package brotli
import (
type metaBlockSplit struct {
literal_split blockSplit
command_split blockSplit
distance_split blockSplit
literal_context_map []uint32
literal_context_map_size uint
distance_context_map []uint32
distance_context_map_size uint
literal_histograms []histogramLiteral
literal_histograms_size uint
command_histograms []histogramCommand
command_histograms_size uint
distance_histograms []histogramDistance
distance_histograms_size uint
var metaBlockPool sync .Pool
func getMetaBlockSplit() *metaBlockSplit {
mb , _ := metaBlockPool .Get ().(*metaBlockSplit )
if mb == nil {
mb = &metaBlockSplit {}
} else {
initBlockSplit (&mb .literal_split )
initBlockSplit (&mb .command_split )
initBlockSplit (&mb .distance_split )
mb .literal_context_map = mb .literal_context_map [:0 ]
mb .literal_context_map_size = 0
mb .distance_context_map = mb .distance_context_map [:0 ]
mb .distance_context_map_size = 0
mb .literal_histograms = mb .literal_histograms [:0 ]
mb .command_histograms = mb .command_histograms [:0 ]
mb .distance_histograms = mb .distance_histograms [:0 ]
return mb
func freeMetaBlockSplit(mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
metaBlockPool .Put (mb )
func initDistanceParams(params *encoderParams , npostfix uint32 , ndirect uint32 ) {
var dist_params *distanceParams = ¶ms .dist
var alphabet_size uint32
var max_distance uint32
dist_params .distance_postfix_bits = npostfix
dist_params .num_direct_distance_codes = ndirect
alphabet_size = uint32 (distanceAlphabetSize (uint (npostfix ), uint (ndirect ), maxDistanceBits ))
max_distance = ndirect + (1 << (maxDistanceBits + npostfix + 2 )) - (1 << (npostfix + 2 ))
if params .large_window {
var bound = [maxNpostfix + 1 ]uint32 {0 , 4 , 12 , 28 }
var postfix uint32 = 1 << npostfix
alphabet_size = uint32 (distanceAlphabetSize (uint (npostfix ), uint (ndirect ), largeMaxDistanceBits ))
if ndirect < bound [npostfix ] {
max_distance = maxAllowedDistance - (bound [npostfix ] - ndirect )
} else if ndirect >= bound [npostfix ]+postfix {
max_distance = (3 << 29 ) - 4 + (ndirect - bound [npostfix ])
} else {
max_distance = maxAllowedDistance
dist_params .alphabet_size = alphabet_size
dist_params .max_distance = uint (max_distance )
func recomputeDistancePrefixes(cmds []command , orig_params *distanceParams , new_params *distanceParams ) {
if orig_params .distance_postfix_bits == new_params .distance_postfix_bits && orig_params .num_direct_distance_codes == new_params .num_direct_distance_codes {
for i := range cmds {
var cmd *command = &cmds [i ]
if commandCopyLen (cmd ) != 0 && cmd .cmd_prefix_ >= 128 {
prefixEncodeCopyDistance (uint (commandRestoreDistanceCode (cmd , orig_params )), uint (new_params .num_direct_distance_codes ), uint (new_params .distance_postfix_bits ), &cmd .dist_prefix_ , &cmd .dist_extra_ )
func computeDistanceCost(cmds []command , orig_params *distanceParams , new_params *distanceParams , cost *float64 ) bool {
var equal_params bool = false
var dist_prefix uint16
var dist_extra uint32
var extra_bits float64 = 0.0
var histo histogramDistance
histogramClearDistance (&histo )
if orig_params .distance_postfix_bits == new_params .distance_postfix_bits && orig_params .num_direct_distance_codes == new_params .num_direct_distance_codes {
equal_params = true
for i := range cmds {
cmd := &cmds [i ]
if commandCopyLen (cmd ) != 0 && cmd .cmd_prefix_ >= 128 {
if equal_params {
dist_prefix = cmd .dist_prefix_
} else {
var distance uint32 = commandRestoreDistanceCode (cmd , orig_params )
if distance > uint32 (new_params .max_distance ) {
return false
prefixEncodeCopyDistance (uint (distance ), uint (new_params .num_direct_distance_codes ), uint (new_params .distance_postfix_bits ), &dist_prefix , &dist_extra )
histogramAddDistance (&histo , uint (dist_prefix )&0x3FF )
extra_bits += float64 (dist_prefix >> 10 )
*cost = populationCostDistance (&histo ) + extra_bits
return true
var buildMetaBlock_kMaxNumberOfHistograms uint = 256
func buildMetaBlock(ringbuffer []byte , pos uint , mask uint , params *encoderParams , prev_byte byte , prev_byte2 byte , cmds []command , literal_context_mode int , mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
var distance_histograms []histogramDistance
var literal_histograms []histogramLiteral
var literal_context_modes []int = nil
var literal_histograms_size uint
var distance_histograms_size uint
var i uint
var literal_context_multiplier uint = 1
var npostfix uint32
var ndirect_msb uint32 = 0
var check_orig bool = true
var best_dist_cost float64 = 1e99
var orig_params encoderParams = *params
var new_params encoderParams = *params
for npostfix = 0 ; npostfix <= maxNpostfix ; npostfix ++ {
for ; ndirect_msb < 16 ; ndirect_msb ++ {
var ndirect uint32 = ndirect_msb << npostfix
var skip bool
var dist_cost float64
initDistanceParams (&new_params , npostfix , ndirect )
if npostfix == orig_params .dist .distance_postfix_bits && ndirect == orig_params .dist .num_direct_distance_codes {
check_orig = false
skip = !computeDistanceCost (cmds , &orig_params .dist , &new_params .dist , &dist_cost )
if skip || (dist_cost > best_dist_cost ) {
best_dist_cost = dist_cost
params .dist = new_params .dist
if ndirect_msb > 0 {
ndirect_msb --
ndirect_msb /= 2
if check_orig {
var dist_cost float64
computeDistanceCost (cmds , &orig_params .dist , &orig_params .dist , &dist_cost )
if dist_cost < best_dist_cost {
params .dist = orig_params .dist
recomputeDistancePrefixes (cmds , &orig_params .dist , ¶ms .dist )
splitBlock (cmds , ringbuffer , pos , mask , params , &mb .literal_split , &mb .command_split , &mb .distance_split )
if !params .disable_literal_context_modeling {
literal_context_multiplier = 1 << literalContextBits
literal_context_modes = make ([]int , (mb .literal_split .num_types ))
for i = 0 ; i < mb .literal_split .num_types ; i ++ {
literal_context_modes [i ] = literal_context_mode
literal_histograms_size = mb .literal_split .num_types * literal_context_multiplier
literal_histograms = make ([]histogramLiteral , literal_histograms_size )
clearHistogramsLiteral (literal_histograms , literal_histograms_size )
distance_histograms_size = mb .distance_split .num_types << distanceContextBits
distance_histograms = make ([]histogramDistance , distance_histograms_size )
clearHistogramsDistance (distance_histograms , distance_histograms_size )
mb .command_histograms_size = mb .command_split .num_types
if cap (mb .command_histograms ) < int (mb .command_histograms_size ) {
mb .command_histograms = make ([]histogramCommand , (mb .command_histograms_size ))
} else {
mb .command_histograms = mb .command_histograms [:mb .command_histograms_size ]
clearHistogramsCommand (mb .command_histograms , mb .command_histograms_size )
buildHistogramsWithContext (cmds , &mb .literal_split , &mb .command_split , &mb .distance_split , ringbuffer , pos , mask , prev_byte , prev_byte2 , literal_context_modes , literal_histograms , mb .command_histograms , distance_histograms )
literal_context_modes = nil
mb .literal_context_map_size = mb .literal_split .num_types << literalContextBits
if cap (mb .literal_context_map ) < int (mb .literal_context_map_size ) {
mb .literal_context_map = make ([]uint32 , (mb .literal_context_map_size ))
} else {
mb .literal_context_map = mb .literal_context_map [:mb .literal_context_map_size ]
mb .literal_histograms_size = mb .literal_context_map_size
if cap (mb .literal_histograms ) < int (mb .literal_histograms_size ) {
mb .literal_histograms = make ([]histogramLiteral , (mb .literal_histograms_size ))
} else {
mb .literal_histograms = mb .literal_histograms [:mb .literal_histograms_size ]
clusterHistogramsLiteral (literal_histograms , literal_histograms_size , buildMetaBlock_kMaxNumberOfHistograms , mb .literal_histograms , &mb .literal_histograms_size , mb .literal_context_map )
literal_histograms = nil
if params .disable_literal_context_modeling {
for i = mb .literal_split .num_types ; i != 0 ; {
var j uint = 0
i --
for ; j < 1 <<literalContextBits ; j ++ {
mb .literal_context_map [(i <<literalContextBits )+j ] = mb .literal_context_map [i ]
mb .distance_context_map_size = mb .distance_split .num_types << distanceContextBits
if cap (mb .distance_context_map ) < int (mb .distance_context_map_size ) {
mb .distance_context_map = make ([]uint32 , (mb .distance_context_map_size ))
} else {
mb .distance_context_map = mb .distance_context_map [:mb .distance_context_map_size ]
mb .distance_histograms_size = mb .distance_context_map_size
if cap (mb .distance_histograms ) < int (mb .distance_histograms_size ) {
mb .distance_histograms = make ([]histogramDistance , (mb .distance_histograms_size ))
} else {
mb .distance_histograms = mb .distance_histograms [:mb .distance_histograms_size ]
clusterHistogramsDistance (distance_histograms , mb .distance_context_map_size , buildMetaBlock_kMaxNumberOfHistograms , mb .distance_histograms , &mb .distance_histograms_size , mb .distance_context_map )
distance_histograms = nil
const maxStaticContexts = 13
type contextBlockSplitter struct {
alphabet_size_ uint
num_contexts_ uint
max_block_types_ uint
min_block_size_ uint
split_threshold_ float64
num_blocks_ uint
split_ *blockSplit
histograms_ []histogramLiteral
histograms_size_ *uint
target_block_size_ uint
block_size_ uint
curr_histogram_ix_ uint
last_histogram_ix_ [2 ]uint
last_entropy_ [2 * maxStaticContexts ]float64
merge_last_count_ uint
func initContextBlockSplitter(self *contextBlockSplitter , alphabet_size uint , num_contexts uint , min_block_size uint , split_threshold float64 , num_symbols uint , split *blockSplit , histograms *[]histogramLiteral , histograms_size *uint ) {
var max_num_blocks uint = num_symbols /min_block_size + 1
var max_num_types uint
assert (num_contexts <= maxStaticContexts )
self .alphabet_size_ = alphabet_size
self .num_contexts_ = num_contexts
self .max_block_types_ = maxNumberOfBlockTypes / num_contexts
self .min_block_size_ = min_block_size
self .split_threshold_ = split_threshold
self .num_blocks_ = 0
self .split_ = split
self .histograms_size_ = histograms_size
self .target_block_size_ = min_block_size
self .block_size_ = 0
self .curr_histogram_ix_ = 0
self .merge_last_count_ = 0
max_num_types = brotli_min_size_t (max_num_blocks , self .max_block_types_ +1 )
brotli_ensure_capacity_uint8_t (&split .types , &split .types_alloc_size , max_num_blocks )
brotli_ensure_capacity_uint32_t (&split .lengths , &split .lengths_alloc_size , max_num_blocks )
split .num_blocks = max_num_blocks
*histograms_size = max_num_types * num_contexts
if histograms == nil || cap (*histograms ) < int (*histograms_size ) {
*histograms = make ([]histogramLiteral , (*histograms_size ))
} else {
*histograms = (*histograms )[:*histograms_size ]
self .histograms_ = *histograms
clearHistogramsLiteral (self .histograms_ [0 :], num_contexts )
self .last_histogram_ix_ [1 ] = 0
self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ] = self .last_histogram_ix_ [1 ]
func contextBlockSplitterFinishBlock(self *contextBlockSplitter , is_final bool ) {
var split *blockSplit = self .split_
var num_contexts uint = self .num_contexts_
var last_entropy []float64 = self .last_entropy_ [:]
var histograms []histogramLiteral = self .histograms_
if self .block_size_ < self .min_block_size_ {
self .block_size_ = self .min_block_size_
if self .num_blocks_ == 0 {
var i uint
split .lengths [0 ] = uint32 (self .block_size_ )
split .types [0 ] = 0
for i = 0 ; i < num_contexts ; i ++ {
last_entropy [i ] = bitsEntropy (histograms [i ].data_ [:], self .alphabet_size_ )
last_entropy [num_contexts +i ] = last_entropy [i ]
self .num_blocks_ ++
split .num_types ++
self .curr_histogram_ix_ += num_contexts
if self .curr_histogram_ix_ < *self .histograms_size_ {
clearHistogramsLiteral (self .histograms_ [self .curr_histogram_ix_ :], self .num_contexts_ )
self .block_size_ = 0
} else if self .block_size_ > 0 {
var entropy [maxStaticContexts ]float64
var combined_histo []histogramLiteral = make ([]histogramLiteral , (2 * num_contexts ))
var combined_entropy [2 * maxStaticContexts ]float64
var diff = [2 ]float64 {0.0 }
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < num_contexts ; i ++ {
var curr_histo_ix uint = self .curr_histogram_ix_ + i
var j uint
entropy [i ] = bitsEntropy (histograms [curr_histo_ix ].data_ [:], self .alphabet_size_ )
for j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j ++ {
var jx uint = j *num_contexts + i
var last_histogram_ix uint = self .last_histogram_ix_ [j ] + i
combined_histo [jx ] = histograms [curr_histo_ix ]
histogramAddHistogramLiteral (&combined_histo [jx ], &histograms [last_histogram_ix ])
combined_entropy [jx ] = bitsEntropy (combined_histo [jx ].data_ [0 :], self .alphabet_size_ )
diff [j ] += combined_entropy [jx ] - entropy [i ] - last_entropy [jx ]
if split .num_types < self .max_block_types_ && diff [0 ] > self .split_threshold_ && diff [1 ] > self .split_threshold_ {
split .lengths [self .num_blocks_ ] = uint32 (self .block_size_ )
split .types [self .num_blocks_ ] = byte (split .num_types )
self .last_histogram_ix_ [1 ] = self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ]
self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ] = split .num_types * num_contexts
for i = 0 ; i < num_contexts ; i ++ {
last_entropy [num_contexts +i ] = last_entropy [i ]
last_entropy [i ] = entropy [i ]
self .num_blocks_ ++
split .num_types ++
self .curr_histogram_ix_ += num_contexts
if self .curr_histogram_ix_ < *self .histograms_size_ {
clearHistogramsLiteral (self .histograms_ [self .curr_histogram_ix_ :], self .num_contexts_ )
self .block_size_ = 0
self .merge_last_count_ = 0
self .target_block_size_ = self .min_block_size_
} else if diff [1 ] < diff [0 ]-20.0 {
split .lengths [self .num_blocks_ ] = uint32 (self .block_size_ )
split .types [self .num_blocks_ ] = split .types [self .num_blocks_ -2 ]
var tmp uint = self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ]
self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ] = self .last_histogram_ix_ [1 ]
self .last_histogram_ix_ [1 ] = tmp
for i = 0 ; i < num_contexts ; i ++ {
histograms [self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ]+i ] = combined_histo [num_contexts +i ]
last_entropy [num_contexts +i ] = last_entropy [i ]
last_entropy [i ] = combined_entropy [num_contexts +i ]
histogramClearLiteral (&histograms [self .curr_histogram_ix_ +i ])
self .num_blocks_ ++
self .block_size_ = 0
self .merge_last_count_ = 0
self .target_block_size_ = self .min_block_size_
} else {
split .lengths [self .num_blocks_ -1 ] += uint32 (self .block_size_ )
for i = 0 ; i < num_contexts ; i ++ {
histograms [self .last_histogram_ix_ [0 ]+i ] = combined_histo [i ]
last_entropy [i ] = combined_entropy [i ]
if split .num_types == 1 {
last_entropy [num_contexts +i ] = last_entropy [i ]
histogramClearLiteral (&histograms [self .curr_histogram_ix_ +i ])
self .block_size_ = 0
self .merge_last_count_ ++
if self .merge_last_count_ > 1 {
self .target_block_size_ += self .min_block_size_
combined_histo = nil
if is_final {
*self .histograms_size_ = split .num_types * num_contexts
split .num_blocks = self .num_blocks_
func contextBlockSplitterAddSymbol(self *contextBlockSplitter , symbol uint , context uint ) {
histogramAddLiteral (&self .histograms_ [self .curr_histogram_ix_ +context ], symbol )
self .block_size_ ++
if self .block_size_ == self .target_block_size_ {
contextBlockSplitterFinishBlock (self , false )
func mapStaticContexts(num_contexts uint , static_context_map []uint32 , mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
var i uint
mb .literal_context_map_size = mb .literal_split .num_types << literalContextBits
if cap (mb .literal_context_map ) < int (mb .literal_context_map_size ) {
mb .literal_context_map = make ([]uint32 , (mb .literal_context_map_size ))
} else {
mb .literal_context_map = mb .literal_context_map [:mb .literal_context_map_size ]
for i = 0 ; i < mb .literal_split .num_types ; i ++ {
var offset uint32 = uint32 (i * num_contexts )
var j uint
for j = 0 ; j < 1 <<literalContextBits ; j ++ {
mb .literal_context_map [(i <<literalContextBits )+j ] = offset + static_context_map [j ]
func buildMetaBlockGreedyInternal(ringbuffer []byte , pos uint , mask uint , prev_byte byte , prev_byte2 byte , literal_context_lut contextLUT , num_contexts uint , static_context_map []uint32 , commands []command , mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
var lit_blocks struct {
plain blockSplitterLiteral
ctx contextBlockSplitter
var cmd_blocks blockSplitterCommand
var dist_blocks blockSplitterDistance
var num_literals uint = 0
for i := range commands {
num_literals += uint (commands [i ].insert_len_ )
if num_contexts == 1 {
initBlockSplitterLiteral (&lit_blocks .plain , 256 , 512 , 400.0 , num_literals , &mb .literal_split , &mb .literal_histograms , &mb .literal_histograms_size )
} else {
initContextBlockSplitter (&lit_blocks .ctx , 256 , num_contexts , 512 , 400.0 , num_literals , &mb .literal_split , &mb .literal_histograms , &mb .literal_histograms_size )
initBlockSplitterCommand (&cmd_blocks , numCommandSymbols , 1024 , 500.0 , uint (len (commands )), &mb .command_split , &mb .command_histograms , &mb .command_histograms_size )
initBlockSplitterDistance (&dist_blocks , 64 , 512 , 100.0 , uint (len (commands )), &mb .distance_split , &mb .distance_histograms , &mb .distance_histograms_size )
for _ , cmd := range commands {
var j uint
blockSplitterAddSymbolCommand (&cmd_blocks , uint (cmd .cmd_prefix_ ))
for j = uint (cmd .insert_len_ ); j != 0 ; j -- {
var literal byte = ringbuffer [pos &mask ]
if num_contexts == 1 {
blockSplitterAddSymbolLiteral (&lit_blocks .plain , uint (literal ))
} else {
var context uint = uint (getContext (prev_byte , prev_byte2 , literal_context_lut ))
contextBlockSplitterAddSymbol (&lit_blocks .ctx , uint (literal ), uint (static_context_map [context ]))
prev_byte2 = prev_byte
prev_byte = literal
pos ++
pos += uint (commandCopyLen (&cmd ))
if commandCopyLen (&cmd ) != 0 {
prev_byte2 = ringbuffer [(pos -2 )&mask ]
prev_byte = ringbuffer [(pos -1 )&mask ]
if cmd .cmd_prefix_ >= 128 {
blockSplitterAddSymbolDistance (&dist_blocks , uint (cmd .dist_prefix_ )&0x3FF )
if num_contexts == 1 {
blockSplitterFinishBlockLiteral (&lit_blocks .plain , true )
} else {
contextBlockSplitterFinishBlock (&lit_blocks .ctx , true )
blockSplitterFinishBlockCommand (&cmd_blocks , true )
blockSplitterFinishBlockDistance (&dist_blocks , true )
if num_contexts > 1 {
mapStaticContexts (num_contexts , static_context_map , mb )
func buildMetaBlockGreedy(ringbuffer []byte , pos uint , mask uint , prev_byte byte , prev_byte2 byte , literal_context_lut contextLUT , num_contexts uint , static_context_map []uint32 , commands []command , mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
if num_contexts == 1 {
buildMetaBlockGreedyInternal (ringbuffer , pos , mask , prev_byte , prev_byte2 , literal_context_lut , 1 , nil , commands , mb )
} else {
buildMetaBlockGreedyInternal (ringbuffer , pos , mask , prev_byte , prev_byte2 , literal_context_lut , num_contexts , static_context_map , commands , mb )
func optimizeHistograms(num_distance_codes uint32 , mb *metaBlockSplit ) {
var good_for_rle [numCommandSymbols ]byte
var i uint
for i = 0 ; i < mb .literal_histograms_size ; i ++ {
optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE (256 , mb .literal_histograms [i ].data_ [:], good_for_rle [:])
for i = 0 ; i < mb .command_histograms_size ; i ++ {
optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE (numCommandSymbols , mb .command_histograms [i ].data_ [:], good_for_rle [:])
for i = 0 ; i < mb .distance_histograms_size ; i ++ {
optimizeHuffmanCountsForRLE (uint (num_distance_codes ), mb .distance_histograms [i ].data_ [:], good_for_rle [:])
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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