package gorm
import (
func prepareValues(values []interface {}, db *DB , columnTypes []*sql .ColumnType , columns []string ) {
if db .Statement .Schema != nil {
for idx , name := range columns {
if field := db .Statement .Schema .LookUpField (name ); field != nil {
values [idx ] = reflect .New (reflect .PtrTo (field .FieldType )).Interface ()
values [idx ] = new (interface {})
} else if len (columnTypes ) > 0 {
for idx , columnType := range columnTypes {
if columnType .ScanType () != nil {
values [idx ] = reflect .New (reflect .PtrTo (columnType .ScanType ())).Interface ()
} else {
values [idx ] = new (interface {})
} else {
for idx := range columns {
values [idx ] = new (interface {})
func scanIntoMap(mapValue map [string ]interface {}, values []interface {}, columns []string ) {
for idx , column := range columns {
if reflectValue := reflect .Indirect (reflect .Indirect (reflect .ValueOf (values [idx ]))); reflectValue .IsValid () {
mapValue [column ] = reflectValue .Interface ()
if valuer , ok := mapValue [column ].(driver .Valuer ); ok {
mapValue [column ], _ = valuer .Value ()
} else if b , ok := mapValue [column ].(sql .RawBytes ); ok {
mapValue [column ] = string (b )
} else {
mapValue [column ] = nil
func (db *DB ) scanIntoStruct (rows Rows , reflectValue reflect .Value , values []interface {}, fields []*schema .Field , joinFields [][]*schema .Field ) {
for idx , field := range fields {
if field != nil {
values [idx ] = field .NewValuePool .Get ()
} else if len (fields ) == 1 {
if reflectValue .CanAddr () {
values [idx ] = reflectValue .Addr ().Interface ()
} else {
values [idx ] = reflectValue .Interface ()
db .RowsAffected ++
db .AddError (rows .Scan (values ...))
joinedNestedSchemaMap := make (map [string ]interface {})
for idx , field := range fields {
if field == nil {
if len (joinFields ) == 0 || len (joinFields [idx ]) == 0 {
db .AddError (field .Set (db .Statement .Context , reflectValue , values [idx ]))
} else {
var isNilPtrValue bool
var relValue reflect .Value
nestedJoinSchemas := joinFields [idx ][:len (joinFields [idx ])-1 ]
currentReflectValue := reflectValue
fullRels := make ([]string , 0 , len (nestedJoinSchemas ))
for _ , joinSchema := range nestedJoinSchemas {
fullRels = append (fullRels , joinSchema .Name )
relValue = joinSchema .ReflectValueOf (db .Statement .Context , currentReflectValue )
if relValue .Kind () == reflect .Ptr {
fullRelsName := utils .JoinNestedRelationNames (fullRels )
if _ , ok := joinedNestedSchemaMap [fullRelsName ]; !ok {
if value := reflect .ValueOf (values [idx ]).Elem (); value .Kind () == reflect .Ptr && value .IsNil () {
isNilPtrValue = true
relValue .Set (reflect .New (relValue .Type ().Elem ()))
joinedNestedSchemaMap [fullRelsName ] = nil
currentReflectValue = relValue
if !isNilPtrValue {
f := joinFields [idx ][len (joinFields [idx ])-1 ]
db .AddError (f .Set (db .Statement .Context , relValue , values [idx ]))
field .NewValuePool .Put (values [idx ])
type ScanMode uint8
const (
ScanInitialized ScanMode = 1 << 0
ScanUpdate ScanMode = 1 << 1
ScanOnConflictDoNothing ScanMode = 1 << 2
func Scan (rows Rows , db *DB , mode ScanMode ) {
var (
columns , _ = rows .Columns ()
values = make ([]interface {}, len (columns ))
initialized = mode &ScanInitialized != 0
update = mode &ScanUpdate != 0
onConflictDonothing = mode &ScanOnConflictDoNothing != 0
db .RowsAffected = 0
switch dest := db .Statement .Dest .(type ) {
case map [string ]interface {}, *map [string ]interface {}:
if initialized || rows .Next () {
columnTypes , _ := rows .ColumnTypes ()
prepareValues (values , db , columnTypes , columns )
db .RowsAffected ++
db .AddError (rows .Scan (values ...))
mapValue , ok := dest .(map [string ]interface {})
if !ok {
if v , ok := dest .(*map [string ]interface {}); ok {
if *v == nil {
*v = map [string ]interface {}{}
mapValue = *v
scanIntoMap (mapValue , values , columns )
case *[]map [string ]interface {}:
columnTypes , _ := rows .ColumnTypes ()
for initialized || rows .Next () {
prepareValues (values , db , columnTypes , columns )
initialized = false
db .RowsAffected ++
db .AddError (rows .Scan (values ...))
mapValue := map [string ]interface {}{}
scanIntoMap (mapValue , values , columns )
*dest = append (*dest , mapValue )
case *int , *int8 , *int16 , *int32 , *int64 ,
*uint , *uint8 , *uint16 , *uint32 , *uint64 , *uintptr ,
*float32 , *float64 ,
*bool , *string , *time .Time ,
*sql .NullInt32 , *sql .NullInt64 , *sql .NullFloat64 ,
*sql .NullBool , *sql .NullString , *sql .NullTime :
for initialized || rows .Next () {
initialized = false
db .RowsAffected ++
db .AddError (rows .Scan (dest ))
default :
var (
fields = make ([]*schema .Field , len (columns ))
joinFields [][]*schema .Field
sch = db .Statement .Schema
reflectValue = db .Statement .ReflectValue
if reflectValue .Kind () == reflect .Interface {
reflectValue = reflectValue .Elem ()
reflectValueType := reflectValue .Type ()
switch reflectValueType .Kind () {
case reflect .Array , reflect .Slice :
reflectValueType = reflectValueType .Elem ()
isPtr := reflectValueType .Kind () == reflect .Ptr
if isPtr {
reflectValueType = reflectValueType .Elem ()
if sch != nil {
if reflectValueType != sch .ModelType && reflectValueType .Kind () == reflect .Struct {
sch , _ = schema .Parse (db .Statement .Dest , db .cacheStore , db .NamingStrategy )
if len (columns ) == 1 {
if _ , ok := reflect .New (reflectValueType ).Interface ().(sql .Scanner ); (reflectValueType != sch .ModelType && ok ) ||
reflectValueType .Kind () != reflect .Struct ||
sch .ModelType .ConvertibleTo (schema .TimeReflectType ) {
sch = nil
if sch != nil {
matchedFieldCount := make (map [string ]int , len (columns ))
for idx , column := range columns {
if field := sch .LookUpField (column ); field != nil && field .Readable {
fields [idx ] = field
if count , ok := matchedFieldCount [column ]; ok {
for _ , selectField := range sch .Fields {
if selectField .DBName == column && selectField .Readable {
if count == 0 {
matchedFieldCount [column ]++
fields [idx ] = selectField
count --
} else {
matchedFieldCount [column ] = 1
} else if names := utils .SplitNestedRelationName (column ); len (names ) > 1 {
if rel , ok := sch .Relationships .Relations [names [0 ]]; ok {
subNameCount := len (names )
relFields := make ([]*schema .Field , 0 , subNameCount -1 )
relFields = append (relFields , rel .Field )
for _ , name := range names [1 : subNameCount -1 ] {
rel = rel .FieldSchema .Relationships .Relations [name ]
relFields = append (relFields , rel .Field )
dbName := names [subNameCount -1 ]
if field := rel .FieldSchema .LookUpField (dbName ); field != nil && field .Readable {
fields [idx ] = field
if len (joinFields ) == 0 {
joinFields = make ([][]*schema .Field , len (columns ))
relFields = append (relFields , field )
joinFields [idx ] = relFields
values [idx ] = &sql .RawBytes {}
} else {
values [idx ] = &sql .RawBytes {}
switch reflectValue .Kind () {
case reflect .Slice , reflect .Array :
var (
elem reflect .Value
isArrayKind = reflectValue .Kind () == reflect .Array
if !update || reflectValue .Len () == 0 {
update = false
if reflectValue .Cap () == 0 {
db .Statement .ReflectValue .Set (reflect .MakeSlice (reflectValue .Type (), 0 , 20 ))
} else if !isArrayKind {
reflectValue .SetLen (0 )
db .Statement .ReflectValue .Set (reflectValue )
for initialized || rows .Next () {
initialized = false
if update {
if int (db .RowsAffected ) >= reflectValue .Len () {
elem = reflectValue .Index (int (db .RowsAffected ))
if onConflictDonothing {
for _ , field := range fields {
if _ , ok := field .ValueOf (db .Statement .Context , elem ); !ok {
db .RowsAffected ++
goto BEGIN
} else {
elem = reflect .New (reflectValueType )
db .scanIntoStruct (rows , elem , values , fields , joinFields )
if !update {
if !isPtr {
elem = elem .Elem ()
if isArrayKind {
if reflectValue .Len () >= int (db .RowsAffected ) {
reflectValue .Index (int (db .RowsAffected - 1 )).Set (elem )
} else {
reflectValue = reflect .Append (reflectValue , elem )
if !update {
db .Statement .ReflectValue .Set (reflectValue )
case reflect .Struct , reflect .Ptr :
if initialized || rows .Next () {
db .scanIntoStruct (rows , reflectValue , values , fields , joinFields )
default :
db .AddError (rows .Scan (dest ))
if err := rows .Err (); err != nil && err != db .Error {
db .AddError (err )
if db .RowsAffected == 0 && db .Statement .RaiseErrorOnNotFound && db .Error == nil {
db .AddError (ErrRecordNotFound )
The pages are generated with Golds v0.6.7 . (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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