package postgres
import (
const indexSql = `
t.relname as table_name,
i.relname as index_name,
a.attname as column_name,
ix.indisunique as non_unique,
ix.indisprimary as primary
pg_class t,
pg_class i,
pg_index ix,
pg_attribute a
t.oid = ix.indrelid
and i.oid = ix.indexrelid
and a.attrelid = t.oid
and a.attnum = ANY(ix.indkey)
and t.relkind = 'r'
and t.relname = ?
var typeAliasMap = map [string ][]string {
"int2" : {"smallint" },
"int4" : {"integer" },
"int8" : {"bigint" },
"smallint" : {"int2" },
"integer" : {"int4" },
"bigint" : {"int8" },
"decimal" : {"numeric" },
"numeric" : {"decimal" },
"timestamptz" : {"timestamp with time zone" },
"timestamp with time zone" : {"timestamptz" },
type Migrator struct {
migrator .Migrator
func (m Migrator ) CurrentDatabase () (name string ) {
m .DB .Raw ("SELECT CURRENT_DATABASE()" ).Scan (&name )
func (m Migrator ) BuildIndexOptions (opts []schema .IndexOption , stmt *gorm .Statement ) (results []interface {}) {
for _ , opt := range opts {
str := stmt .Quote (opt .DBName )
if opt .Expression != "" {
str = opt .Expression
if opt .Collate != "" {
str += " COLLATE " + opt .Collate
if opt .Sort != "" {
str += " " + opt .Sort
results = append (results , clause .Expr {SQL : str })
func (m Migrator ) HasIndex (value interface {}, name string ) bool {
var count int64
m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if idx := stmt .Schema .LookIndex (name ); idx != nil {
name = idx .Name
currentSchema , curTable := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
return m .DB .Raw (
"SELECT count(*) FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = ? AND indexname = ? AND schemaname = ?" , curTable , name , currentSchema ,
).Scan (&count ).Error
return count > 0
func (m Migrator ) CreateIndex (value interface {}, name string ) error {
return m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if idx := stmt .Schema .LookIndex (name ); idx != nil {
opts := m .BuildIndexOptions (idx .Fields , stmt )
values := []interface {}{clause .Column {Name : idx .Name }, m .CurrentTable (stmt ), opts }
createIndexSQL := "CREATE "
if idx .Class != "" {
createIndexSQL += idx .Class + " "
createIndexSQL += "INDEX "
if strings .TrimSpace (strings .ToUpper (idx .Option )) == "CONCURRENTLY" {
createIndexSQL += "CONCURRENTLY "
createIndexSQL += "IF NOT EXISTS ? ON ?"
if idx .Type != "" {
createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx .Type + "(?)"
} else {
createIndexSQL += " ?"
if idx .Where != "" {
createIndexSQL += " WHERE " + idx .Where
return m .DB .Exec (createIndexSQL , values ...).Error
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to create index with name %v" , name )
func (m Migrator ) RenameIndex (value interface {}, oldName , newName string ) error {
return m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
return m .DB .Exec (
clause .Column {Name : oldName }, clause .Column {Name : newName },
func (m Migrator ) DropIndex (value interface {}, name string ) error {
return m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if idx := stmt .Schema .LookIndex (name ); idx != nil {
name = idx .Name
return m .DB .Exec ("DROP INDEX ?" , clause .Column {Name : name }).Error
func (m Migrator ) GetTables () (tableList []string , err error ) {
currentSchema , _ := m .CurrentSchema (m .DB .Statement , "" )
return tableList , m .DB .Raw ("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_type = ?" , currentSchema , "BASE TABLE" ).Scan (&tableList ).Error
func (m Migrator ) CreateTable (values ...interface {}) (err error ) {
if err = m .Migrator .CreateTable (values ...); err != nil {
for _ , value := range m .ReorderModels (values , false ) {
if err = m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
for _ , fieldName := range stmt .Schema .DBNames {
field := stmt .Schema .FieldsByDBName [fieldName ]
if field .Comment != "" {
if err := m .DB .Exec (
m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, gorm .Expr (m .Migrator .Dialector .Explain ("$1" , field .Comment )),
).Error ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
func (m Migrator ) HasTable (value interface {}) bool {
var count int64
m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
currentSchema , curTable := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
return m .DB .Raw ("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND table_type = ?" , currentSchema , curTable , "BASE TABLE" ).Scan (&count ).Error
return count > 0
func (m Migrator ) DropTable (values ...interface {}) error {
values = m .ReorderModels (values , false )
tx := m .DB .Session (&gorm .Session {})
for i := len (values ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- {
if err := m .RunWithValue (values [i ], func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
return tx .Exec ("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ? CASCADE" , m .CurrentTable (stmt )).Error
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m Migrator ) AddColumn (value interface {}, field string ) error {
if err := m .Migrator .AddColumn (value , field ); err != nil {
return err
m .resetPreparedStmts ()
return m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (field ); field != nil {
if field .Comment != "" {
if err := m .DB .Exec (
m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, gorm .Expr (m .Migrator .Dialector .Explain ("$1" , field .Comment )),
).Error ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m Migrator ) HasColumn (value interface {}, field string ) bool {
var count int64
m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
name := field
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (field ); field != nil {
name = field .DBName
currentSchema , curTable := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
return m .DB .Raw (
"SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?" ,
currentSchema , curTable , name ,
).Scan (&count ).Error
return count > 0
func (m Migrator ) MigrateColumn (value interface {}, field *schema .Field , columnType gorm .ColumnType ) error {
if !field .PrimaryKey {
if err := m .Migrator .MigrateColumn (value , field , columnType ); err != nil {
return err
return m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
var description string
currentSchema , curTable := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
values := []interface {}{currentSchema , curTable , field .DBName , stmt .Table , currentSchema }
checkSQL := "SELECT description FROM pg_catalog.pg_description "
checkSQL += "WHERE objsubid = (SELECT ordinal_position FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?) "
checkSQL += "AND objoid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = ? AND relnamespace = "
checkSQL += "(SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ?))"
m .DB .Raw (checkSQL , values ...).Scan (&description )
comment := strings .Trim (field .Comment , "'" )
comment = strings .Trim (comment , `"` )
if field .Comment != "" && comment != description {
if err := m .DB .Exec (
m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, gorm .Expr (m .Migrator .Dialector .Explain ("$1" , field .Comment )),
).Error ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m Migrator ) AlterColumn (value interface {}, field string ) error {
err := m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
if stmt .Schema != nil {
if field := stmt .Schema .LookUpField (field ); field != nil {
var (
columnTypes , _ = m .DB .Migrator ().ColumnTypes (value )
fieldColumnType *migrator .ColumnType
for _ , columnType := range columnTypes {
if columnType .Name () == field .DBName {
fieldColumnType , _ = columnType .(*migrator .ColumnType )
fileType := clause .Expr {SQL : m .DataTypeOf (field )}
isSameType := true
if fieldColumnType .DatabaseTypeName () != fileType .SQL {
isSameType = false
aliases := m .GetTypeAliases (fieldColumnType .DatabaseTypeName ())
for _ , alias := range aliases {
if strings .HasPrefix (fileType .SQL , alias ) {
isSameType = true
if !isSameType {
filedColumnAutoIncrement , _ := fieldColumnType .AutoIncrement ()
if field .AutoIncrement && filedColumnAutoIncrement {
serialDatabaseType , _ := getSerialDatabaseType (fileType .SQL )
if t , _ := fieldColumnType .ColumnType (); t != serialDatabaseType {
if err := m .UpdateSequence (m .DB , stmt , field , serialDatabaseType ); err != nil {
return err
} else if field .AutoIncrement && !filedColumnAutoIncrement {
serialDatabaseType , _ := getSerialDatabaseType (fileType .SQL )
if err := m .CreateSequence (m .DB , stmt , field , serialDatabaseType ); err != nil {
return err
} else if !field .AutoIncrement && filedColumnAutoIncrement {
if err := m .DeleteSequence (m .DB , stmt , field , fileType ); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := m .modifyColumn (stmt , field , fileType , fieldColumnType ); err != nil {
return err
if null , _ := fieldColumnType .Nullable (); null == field .NotNull {
if field .NotNull {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET NOT NULL" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? DROP NOT NULL" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if uniq , _ := fieldColumnType .Unique (); !uniq && field .Unique {
idxName := clause .Column {Name : m .DB .Config .NamingStrategy .IndexName (stmt .Table , field .DBName )}
if !m .HasIndex (stmt .Table , idxName .Name ) {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ADD CONSTRAINT ? UNIQUE(?)" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), idxName , clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if v , ok := fieldColumnType .DefaultValue (); (field .DefaultValueInterface == nil && ok ) || v != field .DefaultValue {
if field .HasDefaultValue && (field .DefaultValueInterface != nil || field .DefaultValue != "" ) {
if field .DefaultValueInterface != nil {
defaultStmt := &gorm .Statement {Vars : []interface {}{field .DefaultValueInterface }}
m .Dialector .BindVarTo (defaultStmt , defaultStmt , field .DefaultValueInterface )
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET DEFAULT ?" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, clause .Expr {SQL : m .Dialector .Explain (defaultStmt .SQL .String (), field .DefaultValueInterface )}).Error ; err != nil {
return err
} else if field .DefaultValue != "(-)" {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET DEFAULT ?" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, clause .Expr {SQL : field .DefaultValue }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? DROP DEFAULT" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, clause .Expr {SQL : field .DefaultValue }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
return fmt .Errorf ("failed to look up field with name: %s" , field )
if err != nil {
return err
m .resetPreparedStmts ()
return nil
func (m Migrator ) modifyColumn (stmt *gorm .Statement , field *schema .Field , targetType clause .Expr , existingColumn *migrator .ColumnType ) error {
isUncastableDefaultValue := false
if targetType .SQL == "boolean" {
switch existingColumn .DatabaseTypeName () {
case "int2" , "int8" , "numeric" :
isUncastableDefaultValue = true
if dv , _ := existingColumn .DefaultValue (); dv != "" && isUncastableDefaultValue {
if err := m .DB .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? DROP DEFAULT" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if err := m .DB .Exec (alterSQL , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, targetType , clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, targetType ).Error ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m Migrator ) HasConstraint (value interface {}, name string ) bool {
var count int64
m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
constraint , chk , table := m .GuessConstraintAndTable (stmt , name )
currentSchema , curTable := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , table )
if constraint != nil {
name = constraint .Name
} else if chk != nil {
name = chk .Name
return m .DB .Raw (
"SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND constraint_name = ?" ,
currentSchema , curTable , name ,
).Scan (&count ).Error
return count > 0
func (m Migrator ) ColumnTypes (value interface {}) (columnTypes []gorm .ColumnType , err error ) {
columnTypes = make ([]gorm .ColumnType , 0 )
err = m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
var (
currentDatabase = m .DB .Migrator ().CurrentDatabase ()
currentSchema , table = m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
columns , err = m .DB .Raw (
"SELECT c.column_name, c.is_nullable = 'YES', c.udt_name, c.character_maximum_length, c.numeric_precision, c.numeric_precision_radix, c.numeric_scale, c.datetime_precision, 8 * typlen, c.column_default, pd.description, c.identity_increment FROM information_schema.columns AS c JOIN pg_type AS pgt ON c.udt_name = pgt.typname LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description as pd ON pd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position AND pd.objoid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = c.table_name AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = c.table_schema)) where table_catalog = ? AND table_schema = ? AND table_name = ?" ,
currentDatabase , currentSchema , table ).Rows ()
if err != nil {
return err
for columns .Next () {
var (
column = &migrator .ColumnType {
PrimaryKeyValue : sql .NullBool {Valid : true },
UniqueValue : sql .NullBool {Valid : true },
datetimePrecision sql .NullInt64
radixValue sql .NullInt64
typeLenValue sql .NullInt64
identityIncrement sql .NullString
err = columns .Scan (
&column .NameValue , &column .NullableValue , &column .DataTypeValue , &column .LengthValue , &column .DecimalSizeValue ,
&radixValue , &column .ScaleValue , &datetimePrecision , &typeLenValue , &column .DefaultValueValue , &column .CommentValue , &identityIncrement ,
if err != nil {
return err
if typeLenValue .Valid && typeLenValue .Int64 > 0 {
column .LengthValue = typeLenValue
if (strings .HasPrefix (column .DefaultValueValue .String , "nextval('" ) &&
strings .HasSuffix (column .DefaultValueValue .String , "seq'::regclass)" )) || (identityIncrement .Valid && identityIncrement .String != "" ) {
column .AutoIncrementValue = sql .NullBool {Bool : true , Valid : true }
column .DefaultValueValue = sql .NullString {}
if column .DefaultValueValue .Valid {
column .DefaultValueValue .String = parseDefaultValueValue (column .DefaultValueValue .String )
if datetimePrecision .Valid {
column .DecimalSizeValue = datetimePrecision
columnTypes = append (columnTypes , column )
columns .Close ()
rows , rowsErr := m .GetRows (currentSchema , table )
if rowsErr != nil {
return rowsErr
rawColumnTypes , err := rows .ColumnTypes ()
if err != nil {
return err
for _ , columnType := range columnTypes {
for _ , c := range rawColumnTypes {
if c .Name () == columnType .Name () {
columnType .(*migrator .ColumnType ).SQLColumnType = c
rows .Close ()
columnTypeRows , err := m .DB .Raw ("SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_catalog, table_name, constraint_name) JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON c.table_schema = tc.constraint_schema AND tc.table_name = c.table_name AND ccu.column_name = c.column_name WHERE constraint_type IN ('PRIMARY KEY', 'UNIQUE') AND c.table_catalog = ? AND c.table_schema = ? AND c.table_name = ? AND constraint_type = ?" , currentDatabase , currentSchema , table , "UNIQUE" ).Rows ()
if err != nil {
return err
uniqueContraints := map [string ]int {}
for columnTypeRows .Next () {
var constraintName string
columnTypeRows .Scan (&constraintName )
uniqueContraints [constraintName ]++
columnTypeRows .Close ()
columnTypeRows , err = m .DB .Raw ("SELECT c.column_name, constraint_name, constraint_type FROM information_schema.table_constraints tc JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu USING (constraint_schema, constraint_catalog, table_name, constraint_name) JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON c.table_schema = tc.constraint_schema AND tc.table_name = c.table_name AND ccu.column_name = c.column_name WHERE constraint_type IN ('PRIMARY KEY', 'UNIQUE') AND c.table_catalog = ? AND c.table_schema = ? AND c.table_name = ?" , currentDatabase , currentSchema , table ).Rows ()
if err != nil {
return err
for columnTypeRows .Next () {
var name , constraintName , columnType string
columnTypeRows .Scan (&name , &constraintName , &columnType )
for _ , c := range columnTypes {
mc := c .(*migrator .ColumnType )
if mc .NameValue .String == name {
switch columnType {
case "PRIMARY KEY" :
mc .PrimaryKeyValue = sql .NullBool {Bool : true , Valid : true }
case "UNIQUE" :
if uniqueContraints [constraintName ] == 1 {
mc .UniqueValue = sql .NullBool {Bool : true , Valid : true }
columnTypeRows .Close ()
dataTypeRows , err := m .DB .Raw (`SELECT a.attname as column_name, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS data_type
FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_class b ON a.attrelid = b.oid AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ?)
WHERE a.attnum > 0 -- hide internal columns
AND NOT a.attisdropped -- hide deleted columns
AND b.relname = ?` , currentSchema , table ).Rows ()
if err != nil {
return err
for dataTypeRows .Next () {
var name , dataType string
dataTypeRows .Scan (&name , &dataType )
for _ , c := range columnTypes {
mc := c .(*migrator .ColumnType )
if mc .NameValue .String == name {
mc .ColumnTypeValue = sql .NullString {String : dataType , Valid : true }
if strings .HasPrefix (mc .DataTypeValue .String , "_" ) {
mc .DataTypeValue = sql .NullString {String : dataType , Valid : true }
dataTypeRows .Close ()
return err
func (m Migrator ) GetRows (currentSchema interface {}, table interface {}) (*sql .Rows , error ) {
name := table .(string )
if _ , ok := currentSchema .(string ); ok {
name = fmt .Sprintf ("%v.%v" , currentSchema , table )
return m .DB .Session (&gorm .Session {}).Table (name ).Limit (1 ).Scopes (func (d *gorm .DB ) *gorm .DB {
dialector , _ := m .Dialector .(Dialector )
if !m .DB .PrepareStmt && (dialector .Config != nil && (dialector .Config .DriverName == "" || dialector .Config .DriverName == "pgx" )) {
d .Statement .Vars = append ([]interface {}{pgx .QueryExecModeSimpleProtocol }, d .Statement .Vars ...)
return d
}).Rows ()
func (m Migrator ) CurrentSchema (stmt *gorm .Statement , table string ) (interface {}, interface {}) {
if strings .Contains (table , "." ) {
if tables := strings .Split (table , `.` ); len (tables ) == 2 {
return tables [0 ], tables [1 ]
if stmt .TableExpr != nil {
if tables := strings .Split (stmt .TableExpr .SQL , `"."` ); len (tables ) == 2 {
return strings .TrimPrefix (tables [0 ], `"` ), table
return clause .Expr {SQL : "CURRENT_SCHEMA()" }, table
func (m Migrator ) CreateSequence (tx *gorm .DB , stmt *gorm .Statement , field *schema .Field ,
serialDatabaseType string ) (err error ) {
_ , table := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
tableName := table .(string )
sequenceName := strings .Join ([]string {tableName , field .DBName , "seq" }, "_" )
if err = tx .Exec (`CREATE SEQUENCE IF NOT EXISTS ? AS ?` , clause .Expr {SQL : sequenceName },
clause .Expr {SQL : serialDatabaseType }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if err := tx .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? SET DEFAULT nextval('?')" ,
clause .Expr {SQL : tableName }, clause .Expr {SQL : field .DBName }, clause .Expr {SQL : sequenceName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if err := tx .Exec ("ALTER SEQUENCE ? OWNED BY ?.?" ,
clause .Expr {SQL : sequenceName }, clause .Expr {SQL : tableName }, clause .Expr {SQL : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
func (m Migrator ) UpdateSequence (tx *gorm .DB , stmt *gorm .Statement , field *schema .Field ,
serialDatabaseType string ) (err error ) {
sequenceName , err := m .getColumnSequenceName (tx , stmt , field )
if err != nil {
return err
if err = tx .Exec (`ALTER SEQUENCE IF EXISTS ? AS ?` , clause .Expr {SQL : sequenceName }, clause .Expr {SQL : serialDatabaseType }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if err := tx .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? TYPE ?" ,
m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Expr {SQL : field .DBName }, clause .Expr {SQL : serialDatabaseType }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
func (m Migrator ) DeleteSequence (tx *gorm .DB , stmt *gorm .Statement , field *schema .Field ,
fileType clause .Expr ) (err error ) {
sequenceName , err := m .getColumnSequenceName (tx , stmt , field )
if err != nil {
return err
if err := tx .Exec ("ALTER TABLE ? ALTER COLUMN ? TYPE ?" , m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Column {Name : field .DBName }, fileType ).Error ; err != nil {
return err
m .CurrentTable (stmt ), clause .Expr {SQL : field .DBName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
if err = tx .Exec (`DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS ?` , clause .Expr {SQL : sequenceName }).Error ; err != nil {
return err
func (m Migrator ) getColumnSequenceName (tx *gorm .DB , stmt *gorm .Statement , field *schema .Field ) (
sequenceName string , err error ) {
_ , table := m .CurrentSchema (stmt , stmt .Table )
var columnDefault string
err = tx .Raw (
`SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = ? AND column_name = ?` ,
table , field .DBName ).Scan (&columnDefault ).Error
if err != nil {
sequenceName = strings .TrimSuffix (
strings .TrimPrefix (columnDefault , `nextval('` ),
`'::regclass)` ,
func (m Migrator ) GetIndexes (value interface {}) ([]gorm .Index , error ) {
indexes := make ([]gorm .Index , 0 )
err := m .RunWithValue (value , func (stmt *gorm .Statement ) error {
result := make ([]*Index , 0 )
scanErr := m .DB .Raw (indexSql , stmt .Table ).Scan (&result ).Error
if scanErr != nil {
return scanErr
indexMap := groupByIndexName (result )
for _ , idx := range indexMap {
tempIdx := &migrator .Index {
TableName : idx [0 ].TableName ,
NameValue : idx [0 ].IndexName ,
PrimaryKeyValue : sql .NullBool {
Bool : idx [0 ].Primary ,
Valid : true ,
UniqueValue : sql .NullBool {
Bool : idx [0 ].NonUnique ,
Valid : true ,
for _ , x := range idx {
tempIdx .ColumnList = append (tempIdx .ColumnList , x .ColumnName )
indexes = append (indexes , tempIdx )
return nil
return indexes , err
type Index struct {
TableName string `gorm:"column:table_name"`
ColumnName string `gorm:"column:column_name"`
IndexName string `gorm:"column:index_name"`
NonUnique bool `gorm:"column:non_unique"`
Primary bool `gorm:"column:primary"`
func groupByIndexName(indexList []*Index ) map [string ][]*Index {
columnIndexMap := make (map [string ][]*Index , len (indexList ))
for _ , idx := range indexList {
columnIndexMap [idx .IndexName ] = append (columnIndexMap [idx .IndexName ], idx )
return columnIndexMap
func (m Migrator ) GetTypeAliases (databaseTypeName string ) []string {
return typeAliasMap [databaseTypeName ]
func (m Migrator ) resetPreparedStmts () {
if m .DB .PrepareStmt {
if pdb , ok := m .DB .ConnPool .(*gorm .PreparedStmtDB ); ok {
pdb .Reset ()
func (m Migrator ) DropColumn (dst interface {}, field string ) error {
if err := m .Migrator .DropColumn (dst , field ); err != nil {
return err
m .resetPreparedStmts ()
return nil
func (m Migrator ) RenameColumn (dst interface {}, oldName , field string ) error {
if err := m .Migrator .RenameColumn (dst , oldName , field ); err != nil {
return err
m .resetPreparedStmts ()
return nil
func parseDefaultValueValue(defaultValue string ) string {
value := regexp .MustCompile (`^(.*?)(?:::.*)?$` ).ReplaceAllString (defaultValue , "$1" )
return strings .Trim (value , "'" )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list .
Please follow @Go100and1 (reachable from the left QR code) to get the latest news of Golds .