package ssh
import (
const (
KeyAlgoRSA = "ssh-rsa"
KeyAlgoDSA = "ssh-dss"
KeyAlgoECDSA256 = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256"
KeyAlgoSKECDSA256 = ""
KeyAlgoECDSA384 = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384"
KeyAlgoECDSA521 = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521"
KeyAlgoED25519 = "ssh-ed25519"
KeyAlgoSKED25519 = ""
KeyAlgoRSASHA256 = "rsa-sha2-256"
KeyAlgoRSASHA512 = "rsa-sha2-512"
const (
SigAlgoRSA = KeyAlgoRSA
SigAlgoRSASHA2256 = KeyAlgoRSASHA256
SigAlgoRSASHA2512 = KeyAlgoRSASHA512
func parsePubKey(in []byte , algo string ) (pubKey PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
switch algo {
case KeyAlgoRSA :
return parseRSA (in )
case KeyAlgoDSA :
return parseDSA (in )
case KeyAlgoECDSA256 , KeyAlgoECDSA384 , KeyAlgoECDSA521 :
return parseECDSA (in )
case KeyAlgoSKECDSA256 :
return parseSKECDSA (in )
case KeyAlgoED25519 :
return parseED25519 (in )
case KeyAlgoSKED25519 :
return parseSKEd25519 (in )
case CertAlgoRSAv01 , CertAlgoDSAv01 , CertAlgoECDSA256v01 , CertAlgoECDSA384v01 , CertAlgoECDSA521v01 , CertAlgoSKECDSA256v01 , CertAlgoED25519v01 , CertAlgoSKED25519v01 :
cert , err := parseCert (in , certKeyAlgoNames [algo ])
if err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
return cert , nil , nil
return nil , nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unknown key algorithm: %v" , algo )
func parseAuthorizedKey(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , comment string , err error ) {
in = bytes .TrimSpace (in )
i := bytes .IndexAny (in , " \t" )
if i == -1 {
i = len (in )
base64Key := in [:i ]
key := make ([]byte , base64 .StdEncoding .DecodedLen (len (base64Key )))
n , err := base64 .StdEncoding .Decode (key , base64Key )
if err != nil {
return nil , "" , err
key = key [:n ]
out , err = ParsePublicKey (key )
if err != nil {
return nil , "" , err
comment = string (bytes .TrimSpace (in [i :]))
return out , comment , nil
func ParseKnownHosts (in []byte ) (marker string , hosts []string , pubKey PublicKey , comment string , rest []byte , err error ) {
for len (in ) > 0 {
end := bytes .IndexByte (in , '\n' )
if end != -1 {
rest = in [end +1 :]
in = in [:end ]
} else {
rest = nil
end = bytes .IndexByte (in , '\r' )
if end != -1 {
in = in [:end ]
in = bytes .TrimSpace (in )
if len (in ) == 0 || in [0 ] == '#' {
in = rest
i := bytes .IndexAny (in , " \t" )
if i == -1 {
in = rest
keyFields := bytes .Fields (in )
if len (keyFields ) < 3 || len (keyFields ) > 5 {
return "" , nil , nil , "" , nil , errors .New ("ssh: invalid entry in known_hosts data" )
marker := ""
if keyFields [0 ][0 ] == '@' {
marker = string (keyFields [0 ][1 :])
keyFields = keyFields [1 :]
hosts := string (keyFields [0 ])
key := bytes .Join (keyFields [2 :], []byte (" " ))
if pubKey , comment , err = parseAuthorizedKey (key ); err != nil {
return "" , nil , nil , "" , nil , err
return marker , strings .Split (hosts , "," ), pubKey , comment , rest , nil
return "" , nil , nil , "" , nil , io .EOF
func ParseAuthorizedKey (in []byte ) (out PublicKey , comment string , options []string , rest []byte , err error ) {
for len (in ) > 0 {
end := bytes .IndexByte (in , '\n' )
if end != -1 {
rest = in [end +1 :]
in = in [:end ]
} else {
rest = nil
end = bytes .IndexByte (in , '\r' )
if end != -1 {
in = in [:end ]
in = bytes .TrimSpace (in )
if len (in ) == 0 || in [0 ] == '#' {
in = rest
i := bytes .IndexAny (in , " \t" )
if i == -1 {
in = rest
if out , comment , err = parseAuthorizedKey (in [i :]); err == nil {
return out , comment , options , rest , nil
var b byte
inQuote := false
var candidateOptions []string
optionStart := 0
for i , b = range in {
isEnd := !inQuote && (b == ' ' || b == '\t' )
if (b == ',' && !inQuote ) || isEnd {
if i -optionStart > 0 {
candidateOptions = append (candidateOptions , string (in [optionStart :i ]))
optionStart = i + 1
if isEnd {
if b == '"' && (i == 0 || (i > 0 && in [i -1 ] != '\\' )) {
inQuote = !inQuote
for i < len (in ) && (in [i ] == ' ' || in [i ] == '\t' ) {
i ++
if i == len (in ) {
in = rest
in = in [i :]
i = bytes .IndexAny (in , " \t" )
if i == -1 {
in = rest
if out , comment , err = parseAuthorizedKey (in [i :]); err == nil {
options = candidateOptions
return out , comment , options , rest , nil
in = rest
return nil , "" , nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: no key found" )
func ParsePublicKey (in []byte ) (out PublicKey , err error ) {
algo , in , ok := parseString (in )
if !ok {
return nil , errShortRead
var rest []byte
out , rest , err = parsePubKey (in , string (algo ))
if len (rest ) > 0 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: trailing junk in public key" )
return out , err
func MarshalAuthorizedKey (key PublicKey ) []byte {
b := &bytes .Buffer {}
b .WriteString (key .Type ())
b .WriteByte (' ' )
e := base64 .NewEncoder (base64 .StdEncoding , b )
e .Write (key .Marshal ())
e .Close ()
b .WriteByte ('\n' )
return b .Bytes ()
func MarshalPrivateKey (key crypto .PrivateKey , comment string ) (*pem .Block , error ) {
return marshalOpenSSHPrivateKey (key , comment , unencryptedOpenSSHMarshaler )
func MarshalPrivateKeyWithPassphrase (key crypto .PrivateKey , comment string , passphrase []byte ) (*pem .Block , error ) {
return marshalOpenSSHPrivateKey (key , comment , passphraseProtectedOpenSSHMarshaler (passphrase ))
type PublicKey interface {
Type () string
Marshal () []byte
Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error
type CryptoPublicKey interface {
CryptoPublicKey () crypto .PublicKey
type Signer interface {
PublicKey () PublicKey
Sign (rand io .Reader , data []byte ) (*Signature , error )
type AlgorithmSigner interface {
SignWithAlgorithm (rand io .Reader , data []byte , algorithm string ) (*Signature , error )
type MultiAlgorithmSigner interface {
Algorithms () []string
func NewSignerWithAlgorithms (signer AlgorithmSigner , algorithms []string ) (MultiAlgorithmSigner , error ) {
if len (algorithms ) == 0 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: please specify at least one valid signing algorithm" )
var signerAlgos []string
supportedAlgos := algorithmsForKeyFormat (underlyingAlgo (signer .PublicKey ().Type ()))
if s , ok := signer .(*multiAlgorithmSigner ); ok {
signerAlgos = s .Algorithms ()
} else {
signerAlgos = supportedAlgos
for _ , algo := range algorithms {
if !contains (supportedAlgos , algo ) {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: algorithm %q is not supported for key type %q" ,
algo , signer .PublicKey ().Type ())
if !contains (signerAlgos , algo ) {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: algorithm %q is restricted for the provided signer" , algo )
return &multiAlgorithmSigner {
AlgorithmSigner : signer ,
supportedAlgorithms : algorithms ,
}, nil
type multiAlgorithmSigner struct {
supportedAlgorithms []string
func (s *multiAlgorithmSigner ) Algorithms () []string {
return s .supportedAlgorithms
func (s *multiAlgorithmSigner ) isAlgorithmSupported (algorithm string ) bool {
if algorithm == "" {
algorithm = underlyingAlgo (s .PublicKey ().Type ())
for _ , algo := range s .supportedAlgorithms {
if algorithm == algo {
return true
return false
func (s *multiAlgorithmSigner ) SignWithAlgorithm (rand io .Reader , data []byte , algorithm string ) (*Signature , error ) {
if !s .isAlgorithmSupported (algorithm ) {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: algorithm %q is not supported: %v" , algorithm , s .supportedAlgorithms )
return s .AlgorithmSigner .SignWithAlgorithm (rand , data , algorithm )
type rsaPublicKey rsa .PublicKey
func (r *rsaPublicKey ) Type () string {
return "ssh-rsa"
func parseRSA(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
E *big .Int
N *big .Int
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
if w .E .BitLen () > 24 {
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: exponent too large" )
e := w .E .Int64 ()
if e < 3 || e &1 == 0 {
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: incorrect exponent" )
var key rsa .PublicKey
key .E = int (e )
key .N = w .N
return (*rsaPublicKey )(&key ), w .Rest , nil
func (r *rsaPublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
e := new (big .Int ).SetInt64 (int64 (r .E ))
wirekey := struct {
Name string
E *big .Int
N *big .Int
KeyAlgoRSA ,
e ,
r .N ,
return Marshal (&wirekey )
func (r *rsaPublicKey ) Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
supportedAlgos := algorithmsForKeyFormat (r .Type ())
if !contains (supportedAlgos , sig .Format ) {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , r .Type ())
hash := hashFuncs [sig .Format ]
h := hash .New ()
h .Write (data )
digest := h .Sum (nil )
return rsa .VerifyPKCS1v15 ((*rsa .PublicKey )(r ), hash , digest , sig .Blob )
func (r *rsaPublicKey ) CryptoPublicKey () crypto .PublicKey {
return (*rsa .PublicKey )(r )
type dsaPublicKey dsa .PublicKey
func (k *dsaPublicKey ) Type () string {
return "ssh-dss"
func checkDSAParams(param *dsa .Parameters ) error {
if l := param .P .BitLen (); l != 1024 {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported DSA key size %d" , l )
return nil
func parseDSA(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
P , Q , G , Y *big .Int
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
param := dsa .Parameters {
P : w .P ,
Q : w .Q ,
G : w .G ,
if err := checkDSAParams (¶m ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
key := &dsaPublicKey {
Parameters : param ,
Y : w .Y ,
return key , w .Rest , nil
func (k *dsaPublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
w := struct {
Name string
P , Q , G , Y *big .Int
k .Type (),
k .P ,
k .Q ,
k .G ,
k .Y ,
return Marshal (&w )
func (k *dsaPublicKey ) Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
if sig .Format != k .Type () {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , k .Type ())
h := hashFuncs [sig .Format ].New ()
h .Write (data )
digest := h .Sum (nil )
if len (sig .Blob ) != 40 {
return errors .New ("ssh: DSA signature parse error" )
r := new (big .Int ).SetBytes (sig .Blob [:20 ])
s := new (big .Int ).SetBytes (sig .Blob [20 :])
if dsa .Verify ((*dsa .PublicKey )(k ), digest , r , s ) {
return nil
return errors .New ("ssh: signature did not verify" )
func (k *dsaPublicKey ) CryptoPublicKey () crypto .PublicKey {
return (*dsa .PublicKey )(k )
type dsaPrivateKey struct {
*dsa .PrivateKey
func (k *dsaPrivateKey ) PublicKey () PublicKey {
return (*dsaPublicKey )(&k .PrivateKey .PublicKey )
func (k *dsaPrivateKey ) Sign (rand io .Reader , data []byte ) (*Signature , error ) {
return k .SignWithAlgorithm (rand , data , k .PublicKey ().Type ())
func (k *dsaPrivateKey ) Algorithms () []string {
return []string {k .PublicKey ().Type ()}
func (k *dsaPrivateKey ) SignWithAlgorithm (rand io .Reader , data []byte , algorithm string ) (*Signature , error ) {
if algorithm != "" && algorithm != k .PublicKey ().Type () {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported signature algorithm %s" , algorithm )
h := hashFuncs [k .PublicKey ().Type ()].New ()
h .Write (data )
digest := h .Sum (nil )
r , s , err := dsa .Sign (rand , k .PrivateKey , digest )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
sig := make ([]byte , 40 )
rb := r .Bytes ()
sb := s .Bytes ()
copy (sig [20 -len (rb ):20 ], rb )
copy (sig [40 -len (sb ):], sb )
return &Signature {
Format : k .PublicKey ().Type (),
Blob : sig ,
}, nil
type ecdsaPublicKey ecdsa .PublicKey
func (k *ecdsaPublicKey ) Type () string {
return "ecdsa-sha2-" + k .nistID ()
func (k *ecdsaPublicKey ) nistID () string {
switch k .Params ().BitSize {
case 256 :
return "nistp256"
case 384 :
return "nistp384"
case 521 :
return "nistp521"
panic ("ssh: unsupported ecdsa key size" )
type ed25519PublicKey ed25519 .PublicKey
func (k ed25519PublicKey ) Type () string {
return KeyAlgoED25519
func parseED25519(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
KeyBytes []byte
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
if l := len (w .KeyBytes ); l != ed25519 .PublicKeySize {
return nil , nil , fmt .Errorf ("invalid size %d for Ed25519 public key" , l )
return ed25519PublicKey (w .KeyBytes ), w .Rest , nil
func (k ed25519PublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
w := struct {
Name string
KeyBytes []byte
KeyAlgoED25519 ,
[]byte (k ),
return Marshal (&w )
func (k ed25519PublicKey ) Verify (b []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
if sig .Format != k .Type () {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , k .Type ())
if l := len (k ); l != ed25519 .PublicKeySize {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: invalid size %d for Ed25519 public key" , l )
if ok := ed25519 .Verify (ed25519 .PublicKey (k ), b , sig .Blob ); !ok {
return errors .New ("ssh: signature did not verify" )
return nil
func (k ed25519PublicKey ) CryptoPublicKey () crypto .PublicKey {
return ed25519 .PublicKey (k )
func supportedEllipticCurve(curve elliptic .Curve ) bool {
return curve == elliptic .P256 () || curve == elliptic .P384 () || curve == elliptic .P521 ()
func parseECDSA(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
Curve string
KeyBytes []byte
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
key := new (ecdsa .PublicKey )
switch w .Curve {
case "nistp256" :
key .Curve = elliptic .P256 ()
case "nistp384" :
key .Curve = elliptic .P384 ()
case "nistp521" :
key .Curve = elliptic .P521 ()
default :
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: unsupported curve" )
key .X , key .Y = elliptic .Unmarshal (key .Curve , w .KeyBytes )
if key .X == nil || key .Y == nil {
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: invalid curve point" )
return (*ecdsaPublicKey )(key ), w .Rest , nil
func (k *ecdsaPublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
keyBytes := elliptic .Marshal (k .Curve , k .X , k .Y )
w := struct {
Name string
ID string
Key []byte
k .Type (),
k .nistID (),
keyBytes ,
return Marshal (&w )
func (k *ecdsaPublicKey ) Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
if sig .Format != k .Type () {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , k .Type ())
h := hashFuncs [sig .Format ].New ()
h .Write (data )
digest := h .Sum (nil )
var ecSig struct {
R *big .Int
S *big .Int
if err := Unmarshal (sig .Blob , &ecSig ); err != nil {
return err
if ecdsa .Verify ((*ecdsa .PublicKey )(k ), digest , ecSig .R , ecSig .S ) {
return nil
return errors .New ("ssh: signature did not verify" )
func (k *ecdsaPublicKey ) CryptoPublicKey () crypto .PublicKey {
return (*ecdsa .PublicKey )(k )
type skFields struct {
Flags byte
Counter uint32
type skECDSAPublicKey struct {
application string
ecdsa .PublicKey
func (k *skECDSAPublicKey ) Type () string {
return KeyAlgoSKECDSA256
func (k *skECDSAPublicKey ) nistID () string {
return "nistp256"
func parseSKECDSA(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
Curve string
KeyBytes []byte
Application string
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
key := new (skECDSAPublicKey )
key .application = w .Application
if w .Curve != "nistp256" {
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: unsupported curve" )
key .Curve = elliptic .P256 ()
key .X , key .Y = elliptic .Unmarshal (key .Curve , w .KeyBytes )
if key .X == nil || key .Y == nil {
return nil , nil , errors .New ("ssh: invalid curve point" )
return key , w .Rest , nil
func (k *skECDSAPublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
keyBytes := elliptic .Marshal (k .Curve , k .X , k .Y )
w := struct {
Name string
ID string
Key []byte
Application string
k .Type (),
k .nistID (),
keyBytes ,
k .application ,
return Marshal (&w )
func (k *skECDSAPublicKey ) Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
if sig .Format != k .Type () {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , k .Type ())
h := hashFuncs [sig .Format ].New ()
h .Write ([]byte (k .application ))
appDigest := h .Sum (nil )
h .Reset ()
h .Write (data )
dataDigest := h .Sum (nil )
var ecSig struct {
R *big .Int
S *big .Int
if err := Unmarshal (sig .Blob , &ecSig ); err != nil {
return err
var skf skFields
if err := Unmarshal (sig .Rest , &skf ); err != nil {
return err
blob := struct {
ApplicationDigest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
Flags byte
Counter uint32
MessageDigest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
appDigest ,
skf .Flags ,
skf .Counter ,
dataDigest ,
original := Marshal (blob )
h .Reset ()
h .Write (original )
digest := h .Sum (nil )
if ecdsa .Verify ((*ecdsa .PublicKey )(&k .PublicKey ), digest , ecSig .R , ecSig .S ) {
return nil
return errors .New ("ssh: signature did not verify" )
type skEd25519PublicKey struct {
application string
ed25519 .PublicKey
func (k *skEd25519PublicKey ) Type () string {
return KeyAlgoSKED25519
func parseSKEd25519(in []byte ) (out PublicKey , rest []byte , err error ) {
var w struct {
KeyBytes []byte
Application string
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (in , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , nil , err
if l := len (w .KeyBytes ); l != ed25519 .PublicKeySize {
return nil , nil , fmt .Errorf ("invalid size %d for Ed25519 public key" , l )
key := new (skEd25519PublicKey )
key .application = w .Application
key .PublicKey = ed25519 .PublicKey (w .KeyBytes )
return key , w .Rest , nil
func (k *skEd25519PublicKey ) Marshal () []byte {
w := struct {
Name string
KeyBytes []byte
Application string
KeyAlgoSKED25519 ,
[]byte (k .PublicKey ),
k .application ,
return Marshal (&w )
func (k *skEd25519PublicKey ) Verify (data []byte , sig *Signature ) error {
if sig .Format != k .Type () {
return fmt .Errorf ("ssh: signature type %s for key type %s" , sig .Format , k .Type ())
if l := len (k .PublicKey ); l != ed25519 .PublicKeySize {
return fmt .Errorf ("invalid size %d for Ed25519 public key" , l )
h := hashFuncs [sig .Format ].New ()
h .Write ([]byte (k .application ))
appDigest := h .Sum (nil )
h .Reset ()
h .Write (data )
dataDigest := h .Sum (nil )
var edSig struct {
Signature []byte `ssh:"rest"`
if err := Unmarshal (sig .Blob , &edSig ); err != nil {
return err
var skf skFields
if err := Unmarshal (sig .Rest , &skf ); err != nil {
return err
blob := struct {
ApplicationDigest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
Flags byte
Counter uint32
MessageDigest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
appDigest ,
skf .Flags ,
skf .Counter ,
dataDigest ,
original := Marshal (blob )
if ok := ed25519 .Verify (k .PublicKey , original , edSig .Signature ); !ok {
return errors .New ("ssh: signature did not verify" )
return nil
func NewSignerFromKey (key interface {}) (Signer , error ) {
switch key := key .(type ) {
case crypto .Signer :
return NewSignerFromSigner (key )
case *dsa .PrivateKey :
return newDSAPrivateKey (key )
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported key type %T" , key )
func newDSAPrivateKey(key *dsa .PrivateKey ) (Signer , error ) {
if err := checkDSAParams (&key .PublicKey .Parameters ); err != nil {
return nil , err
return &dsaPrivateKey {key }, nil
type wrappedSigner struct {
signer crypto .Signer
pubKey PublicKey
func NewSignerFromSigner (signer crypto .Signer ) (Signer , error ) {
pubKey , err := NewPublicKey (signer .Public ())
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return &wrappedSigner {signer , pubKey }, nil
func (s *wrappedSigner ) PublicKey () PublicKey {
return s .pubKey
func (s *wrappedSigner ) Sign (rand io .Reader , data []byte ) (*Signature , error ) {
return s .SignWithAlgorithm (rand , data , s .pubKey .Type ())
func (s *wrappedSigner ) Algorithms () []string {
return algorithmsForKeyFormat (s .pubKey .Type ())
func (s *wrappedSigner ) SignWithAlgorithm (rand io .Reader , data []byte , algorithm string ) (*Signature , error ) {
if algorithm == "" {
algorithm = s .pubKey .Type ()
if !contains (s .Algorithms (), algorithm ) {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported signature algorithm %q for key format %q" , algorithm , s .pubKey .Type ())
hashFunc := hashFuncs [algorithm ]
var digest []byte
if hashFunc != 0 {
h := hashFunc .New ()
h .Write (data )
digest = h .Sum (nil )
} else {
digest = data
signature , err := s .signer .Sign (rand , digest , hashFunc )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
switch s .pubKey .(type ) {
case *ecdsaPublicKey , *dsaPublicKey :
type asn1Signature struct {
R , S *big .Int
asn1Sig := new (asn1Signature )
_ , err := asn1 .Unmarshal (signature , asn1Sig )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
switch s .pubKey .(type ) {
case *ecdsaPublicKey :
signature = Marshal (asn1Sig )
case *dsaPublicKey :
signature = make ([]byte , 40 )
r := asn1Sig .R .Bytes ()
s := asn1Sig .S .Bytes ()
copy (signature [20 -len (r ):20 ], r )
copy (signature [40 -len (s ):40 ], s )
return &Signature {
Format : algorithm ,
Blob : signature ,
}, nil
func NewPublicKey (key interface {}) (PublicKey , error ) {
switch key := key .(type ) {
case *rsa .PublicKey :
return (*rsaPublicKey )(key ), nil
case *ecdsa .PublicKey :
if !supportedEllipticCurve (key .Curve ) {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: only P-256, P-384 and P-521 EC keys are supported" )
return (*ecdsaPublicKey )(key ), nil
case *dsa .PublicKey :
return (*dsaPublicKey )(key ), nil
case ed25519 .PublicKey :
if l := len (key ); l != ed25519 .PublicKeySize {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: invalid size %d for Ed25519 public key" , l )
return ed25519PublicKey (key ), nil
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported key type %T" , key )
func ParsePrivateKey (pemBytes []byte ) (Signer , error ) {
key , err := ParseRawPrivateKey (pemBytes )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return NewSignerFromKey (key )
func ParsePrivateKeyWithPassphrase (pemBytes , passphrase []byte ) (Signer , error ) {
key , err := ParseRawPrivateKeyWithPassphrase (pemBytes , passphrase )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return NewSignerFromKey (key )
func encryptedBlock(block *pem .Block ) bool {
return strings .Contains (block .Headers ["Proc-Type" ], "ENCRYPTED" )
type PassphraseMissingError struct {
PublicKey PublicKey
func (*PassphraseMissingError ) Error () string {
return "ssh: this private key is passphrase protected"
func ParseRawPrivateKey (pemBytes []byte ) (interface {}, error ) {
block , _ := pem .Decode (pemBytes )
if block == nil {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: no key found" )
if encryptedBlock (block ) {
return nil , &PassphraseMissingError {}
switch block .Type {
return x509 .ParsePKCS1PrivateKey (block .Bytes )
case "PRIVATE KEY" :
return x509 .ParsePKCS8PrivateKey (block .Bytes )
return x509 .ParseECPrivateKey (block .Bytes )
return ParseDSAPrivateKey (block .Bytes )
return parseOpenSSHPrivateKey (block .Bytes , unencryptedOpenSSHKey )
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported key type %q" , block .Type )
func ParseRawPrivateKeyWithPassphrase (pemBytes , passphrase []byte ) (interface {}, error ) {
block , _ := pem .Decode (pemBytes )
if block == nil {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: no key found" )
if block .Type == "OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY" {
return parseOpenSSHPrivateKey (block .Bytes , passphraseProtectedOpenSSHKey (passphrase ))
if !encryptedBlock (block ) || !x509 .IsEncryptedPEMBlock (block ) {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: not an encrypted key" )
buf , err := x509 .DecryptPEMBlock (block , passphrase )
if err != nil {
if err == x509 .IncorrectPasswordError {
return nil , err
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: cannot decode encrypted private keys: %v" , err )
switch block .Type {
return x509 .ParsePKCS1PrivateKey (buf )
return x509 .ParseECPrivateKey (buf )
return ParseDSAPrivateKey (buf )
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported key type %q" , block .Type )
func ParseDSAPrivateKey (der []byte ) (*dsa .PrivateKey , error ) {
var k struct {
Version int
P *big .Int
Q *big .Int
G *big .Int
Pub *big .Int
Priv *big .Int
rest , err := asn1 .Unmarshal (der , &k )
if err != nil {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: failed to parse DSA key: " + err .Error())
if len (rest ) > 0 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: garbage after DSA key" )
return &dsa .PrivateKey {
PublicKey : dsa .PublicKey {
Parameters : dsa .Parameters {
P : k .P ,
Q : k .Q ,
G : k .G ,
Y : k .Pub ,
X : k .Priv ,
}, nil
func unencryptedOpenSSHKey(cipherName , kdfName , kdfOpts string , privKeyBlock []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
if kdfName != "none" || cipherName != "none" {
return nil , &PassphraseMissingError {}
if kdfOpts != "" {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: invalid openssh private key" )
return privKeyBlock , nil
func passphraseProtectedOpenSSHKey(passphrase []byte ) openSSHDecryptFunc {
return func (cipherName , kdfName , kdfOpts string , privKeyBlock []byte ) ([]byte , error ) {
if kdfName == "none" || cipherName == "none" {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: key is not password protected" )
if kdfName != "bcrypt" {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unknown KDF %q, only supports %q" , kdfName , "bcrypt" )
var opts struct {
Salt string
Rounds uint32
if err := Unmarshal ([]byte (kdfOpts ), &opts ); err != nil {
return nil , err
k , err := bcrypt_pbkdf .Key (passphrase , []byte (opts .Salt ), int (opts .Rounds ), 32 +16 )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
key , iv := k [:32 ], k [32 :]
c , err := aes .NewCipher (key )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
switch cipherName {
case "aes256-ctr" :
ctr := cipher .NewCTR (c , iv )
ctr .XORKeyStream (privKeyBlock , privKeyBlock )
case "aes256-cbc" :
if len (privKeyBlock )%c .BlockSize () != 0 {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: invalid encrypted private key length, not a multiple of the block size" )
cbc := cipher .NewCBCDecrypter (c , iv )
cbc .CryptBlocks (privKeyBlock , privKeyBlock )
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unknown cipher %q, only supports %q or %q" , cipherName , "aes256-ctr" , "aes256-cbc" )
return privKeyBlock , nil
func unencryptedOpenSSHMarshaler(privKeyBlock []byte ) ([]byte , string , string , string , error ) {
key := generateOpenSSHPadding (privKeyBlock , 8 )
return key , "none" , "none" , "" , nil
func passphraseProtectedOpenSSHMarshaler(passphrase []byte ) openSSHEncryptFunc {
return func (privKeyBlock []byte ) ([]byte , string , string , string , error ) {
salt := make ([]byte , 16 )
if _ , err := rand .Read (salt ); err != nil {
return nil , "" , "" , "" , err
opts := struct {
Salt []byte
Rounds uint32
}{salt , 16 }
k , err := bcrypt_pbkdf .Key (passphrase , salt , int (opts .Rounds ), 32 +aes .BlockSize )
if err != nil {
return nil , "" , "" , "" , err
keyBlock := generateOpenSSHPadding (privKeyBlock , aes .BlockSize )
dst := make ([]byte , len (keyBlock ))
key , iv := k [:32 ], k [32 :]
block , err := aes .NewCipher (key )
if err != nil {
return nil , "" , "" , "" , err
stream := cipher .NewCTR (block , iv )
stream .XORKeyStream (dst , keyBlock )
return dst , "aes256-ctr" , "bcrypt" , string (Marshal (opts )), nil
const privateKeyAuthMagic = "openssh-key-v1\x00"
type openSSHDecryptFunc func (CipherName, KdfName, KdfOpts string , PrivKeyBlock []byte ) ([]byte , error )
type openSSHEncryptFunc func (PrivKeyBlock []byte ) (ProtectedKeyBlock []byte , cipherName, kdfName, kdfOptions string , err error )
type openSSHEncryptedPrivateKey struct {
CipherName string
KdfName string
KdfOpts string
NumKeys uint32
PubKey []byte
PrivKeyBlock []byte
type openSSHPrivateKey struct {
Check1 uint32
Check2 uint32
Keytype string
Rest []byte `ssh:"rest"`
type openSSHRSAPrivateKey struct {
N *big .Int
E *big .Int
D *big .Int
Iqmp *big .Int
P *big .Int
Q *big .Int
Comment string
Pad []byte `ssh:"rest"`
type openSSHEd25519PrivateKey struct {
Pub []byte
Priv []byte
Comment string
Pad []byte `ssh:"rest"`
type openSSHECDSAPrivateKey struct {
Curve string
Pub []byte
D *big .Int
Comment string
Pad []byte `ssh:"rest"`
func parseOpenSSHPrivateKey(key []byte , decrypt openSSHDecryptFunc ) (crypto .PrivateKey , error ) {
if len (key ) < len (privateKeyAuthMagic ) || string (key [:len (privateKeyAuthMagic )]) != privateKeyAuthMagic {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: invalid openssh private key format" )
remaining := key [len (privateKeyAuthMagic ):]
var w openSSHEncryptedPrivateKey
if err := Unmarshal (remaining , &w ); err != nil {
return nil , err
if w .NumKeys != 1 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: multi-key files are not supported" )
privKeyBlock , err := decrypt (w .CipherName , w .KdfName , w .KdfOpts , w .PrivKeyBlock )
if err != nil {
if err , ok := err .(*PassphraseMissingError ); ok {
pub , errPub := ParsePublicKey (w .PubKey )
if errPub != nil {
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: failed to parse embedded public key: %v" , errPub )
err .PublicKey = pub
return nil , err
var pk1 openSSHPrivateKey
if err := Unmarshal (privKeyBlock , &pk1 ); err != nil || pk1 .Check1 != pk1 .Check2 {
if w .CipherName != "none" {
return nil , x509 .IncorrectPasswordError
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: malformed OpenSSH key" )
switch pk1 .Keytype {
case KeyAlgoRSA :
var key openSSHRSAPrivateKey
if err := Unmarshal (pk1 .Rest , &key ); err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := checkOpenSSHKeyPadding (key .Pad ); err != nil {
return nil , err
pk := &rsa .PrivateKey {
PublicKey : rsa .PublicKey {
N : key .N ,
E : int (key .E .Int64 ()),
D : key .D ,
Primes : []*big .Int {key .P , key .Q },
if err := pk .Validate (); err != nil {
return nil , err
pk .Precompute ()
return pk , nil
case KeyAlgoED25519 :
var key openSSHEd25519PrivateKey
if err := Unmarshal (pk1 .Rest , &key ); err != nil {
return nil , err
if len (key .Priv ) != ed25519 .PrivateKeySize {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: private key unexpected length" )
if err := checkOpenSSHKeyPadding (key .Pad ); err != nil {
return nil , err
pk := ed25519 .PrivateKey (make ([]byte , ed25519 .PrivateKeySize ))
copy (pk , key .Priv )
return &pk , nil
case KeyAlgoECDSA256 , KeyAlgoECDSA384 , KeyAlgoECDSA521 :
var key openSSHECDSAPrivateKey
if err := Unmarshal (pk1 .Rest , &key ); err != nil {
return nil , err
if err := checkOpenSSHKeyPadding (key .Pad ); err != nil {
return nil , err
var curve elliptic .Curve
switch key .Curve {
case "nistp256" :
curve = elliptic .P256 ()
case "nistp384" :
curve = elliptic .P384 ()
case "nistp521" :
curve = elliptic .P521 ()
default :
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: unhandled elliptic curve: " + key .Curve )
X , Y := elliptic .Unmarshal (curve , key .Pub )
if X == nil || Y == nil {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: failed to unmarshal public key" )
if key .D .Cmp (curve .Params ().N ) >= 0 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: scalar is out of range" )
x , y := curve .ScalarBaseMult (key .D .Bytes ())
if x .Cmp (X ) != 0 || y .Cmp (Y ) != 0 {
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: public key does not match private key" )
return &ecdsa .PrivateKey {
PublicKey : ecdsa .PublicKey {
Curve : curve ,
X : X ,
Y : Y ,
D : key .D ,
}, nil
default :
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: unhandled key type" )
func marshalOpenSSHPrivateKey(key crypto .PrivateKey , comment string , encrypt openSSHEncryptFunc ) (*pem .Block , error ) {
var w openSSHEncryptedPrivateKey
var pk1 openSSHPrivateKey
var check uint32
if err := binary .Read (rand .Reader , binary .BigEndian , &check ); err != nil {
return nil , err
pk1 .Check1 = check
pk1 .Check2 = check
w .NumKeys = 1
if k , ok := key .(*ed25519 .PrivateKey ); ok {
key = *k
switch k := key .(type ) {
case *rsa .PrivateKey :
E := new (big .Int ).SetInt64 (int64 (k .PublicKey .E ))
pubKey := struct {
KeyType string
E *big .Int
N *big .Int
KeyAlgoRSA ,
E , k .PublicKey .N ,
w .PubKey = Marshal (pubKey )
key := openSSHRSAPrivateKey {
N : k .PublicKey .N ,
E : E ,
D : k .D ,
Iqmp : k .Precomputed .Qinv ,
P : k .Primes [0 ],
Q : k .Primes [1 ],
Comment : comment ,
pk1 .Keytype = KeyAlgoRSA
pk1 .Rest = Marshal (key )
case ed25519 .PrivateKey :
pub := make ([]byte , ed25519 .PublicKeySize )
priv := make ([]byte , ed25519 .PrivateKeySize )
copy (pub , k [32 :])
copy (priv , k )
pubKey := struct {
KeyType string
Pub []byte
KeyAlgoED25519 , pub ,
w .PubKey = Marshal (pubKey )
key := openSSHEd25519PrivateKey {
Pub : pub ,
Priv : priv ,
Comment : comment ,
pk1 .Keytype = KeyAlgoED25519
pk1 .Rest = Marshal (key )
case *ecdsa .PrivateKey :
var curve , keyType string
switch name := k .Curve .Params ().Name ; name {
case "P-256" :
curve = "nistp256"
keyType = KeyAlgoECDSA256
case "P-384" :
curve = "nistp384"
keyType = KeyAlgoECDSA384
case "P-521" :
curve = "nistp521"
keyType = KeyAlgoECDSA521
default :
return nil , errors .New ("ssh: unhandled elliptic curve " + name )
pub := elliptic .Marshal (k .Curve , k .PublicKey .X , k .PublicKey .Y )
pubKey := struct {
KeyType string
Curve string
Pub []byte
keyType , curve , pub ,
w .PubKey = Marshal (pubKey )
key := openSSHECDSAPrivateKey {
Curve : curve ,
Pub : pub ,
D : k .D ,
Comment : comment ,
pk1 .Keytype = keyType
pk1 .Rest = Marshal (key )
default :
return nil , fmt .Errorf ("ssh: unsupported key type %T" , k )
var err error
w .PrivKeyBlock , w .CipherName , w .KdfName , w .KdfOpts , err = encrypt (Marshal (pk1 ))
if err != nil {
return nil , err
b := Marshal (w )
block := &pem .Block {
Bytes : append ([]byte (privateKeyAuthMagic ), b ...),
return block , nil
func checkOpenSSHKeyPadding(pad []byte ) error {
for i , b := range pad {
if int (b ) != i +1 {
return errors .New ("ssh: padding not as expected" )
return nil
func generateOpenSSHPadding(block []byte , blockSize int ) []byte {
for i , l := 0 , len (block ); (l +i )%blockSize != 0 ; i ++ {
block = append (block , byte (i +1 ))
return block
func FingerprintLegacyMD5 (pubKey PublicKey ) string {
md5sum := md5 .Sum (pubKey .Marshal ())
hexarray := make ([]string , len (md5sum ))
for i , c := range md5sum {
hexarray [i ] = hex .EncodeToString ([]byte {c })
return strings .Join (hexarray , ":" )
func FingerprintSHA256 (pubKey PublicKey ) string {
sha256sum := sha256 .Sum256 (pubKey .Marshal ())
hash := base64 .RawStdEncoding .EncodeToString (sha256sum [:])
return "SHA256:" + hash
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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