package runes

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 3 packages, and imported by 2 packages

Involved Source Files cond.go Package runes provide transforms for UTF-8 encoded text.
Code Examples package main import ( "fmt" "unicode" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Widen everything but ASCII. isASCII := func(r rune) bool { return r <= unicode.MaxASCII } t := runes.If(runes.Predicate(isASCII), nil, width.Widen) s, _, _ := transform.String(t, "アルアノリウ tech / 中國 / 5₩") fmt.Println(s) } package main import ( "fmt" "unicode" "" "" "" ) func main() { // Convert Latin characters to their canonical form, while keeping other // width distinctions. t := runes.If(runes.In(unicode.Latin), width.Fold, nil) s, _, _ := transform.String(t, "アルアノリウ tech / アルアノリウ tech") fmt.Println(s) } package main import ( "fmt" "unicode" "" "" ) func main() { replaceHyphens := runes.Map(func(r rune) rune { if unicode.Is(unicode.Hyphen, r) { return '|' } return r }) s, _, _ := transform.String(replaceHyphens, "a-b‐c⸗d﹣e") fmt.Println(s) } package main import ( "fmt" "unicode" "" "" "" ) func main() { t := transform.Chain(norm.NFD, runes.Remove(runes.In(unicode.Mn)), norm.NFC) s, _, _ := transform.String(t, "résumé") fmt.Println(s) }
Package-Level Type Names (total 2)
/* sort by: | */
A Set is a collection of runes. Contains returns true if r is contained in the set. * func In(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set func NotIn(rt *unicode.RangeTable) Set func Predicate(f func(rune) bool) Set func*Profile).Allowed() Set func If(s Set, tIn, tNotIn transform.Transformer) Transformer func Remove(s Set) Transformer func Set) precis.Option func *precis.Profile, disallow Set) *precis.Profile
Transformer implements the transform.Transformer interface. Bytes returns a new byte slice with the result of converting b using t. It calls Reset on t. It returns nil if any error was found. This can only happen if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. ( Transformer) Reset() ( Transformer) Span(b []byte, atEOF bool) (n int, err error) String returns a string with the result of converting s using t. It calls Reset on t. It returns the empty string if any error was found. This can only happen if an error-producing Transformer is passed to If. ( Transformer) Transform(dst, src []byte, atEOF bool) (nDst, nSrc int, err error) Transformer : Transformer : Transformer : vendor/ Transformer : vendor/ func If(s Set, tIn, tNotIn transform.Transformer) Transformer func Map(mapping func(rune) rune) Transformer func Remove(s Set) Transformer func ReplaceIllFormed() Transformer
Package-Level Functions (total 7)
If returns a transformer that applies tIn to consecutive runes for which s.Contains(r) and tNotIn to consecutive runes for which !s.Contains(r). Reset is called on tIn and tNotIn at the start of each run. A Nop transformer will substitute a nil value passed to tIn or tNotIn. Invalid UTF-8 is translated to RuneError to determine which transformer to apply, but is passed as is to the respective transformer.
In creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes in the given RangeTable.
Map returns a Transformer that maps the runes in the input using the given mapping. Illegal bytes in the input are converted to utf8.RuneError before being passed to the mapping func.
NotIn creates a Set with a Contains method that returns true for all runes not in the given RangeTable.
Predicate creates a Set with a Contains method that returns f(r).
Remove returns a Transformer that removes runes r for which s.Contains(r). Illegal input bytes are replaced by RuneError before being passed to f.
ReplaceIllFormed returns a transformer that replaces all input bytes that are not part of a well-formed UTF-8 code sequence with utf8.RuneError.