Source File
Belonging Package
// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Jeevanandam M (, All rights reserved.
// resty source code and usage is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package resty
import (
const (
// MethodGet HTTP method
MethodGet = "GET"
// MethodPost HTTP method
MethodPost = "POST"
// MethodPut HTTP method
MethodPut = "PUT"
// MethodDelete HTTP method
MethodDelete = "DELETE"
// MethodPatch HTTP method
MethodPatch = "PATCH"
// MethodHead HTTP method
MethodHead = "HEAD"
// MethodOptions HTTP method
MethodOptions = "OPTIONS"
var (
hdrUserAgentKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("User-Agent")
hdrAcceptKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Accept")
hdrContentTypeKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Content-Type")
hdrContentLengthKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Content-Length")
hdrContentEncodingKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Content-Encoding")
hdrLocationKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Location")
hdrAuthorizationKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Authorization")
hdrWwwAuthenticateKey = http.CanonicalHeaderKey("WWW-Authenticate")
plainTextType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
jsonContentType = "application/json"
formContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
jsonCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(application|text)/(.*json.*)(;|$))`)
xmlCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:(application|text)/(.*xml.*)(;|$))`)
hdrUserAgentValue = "go-resty/" + Version + " ("
bufPool = &sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return &bytes.Buffer{} }}
type (
// RequestMiddleware type is for request middleware, called before a request is sent
RequestMiddleware func(*Client, *Request) error
// ResponseMiddleware type is for response middleware, called after a response has been received
ResponseMiddleware func(*Client, *Response) error
// PreRequestHook type is for the request hook, called right before the request is sent
PreRequestHook func(*Client, *http.Request) error
// RequestLogCallback type is for request logs, called before the request is logged
RequestLogCallback func(*RequestLog) error
// ResponseLogCallback type is for response logs, called before the response is logged
ResponseLogCallback func(*ResponseLog) error
// ErrorHook type is for reacting to request errors, called after all retries were attempted
ErrorHook func(*Request, error)
// SuccessHook type is for reacting to request success
SuccessHook func(*Client, *Response)
// Client struct is used to create Resty client with client level settings,
// these settings are applicable to all the request raised from the client.
// Resty also provides an options to override most of the client settings
// at request level.
type Client struct {
BaseURL string
HostURL string // Deprecated: use BaseURL instead. To be removed in v3.0.0 release.
QueryParam url.Values
FormData url.Values
PathParams map[string]string
RawPathParams map[string]string
Header http.Header
UserInfo *User
Token string
AuthScheme string
Cookies []*http.Cookie
Error reflect.Type
Debug bool
DisableWarn bool
AllowGetMethodPayload bool
RetryCount int
RetryWaitTime time.Duration
RetryMaxWaitTime time.Duration
RetryConditions []RetryConditionFunc
RetryHooks []OnRetryFunc
RetryAfter RetryAfterFunc
RetryResetReaders bool
JSONMarshal func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
JSONUnmarshal func(data []byte, v interface{}) error
XMLMarshal func(v interface{}) ([]byte, error)
XMLUnmarshal func(data []byte, v interface{}) error
// HeaderAuthorizationKey is used to set/access Request Authorization header
// value when `SetAuthToken` option is used.
HeaderAuthorizationKey string
jsonEscapeHTML bool
setContentLength bool
closeConnection bool
notParseResponse bool
trace bool
debugBodySizeLimit int64
outputDirectory string
scheme string
log Logger
httpClient *http.Client
proxyURL *url.URL
beforeRequest []RequestMiddleware
udBeforeRequest []RequestMiddleware
udBeforeRequestLock sync.RWMutex
preReqHook PreRequestHook
successHooks []SuccessHook
afterResponse []ResponseMiddleware
afterResponseLock sync.RWMutex
requestLog RequestLogCallback
responseLog ResponseLogCallback
errorHooks []ErrorHook
invalidHooks []ErrorHook
panicHooks []ErrorHook
rateLimiter RateLimiter
// User type is to hold an username and password information
type User struct {
Username, Password string
// Client methods
// SetHostURL method is to set Host URL in the client instance. It will be used with request
// raised from this client with relative URL
// // Setting HTTP address
// client.SetHostURL("")
// // Setting HTTPS address
// client.SetHostURL("")
// Deprecated: use SetBaseURL instead. To be removed in v3.0.0 release.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
// SetBaseURL method is to set Base URL in the client instance. It will be used with request
// raised from this client with relative URL
// // Setting HTTP address
// client.SetBaseURL("")
// // Setting HTTPS address
// client.SetBaseURL("")
// Since v2.7.0
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
.BaseURL = strings.TrimRight(, "/")
.HostURL = .BaseURL
// SetHeader method sets a single header field and its value in the client instance.
// These headers will be applied to all requests raised from this client instance.
// Also it can be overridden at request level header options.
// See `Request.SetHeader` or `Request.SetHeaders`.
// For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`
// client.
// SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
// SetHeader("Accept", "application/json")
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.Header.Set(, )
// SetHeaders method sets multiple headers field and its values at one go in the client instance.
// These headers will be applied to all requests raised from this client instance. Also it can be
// overridden at request level headers options.
// See `Request.SetHeaders` or `Request.SetHeader`.
// For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`
// client.SetHeaders(map[string]string{
// "Content-Type": "application/json",
// "Accept": "application/json",
// })
func ( *Client) ( map[string]string) *Client {
for , := range {
.Header.Set(, )
// SetHeaderVerbatim method is to set a single header field and its value verbatim in the current request.
// For Example: To set `all_lowercase` and `UPPERCASE` as `available`.
// client.R().
// SetHeaderVerbatim("all_lowercase", "available").
// SetHeaderVerbatim("UPPERCASE", "available")
// Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.
// Since v2.6.0
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.Header[] = []string{}
// SetCookieJar method sets custom http.CookieJar in the resty client. Its way to override default.
// For Example: sometimes we don't want to save cookies in api contacting, we can remove the default
// CookieJar in resty client.
// client.SetCookieJar(nil)
func ( *Client) ( http.CookieJar) *Client {
.httpClient.Jar =
// SetCookie method appends a single cookie in the client instance.
// These cookies will be added to all the request raised from this client instance.
// client.SetCookie(&http.Cookie{
// Name:"go-resty",
// Value:"This is cookie value",
// })
func ( *Client) ( *http.Cookie) *Client {
.Cookies = append(.Cookies, )
// SetCookies method sets an array of cookies in the client instance.
// These cookies will be added to all the request raised from this client instance.
// cookies := []*http.Cookie{
// &http.Cookie{
// Name:"go-resty-1",
// Value:"This is cookie 1 value",
// },
// &http.Cookie{
// Name:"go-resty-2",
// Value:"This is cookie 2 value",
// },
// }
// // Setting a cookies into resty
// client.SetCookies(cookies)
func ( *Client) ( []*http.Cookie) *Client {
.Cookies = append(.Cookies, ...)
// SetQueryParam method sets single parameter and its value in the client instance.
// It will be formed as query string for the request.
// For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large`
// in the URL after `?` mark. These query params will be added to all the request raised from
// this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level Query Param options.
// See `Request.SetQueryParam` or `Request.SetQueryParams`.
// client.
// SetQueryParam("search", "kitchen papers").
// SetQueryParam("size", "large")
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.QueryParam.Set(, )
// SetQueryParams method sets multiple parameters and their values at one go in the client instance.
// It will be formed as query string for the request.
// For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large`
// in the URL after `?` mark. These query params will be added to all the request raised from this
// client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level Query Param options.
// See `Request.SetQueryParams` or `Request.SetQueryParam`.
// client.SetQueryParams(map[string]string{
// "search": "kitchen papers",
// "size": "large",
// })
func ( *Client) ( map[string]string) *Client {
for , := range {
.SetQueryParam(, )
// SetFormData method sets Form parameters and their values in the client instance.
// It's applicable only HTTP method `POST` and `PUT` and request content type would be set as
// `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. These form data will be added to all the request raised from
// this client instance. Also it can be overridden at request level form data.
// See `Request.SetFormData`.
// client.SetFormData(map[string]string{
// "access_token": "BC594900-518B-4F7E-AC75-BD37F019E08F",
// "user_id": "3455454545",
// })
func ( *Client) ( map[string]string) *Client {
for , := range {
.FormData.Set(, )
// SetBasicAuth method sets the basic authentication header in the HTTP request. For Example:
// Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-value>
// For Example: To set the header for username "go-resty" and password "welcome"
// client.SetBasicAuth("go-resty", "welcome")
// This basic auth information gets added to all the request raised from this client instance.
// Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.
// See `Request.SetBasicAuth`.
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.UserInfo = &User{Username: , Password: }
// SetAuthToken method sets the auth token of the `Authorization` header for all HTTP requests.
// The default auth scheme is `Bearer`, it can be customized with the method `SetAuthScheme`. For Example:
// Authorization: <auth-scheme> <auth-token-value>
// For Example: To set auth token BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F
// client.SetAuthToken("BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F")
// This auth token gets added to all the requests raised from this client instance.
// Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.
// See `Request.SetAuthToken`.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
.Token =
// SetAuthScheme method sets the auth scheme type in the HTTP request. For Example:
// Authorization: <auth-scheme-value> <auth-token-value>
// For Example: To set the scheme to use OAuth
// client.SetAuthScheme("OAuth")
// This auth scheme gets added to all the requests raised from this client instance.
// Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.
// Information about auth schemes can be found in RFC7235 which is linked to below
// along with the page containing the currently defined official authentication schemes:
// See `Request.SetAuthToken`.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
.AuthScheme =
// SetDigestAuth method sets the Digest Access auth scheme for the client. If a server responds with 401 and sends
// a Digest challenge in the WWW-Authenticate Header, requests will be resent with the appropriate Authorization Header.
// For Example: To set the Digest scheme with user "Mufasa" and password "Circle Of Life"
// client.SetDigestAuth("Mufasa", "Circle Of Life")
// Information about Digest Access Authentication can be found in RFC7616:
// See `Request.SetDigestAuth`.
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
:= .httpClient.Transport
.OnBeforeRequest(func( *Client, *Request) error {
.httpClient.Transport = &digestTransport{
digestCredentials: digestCredentials{, },
transport: ,
return nil
.OnAfterResponse(func( *Client, *Response) error {
.httpClient.Transport =
return nil
// R method creates a new request instance, its used for Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch, Head, Options, etc.
func ( *Client) () *Request {
:= &Request{
QueryParam: url.Values{},
FormData: url.Values{},
Header: http.Header{},
Cookies: make([]*http.Cookie, 0),
PathParams: map[string]string{},
RawPathParams: map[string]string{},
Debug: .Debug,
client: ,
multipartFiles: []*File{},
multipartFields: []*MultipartField{},
jsonEscapeHTML: .jsonEscapeHTML,
log: .log,
// NewRequest is an alias for method `R()`. Creates a new request instance, its used for
// Get, Post, Put, Delete, Patch, Head, Options, etc.
func ( *Client) () *Request {
return .R()
// OnBeforeRequest method appends a request middleware into the before request chain.
// The user defined middlewares get applied before the default Resty request middlewares.
// After all middlewares have been applied, the request is sent from Resty to the host server.
// client.OnBeforeRequest(func(c *resty.Client, r *resty.Request) error {
// // Now you have access to Client and Request instance
// // manipulate it as per your need
// return nil // if its success otherwise return error
// })
func ( *Client) ( RequestMiddleware) *Client {
defer .udBeforeRequestLock.Unlock()
.udBeforeRequest = append(.udBeforeRequest, )
// OnAfterResponse method appends response middleware into the after response chain.
// Once we receive response from host server, default Resty response middleware
// gets applied and then user assigned response middlewares applied.
// client.OnAfterResponse(func(c *resty.Client, r *resty.Response) error {
// // Now you have access to Client and Response instance
// // manipulate it as per your need
// return nil // if its success otherwise return error
// })
func ( *Client) ( ResponseMiddleware) *Client {
defer .afterResponseLock.Unlock()
.afterResponse = append(.afterResponse, )
// OnError method adds a callback that will be run whenever a request execution fails.
// This is called after all retries have been attempted (if any).
// If there was a response from the server, the error will be wrapped in *ResponseError
// which has the last response received from the server.
// client.OnError(func(req *resty.Request, err error) {
// if v, ok := err.(*resty.ResponseError); ok {
// // Do something with v.Response
// }
// // Log the error, increment a metric, etc...
// })
// Out of the OnSuccess, OnError, OnInvalid, OnPanic callbacks, exactly one
// set will be invoked for each call to Request.Execute() that completes.
func ( *Client) ( ErrorHook) *Client {
.errorHooks = append(.errorHooks, )
// OnSuccess method adds a callback that will be run whenever a request execution
// succeeds. This is called after all retries have been attempted (if any).
// Out of the OnSuccess, OnError, OnInvalid, OnPanic callbacks, exactly one
// set will be invoked for each call to Request.Execute() that completes.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( SuccessHook) *Client {
.successHooks = append(.successHooks, )
// OnInvalid method adds a callback that will be run whenever a request execution
// fails before it starts because the request is invalid.
// Out of the OnSuccess, OnError, OnInvalid, OnPanic callbacks, exactly one
// set will be invoked for each call to Request.Execute() that completes.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( ErrorHook) *Client {
.invalidHooks = append(.invalidHooks, )
// OnPanic method adds a callback that will be run whenever a request execution
// panics.
// Out of the OnSuccess, OnError, OnInvalid, OnPanic callbacks, exactly one
// set will be invoked for each call to Request.Execute() that completes.
// If an OnSuccess, OnError, or OnInvalid callback panics, then the exactly
// one rule can be violated.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( ErrorHook) *Client {
.panicHooks = append(.panicHooks, )
// SetPreRequestHook method sets the given pre-request function into resty client.
// It is called right before the request is fired.
// Note: Only one pre-request hook can be registered. Use `client.OnBeforeRequest` for multiple.
func ( *Client) ( PreRequestHook) *Client {
if .preReqHook != nil {
.log.Warnf("Overwriting an existing pre-request hook: %s", functionName())
.preReqHook =
// SetDebug method enables the debug mode on Resty client. Client logs details of every request and response.
// For `Request` it logs information such as HTTP verb, Relative URL path, Host, Headers, Body if it has one.
// For `Response` it logs information such as Status, Response Time, Headers, Body if it has one.
// client.SetDebug(true)
// Also it can be enabled at request level for particular request, see `Request.SetDebug`.
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.Debug =
// SetDebugBodyLimit sets the maximum size for which the response and request body will be logged in debug mode.
// client.SetDebugBodyLimit(1000000)
func ( *Client) ( int64) *Client {
.debugBodySizeLimit =
// OnRequestLog method used to set request log callback into Resty. Registered callback gets
// called before the resty actually logs the information.
func ( *Client) ( RequestLogCallback) *Client {
if .requestLog != nil {
.log.Warnf("Overwriting an existing on-request-log callback from=%s to=%s",
functionName(.requestLog), functionName())
.requestLog =
// OnResponseLog method used to set response log callback into Resty. Registered callback gets
// called before the resty actually logs the information.
func ( *Client) ( ResponseLogCallback) *Client {
if .responseLog != nil {
.log.Warnf("Overwriting an existing on-response-log callback from=%s to=%s",
functionName(.responseLog), functionName())
.responseLog =
// SetDisableWarn method disables the warning message on Resty client.
// For Example: Resty warns the user when BasicAuth used on non-TLS mode.
// client.SetDisableWarn(true)
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.DisableWarn =
// SetAllowGetMethodPayload method allows the GET method with payload on Resty client.
// For Example: Resty allows the user sends request with a payload on HTTP GET method.
// client.SetAllowGetMethodPayload(true)
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.AllowGetMethodPayload =
// SetLogger method sets given writer for logging Resty request and response details.
// Compliant to interface `resty.Logger`.
func ( *Client) ( Logger) *Client {
.log =
// SetContentLength method enables the HTTP header `Content-Length` value for every request.
// By default Resty won't set `Content-Length`.
// client.SetContentLength(true)
// Also you have an option to enable for particular request. See `Request.SetContentLength`
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.setContentLength =
// SetTimeout method sets timeout for request raised from client.
// client.SetTimeout(time.Duration(1 * time.Minute))
func ( *Client) ( time.Duration) *Client {
.httpClient.Timeout =
// SetError method is to register the global or client common `Error` object into Resty.
// It is used for automatic unmarshalling if response status code is greater than 399 and
// content type either JSON or XML. Can be pointer or non-pointer.
// client.SetError(&Error{})
// // OR
// client.SetError(Error{})
func ( *Client) ( interface{}) *Client {
.Error = typeOf()
// SetRedirectPolicy method sets the client redirect policy. Resty provides ready to use
// redirect policies. Wanna create one for yourself refer to `redirect.go`.
// client.SetRedirectPolicy(FlexibleRedirectPolicy(20))
// // Need multiple redirect policies together
// client.SetRedirectPolicy(FlexibleRedirectPolicy(20), DomainCheckRedirectPolicy("", ""))
func ( *Client) ( ...interface{}) *Client {
for , := range {
if , := .(RedirectPolicy); ! {
.log.Errorf("%v does not implement resty.RedirectPolicy (missing Apply method)",
.httpClient.CheckRedirect = func( *http.Request, []*http.Request) error {
for , := range {
if := .(RedirectPolicy).Apply(, ); != nil {
return nil // looks good, go ahead
// SetRetryCount method enables retry on Resty client and allows you
// to set no. of retry count. Resty uses a Backoff mechanism.
func ( *Client) ( int) *Client {
.RetryCount =
// SetRetryWaitTime method sets default wait time to sleep before retrying
// request.
// Default is 100 milliseconds.
func ( *Client) ( time.Duration) *Client {
.RetryWaitTime =
// SetRetryMaxWaitTime method sets max wait time to sleep before retrying
// request.
// Default is 2 seconds.
func ( *Client) ( time.Duration) *Client {
.RetryMaxWaitTime =
// SetRetryAfter sets callback to calculate wait time between retries.
// Default (nil) implies exponential backoff with jitter
func ( *Client) ( RetryAfterFunc) *Client {
.RetryAfter =
// SetJSONMarshaler method sets the JSON marshaler function to marshal the request body.
// By default, Resty uses `encoding/json` package to marshal the request body.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( func( interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client {
.JSONMarshal =
// SetJSONUnmarshaler method sets the JSON unmarshaler function to unmarshal the response body.
// By default, Resty uses `encoding/json` package to unmarshal the response body.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( func( []byte, interface{}) error) *Client {
.JSONUnmarshal =
// SetXMLMarshaler method sets the XML marshaler function to marshal the request body.
// By default, Resty uses `encoding/xml` package to marshal the request body.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( func( interface{}) ([]byte, error)) *Client {
.XMLMarshal =
// SetXMLUnmarshaler method sets the XML unmarshaler function to unmarshal the response body.
// By default, Resty uses `encoding/xml` package to unmarshal the response body.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( func( []byte, interface{}) error) *Client {
.XMLUnmarshal =
// AddRetryCondition method adds a retry condition function to array of functions
// that are checked to determine if the request is retried. The request will
// retry if any of the functions return true and error is nil.
// Note: These retry conditions are applied on all Request made using this Client.
// For Request specific retry conditions check *Request.AddRetryCondition
func ( *Client) ( RetryConditionFunc) *Client {
.RetryConditions = append(.RetryConditions, )
// AddRetryAfterErrorCondition adds the basic condition of retrying after encountering
// an error from the http response
// Since v2.6.0
func ( *Client) () *Client {
.AddRetryCondition(func( *Response, error) bool {
return .IsError()
// AddRetryHook adds a side-effecting retry hook to an array of hooks
// that will be executed on each retry.
// Since v2.6.0
func ( *Client) ( OnRetryFunc) *Client {
.RetryHooks = append(.RetryHooks, )
// SetRetryResetReaders method enables the Resty client to seek the start of all
// file readers given as multipart files, if the given object implements `io.ReadSeeker`.
// Since ...
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.RetryResetReaders =
// SetTLSClientConfig method sets TLSClientConfig for underling client Transport.
// For Example:
// // One can set custom root-certificate. Refer:
// client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ RootCAs: roots })
// // or One can disable security check (https)
// client.SetTLSClientConfig(&tls.Config{ InsecureSkipVerify: true })
// Note: This method overwrites existing `TLSClientConfig`.
func ( *Client) ( *tls.Config) *Client {
, := .Transport()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
.TLSClientConfig =
// SetProxy method sets the Proxy URL and Port for Resty client.
// client.SetProxy("http://proxyserver:8888")
// OR Without this `SetProxy` method, you could also set Proxy via environment variable.
// Refer to godoc `http.ProxyFromEnvironment`.
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
, := .Transport()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
, := url.Parse()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
.proxyURL =
.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(.proxyURL)
// RemoveProxy method removes the proxy configuration from Resty client
// client.RemoveProxy()
func ( *Client) () *Client {
, := .Transport()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
.proxyURL = nil
.Proxy = nil
// SetCertificates method helps to set client certificates into Resty conveniently.
func ( *Client) ( ...tls.Certificate) *Client {
, := .tlsConfig()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
.Certificates = append(.Certificates, ...)
// SetRootCertificate method helps to add one or more root certificates into Resty client
// client.SetRootCertificate("/path/to/root/pemFile.pem")
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
, := os.ReadFile()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
, := .tlsConfig()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
if .RootCAs == nil {
.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
// SetRootCertificateFromString method helps to add one or more root certificates into Resty client
// client.SetRootCertificateFromString("pem file content")
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
, := .tlsConfig()
if != nil {
.log.Errorf("%v", )
if .RootCAs == nil {
.RootCAs = x509.NewCertPool()
// SetOutputDirectory method sets output directory for saving HTTP response into file.
// If the output directory not exists then resty creates one. This setting is optional one,
// if you're planning using absolute path in `Request.SetOutput` and can used together.
// client.SetOutputDirectory("/save/http/response/here")
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
.outputDirectory =
// SetRateLimiter sets an optional `RateLimiter`. If set the rate limiter will control
// all requests made with this client.
// Since v2.9.0
func ( *Client) ( RateLimiter) *Client {
.rateLimiter =
// SetTransport method sets custom `*http.Transport` or any `http.RoundTripper`
// compatible interface implementation in the resty client.
// Note:
// - If transport is not type of `*http.Transport` then you may not be able to
// take advantage of some of the Resty client settings.
// - It overwrites the Resty client transport instance and it's configurations.
// transport := &http.Transport{
// // something like Proxying to httptest.Server, etc...
// Proxy: func(req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
// return url.Parse(server.URL)
// },
// }
// client.SetTransport(transport)
func ( *Client) ( http.RoundTripper) *Client {
if != nil {
.httpClient.Transport =
// SetScheme method sets custom scheme in the Resty client. It's way to override default.
// client.SetScheme("http")
func ( *Client) ( string) *Client {
if !IsStringEmpty() {
.scheme = strings.TrimSpace()
// SetCloseConnection method sets variable `Close` in http request struct with the given
// value. More info:
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.closeConnection =
// SetDoNotParseResponse method instructs `Resty` not to parse the response body automatically.
// Resty exposes the raw response body as `io.ReadCloser`. Also do not forget to close the body,
// otherwise you might get into connection leaks, no connection reuse.
// Note: Response middlewares are not applicable, if you use this option. Basically you have
// taken over the control of response parsing from `Resty`.
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.notParseResponse =
// SetPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the
// Resty client instance.
// client.SetPathParam("userId", "")
// Result:
// URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
// Composed URL - /v1/users/
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The value will be escaped using `url.PathEscape` function.
// Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options,
// see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.PathParams[] =
// SetPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the
// Resty client instance.
// client.SetPathParams(map[string]string{
// "userId": "",
// "subAccountId": "100002",
// "path": "groups/developers",
// })
// Result:
// URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/{path}/details
// Composed URL - /v1/users/
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The values will be escaped using `url.PathEscape` function.
// Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options,
// see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.
func ( *Client) ( map[string]string) *Client {
for , := range {
.SetPathParam(, )
// SetRawPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the
// Resty client instance.
// client.SetPathParam("userId", "")
// Result:
// URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
// Composed URL - /v1/users/
// client.SetPathParam("path", "groups/developers")
// Result:
// URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
// Composed URL - /v1/users/groups%2Fdevelopers/details
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The value will be used as it is and will not be escaped.
// Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options,
// see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) (, string) *Client {
.RawPathParams[] =
// SetRawPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the
// Resty client instance.
// client.SetPathParams(map[string]string{
// "userId": "",
// "subAccountId": "100002",
// "path": "groups/developers",
// })
// Result:
// URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/{path}/details
// Composed URL - /v1/users/
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The values will be used as they are and will not be escaped.
// Also it can be overridden at request level Path Params options,
// see `Request.SetPathParam` or `Request.SetPathParams`.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Client) ( map[string]string) *Client {
for , := range {
.SetRawPathParam(, )
// SetJSONEscapeHTML method is to enable/disable the HTML escape on JSON marshal.
// Note: This option only applicable to standard JSON Marshaller.
func ( *Client) ( bool) *Client {
.jsonEscapeHTML =
// EnableTrace method enables the Resty client trace for the requests fired from
// the client using `httptrace.ClientTrace` and provides insights.
// client := resty.New().EnableTrace()
// resp, err := client.R().Get("")
// fmt.Println("Error:", err)
// fmt.Println("Trace Info:", resp.Request.TraceInfo())
// Also `Request.EnableTrace` available too to get trace info for single request.
// Since v2.0.0
func ( *Client) () *Client {
.trace = true
// DisableTrace method disables the Resty client trace. Refer to `Client.EnableTrace`.
// Since v2.0.0
func ( *Client) () *Client {
.trace = false
// IsProxySet method returns the true is proxy is set from resty client otherwise
// false. By default proxy is set from environment, refer to `http.ProxyFromEnvironment`.
func ( *Client) () bool {
return .proxyURL != nil
// GetClient method returns the current `http.Client` used by the resty client.
func ( *Client) () *http.Client {
return .httpClient
// Client Unexported methods
// Executes method executes the given `Request` object and returns response
// error.
func ( *Client) ( *Request) (*Response, error) {
// Lock the user-defined pre-request hooks.
defer .udBeforeRequestLock.RUnlock()
// Lock the post-request hooks.
defer .afterResponseLock.RUnlock()
// Apply Request middleware
var error
// user defined on before request methods
// to modify the *resty.Request object
for , := range .udBeforeRequest {
if = (, ); != nil {
return nil, wrapNoRetryErr()
// If there is a rate limiter set for this client, the Execute call
// will return an error if the rate limit is exceeded.
if .client.rateLimiter != nil {
if !.client.rateLimiter.Allow() {
return nil, wrapNoRetryErr(ErrRateLimitExceeded)
// resty middlewares
for , := range .beforeRequest {
if = (, ); != nil {
return nil, wrapNoRetryErr()
if := .Header.Get("Host"); != "" {
.RawRequest.Host =
// call pre-request if defined
if .preReqHook != nil {
if = .preReqHook(, .RawRequest); != nil {
return nil, wrapNoRetryErr()
if = requestLogger(, ); != nil {
return nil, wrapNoRetryErr()
.RawRequest.Body = newRequestBodyReleaser(.RawRequest.Body, .bodyBuf)
.Time = time.Now()
, := .httpClient.Do(.RawRequest)
:= &Response{
Request: ,
RawResponse: ,
if != nil || .notParseResponse || .notParseResponse {
return ,
if !.isSaveResponse {
defer closeq(.Body)
:= .Body
// GitHub #142 & #187
if strings.EqualFold(.Header.Get(hdrContentEncodingKey), "gzip") && .ContentLength != 0 {
if , := .(*gzip.Reader); ! {
, = gzip.NewReader()
if != nil {
return ,
defer closeq()
if .body, = io.ReadAll(); != nil {
return ,
.size = int64(len(.body))
.setReceivedAt() // after we read the body
// Apply Response middleware
for , := range .afterResponse {
if = (, ); != nil {
return , wrapNoRetryErr()
// getting TLS client config if not exists then create one
func ( *Client) () (*tls.Config, error) {
, := .Transport()
if != nil {
return nil,
if .TLSClientConfig == nil {
.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{}
return .TLSClientConfig, nil
// Transport method returns `*http.Transport` currently in use or error
// in case currently used `transport` is not a `*http.Transport`.
// Since v2.8.0 become exported method.
func ( *Client) () (*http.Transport, error) {
if , := .httpClient.Transport.(*http.Transport); {
return , nil
return nil, errors.New("current transport is not an *http.Transport instance")
// just an internal helper method
func ( *Client) ( io.Writer) *Client {
// ResponseError is a wrapper for including the server response with an error.
// Neither the err nor the response should be nil.
type ResponseError struct {
Response *Response
Err error
func ( *ResponseError) () string {
return .Err.Error()
func ( *ResponseError) () error {
return .Err
// Helper to run errorHooks hooks.
// It wraps the error in a ResponseError if the resp is not nil
// so hooks can access it.
func ( *Client) ( *Request, *Response, error) {
if != nil {
if != nil { // wrap with ResponseError
= &ResponseError{Response: , Err: }
for , := range .errorHooks {
(, )
} else {
for , := range .successHooks {
(, )
// Helper to run panicHooks hooks.
func ( *Client) ( *Request, error) {
for , := range .panicHooks {
(, )
// Helper to run invalidHooks hooks.
func ( *Client) ( *Request, error) {
for , := range .invalidHooks {
(, )
// File struct and its methods
// File struct represent file information for multipart request
type File struct {
Name string
ParamName string
// String returns string value of current file details
func ( *File) () string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ParamName: %v; FileName: %v", .ParamName, .Name)
// MultipartField struct
// MultipartField struct represent custom data part for multipart request
type MultipartField struct {
Param string
FileName string
ContentType string
// Unexported package methods
func createClient( *http.Client) *Client {
if .Transport == nil {
.Transport = createTransport(nil)
:= &Client{ // not setting lang default values
QueryParam: url.Values{},
FormData: url.Values{},
Header: http.Header{},
Cookies: make([]*http.Cookie, 0),
RetryWaitTime: defaultWaitTime,
RetryMaxWaitTime: defaultMaxWaitTime,
PathParams: make(map[string]string),
RawPathParams: make(map[string]string),
JSONMarshal: json.Marshal,
JSONUnmarshal: json.Unmarshal,
XMLMarshal: xml.Marshal,
XMLUnmarshal: xml.Unmarshal,
HeaderAuthorizationKey: http.CanonicalHeaderKey("Authorization"),
jsonEscapeHTML: true,
httpClient: ,
debugBodySizeLimit: math.MaxInt32,
// Logger
// default before request middlewares
.beforeRequest = []RequestMiddleware{
// user defined request middlewares
.udBeforeRequest = []RequestMiddleware{}
// default after response middlewares
.afterResponse = []ResponseMiddleware{
![]() |
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