
if stmt .ReflectValue != destValue {
if !destValue .CanAddr () {
destValueCanAddr := reflect .New (destValue .Type ())
destValueCanAddr .Elem ().Set (destValue )
stmt .Dest = destValueCanAddr .Interface ()
destValue = destValueCanAddr .Elem ()
switch destValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Struct :
stmt .AddError (field .Set (stmt .Context , destValue , value ))
default :
stmt .AddError (ErrInvalidData )
switch stmt .ReflectValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
if len (fromCallbacks ) > 0 {
for i := 0 ; i < stmt .ReflectValue .Len (); i ++ {
stmt .AddError (field .Set (stmt .Context , stmt .ReflectValue .Index (i ), value ))
} else {
stmt .AddError (field .Set (stmt .Context , stmt .ReflectValue .Index (stmt .CurDestIndex ), value ))
case reflect .Struct :
if !stmt .ReflectValue .CanAddr () {
stmt .AddError (ErrInvalidValue )
stmt .AddError (field .Set (stmt .Context , stmt .ReflectValue , value ))
} else {
stmt .AddError (ErrInvalidField )
} else {
stmt .AddError (ErrInvalidField )
func (stmt *Statement ) Changed (fields ...string ) bool {
modelValue := stmt .ReflectValue
switch modelValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
modelValue = stmt .ReflectValue .Index (stmt .CurDestIndex )
selectColumns , restricted := stmt .SelectAndOmitColumns (false , true )
changed := func (field *schema .Field ) bool {
fieldValue , _ := field .ValueOf (stmt .Context , modelValue )
if v , ok := selectColumns [field .DBName ]; (ok && v ) || (!ok && !restricted ) {
if mv , mok := stmt .Dest .(map [string ]interface {}); mok {
if fv , ok := mv [field .Name ]; ok {
return !utils .AssertEqual (fv , fieldValue )
} else if fv , ok := mv [field .DBName ]; ok {
return !utils .AssertEqual (fv , fieldValue )
} else {
destValue := reflect .ValueOf (stmt .Dest )
for destValue .Kind () == reflect .Ptr {
destValue = destValue .Elem ()
changedValue , zero := field .ValueOf (stmt .Context , destValue )
if v {
return !utils .AssertEqual (changedValue , fieldValue )
return !zero && !utils .AssertEqual (changedValue , fieldValue )
return false
if len (fields ) == 0 {
for _ , field := range stmt .Schema .FieldsByDBName {
if changed (field ) {
return true
} else {
for _ , name := range fields {
if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (name ); field != nil {
if changed (field ) {
return true
return false
var nameMatcher = regexp .MustCompile (`^(?:\W?(\w+?)\W?\.)?\W?(\w+?)\W?$` )
func (stmt *Statement ) SelectAndOmitColumns (requireCreate , requireUpdate bool ) (map [string ]bool , bool ) {
results := map [string ]bool {}
notRestricted := false
processColumn := func (column string , result bool ) {
if stmt .Schema == nil {
results [column ] = result
} else if column == "*" {
notRestricted = result
for _ , dbName := range stmt .Schema .DBNames {
results [dbName ] = result
} else if column == clause .Associations {
for _ , rel := range stmt .Schema .Relationships .Relations {
results [rel .Name ] = result
} else if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (column ); field != nil && field .DBName != "" {
results [field .DBName ] = result
} else if matches := nameMatcher .FindStringSubmatch (column ); len (matches ) == 3 && (matches [1 ] == stmt .Table || matches [1 ] == "" ) {
if matches [2 ] == "*" {
for _ , dbName := range stmt .Schema .DBNames {
results [dbName ] = result
} else {
results [matches [2 ]] = result
} else {
results [column ] = result
for _ , column := range stmt .Selects {
processColumn (column , true )
for _ , column := range stmt .Omits {
processColumn (column , false )
if stmt .Schema != nil {
for _ , field := range stmt .Schema .FieldsByName {
name := field .DBName
if name == "" {
name = field .Name
if requireCreate && !field .Creatable {
results [name ] = false
} else if requireUpdate && !field .Updatable {
results [name ] = false
return results , !notRestricted && len (stmt .Selects ) > 0
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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