// Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Jeevanandam M (jeeva@myjeeva.com), All rights reserved.
// resty source code and usage is governed by a MIT style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package resty

import (

// Request struct and methods

// Request struct is used to compose and fire individual request from
// resty client. Request provides an options to override client level
// settings and also an options for the request composition.
type Request struct {
	URL           string
	Method        string
	Token         string
	AuthScheme    string
	QueryParam    url.Values
	FormData      url.Values
	PathParams    map[string]string
	RawPathParams map[string]string
	Header        http.Header
	Time          time.Time
	Body          interface{}
	Result        interface{}
	Error         interface{}
	RawRequest    *http.Request
	SRV           *SRVRecord
	UserInfo      *User
	Cookies       []*http.Cookie
	Debug         bool

	// Attempt is to represent the request attempt made during a Resty
	// request execution flow, including retry count.
	// Since v2.4.0
	Attempt int

	isMultiPart         bool
	isFormData          bool
	setContentLength    bool
	isSaveResponse      bool
	notParseResponse    bool
	jsonEscapeHTML      bool
	trace               bool
	outputFile          string
	fallbackContentType string
	forceContentType    string
	ctx                 context.Context
	values              map[string]interface{}
	client              *Client
	bodyBuf             *bytes.Buffer
	clientTrace         *clientTrace
	log                 Logger
	multipartFiles      []*File
	multipartFields     []*MultipartField
	retryConditions     []RetryConditionFunc

// Context method returns the Context if its already set in request
// otherwise it creates new one using `context.Background()`.
func ( *Request) () context.Context {
	if .ctx == nil {
		return context.Background()
	return .ctx

// SetContext method sets the context.Context for current Request. It allows
// to interrupt the request execution if ctx.Done() channel is closed.
// See https://blog.golang.org/context article and the "context" package
// documentation.
func ( *Request) ( context.Context) *Request {
	.ctx = 

// SetHeader method is to set a single header field and its value in the current request.
// For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`.
//	client.R().
//		SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json").
//		SetHeader("Accept", "application/json")
// Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.Header.Set(, )

// SetHeaders method sets multiple headers field and its values at one go in the current request.
// For Example: To set `Content-Type` and `Accept` as `application/json`
//	client.R().
//		SetHeaders(map[string]string{
//			"Content-Type": "application/json",
//			"Accept": "application/json",
//		})
// Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.SetHeader(, )

// SetHeaderMultiValues sets multiple headers fields and its values is list of strings at one go in the current request.
// For Example: To set `Accept` as `text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.9, image/webp, */*;q=0.8`
//	client.R().
//		SetHeaderMultiValues(map[string][]string{
//			"Accept": []string{"text/html", "application/xhtml+xml", "application/xml;q=0.9", "image/webp", "*/*;q=0.8"},
//		})
// Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( map[string][]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.SetHeader(, strings.Join(, ", "))

// SetHeaderVerbatim method is to set a single header field and its value verbatim in the current request.
// For Example: To set `all_lowercase` and `UPPERCASE` as `available`.
//	client.R().
//		SetHeaderVerbatim("all_lowercase", "available").
//		SetHeaderVerbatim("UPPERCASE", "available")
// Also you can override header value, which was set at client instance level.
// Since v2.6.0
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.Header[] = []string{}

// SetQueryParam method sets single parameter and its value in the current request.
// It will be formed as query string for the request.
// For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark.
//	client.R().
//		SetQueryParam("search", "kitchen papers").
//		SetQueryParam("size", "large")
// Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.QueryParam.Set(, )

// SetQueryParams method sets multiple parameters and its values at one go in the current request.
// It will be formed as query string for the request.
// For Example: `search=kitchen%20papers&size=large` in the URL after `?` mark.
//	client.R().
//		SetQueryParams(map[string]string{
//			"search": "kitchen papers",
//			"size": "large",
//		})
// Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.SetQueryParam(, )

// SetQueryParamsFromValues method appends multiple parameters with multi-value
// (`url.Values`) at one go in the current request. It will be formed as
// query string for the request.
// For Example: `status=pending&status=approved&status=open` in the URL after `?` mark.
//	client.R().
//		SetQueryParamsFromValues(url.Values{
//			"status": []string{"pending", "approved", "open"},
//		})
// Also you can override query params value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( url.Values) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		for ,  := range  {
			.QueryParam.Add(, )

// SetQueryString method provides ability to use string as an input to set URL query string for the request.
// Using String as an input
//	client.R().
//		SetQueryString("productId=232&template=fresh-sample&cat=resty&source=google&kw=buy a lot more")
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	,  := url.ParseQuery(strings.TrimSpace())
	if  == nil {
		for ,  := range  {
			for ,  := range  {
				.QueryParam.Add(, )
	} else {
		.log.Errorf("%v", )

// SetFormData method sets Form parameters and their values in the current request.
// It's applicable only HTTP method `POST` and `PUT` and requests content type would be set as
// `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
//	client.R().
//		SetFormData(map[string]string{
//			"access_token": "BC594900-518B-4F7E-AC75-BD37F019E08F",
//			"user_id": "3455454545",
//		})
// Also you can override form data value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.FormData.Set(, )

// SetFormDataFromValues method appends multiple form parameters with multi-value
// (`url.Values`) at one go in the current request.
//	client.R().
//		SetFormDataFromValues(url.Values{
//			"search_criteria": []string{"book", "glass", "pencil"},
//		})
// Also you can override form data value, which was set at client instance level.
func ( *Request) ( url.Values) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		for ,  := range  {
			.FormData.Add(, )

// SetBody method sets the request body for the request. It supports various realtime needs as easy.
// We can say its quite handy or powerful. Supported request body data types is `string`,
// `[]byte`, `struct`, `map`, `slice` and `io.Reader`. Body value can be pointer or non-pointer.
// Automatic marshalling for JSON and XML content type, if it is `struct`, `map`, or `slice`.
// Note: `io.Reader` is processed as bufferless mode while sending request.
// For Example: Struct as a body input, based on content type, it will be marshalled.
//	client.R().
//		SetBody(User{
//			Username: "jeeva@myjeeva.com",
//			Password: "welcome2resty",
//		})
// Map as a body input, based on content type, it will be marshalled.
//	client.R().
//		SetBody(map[string]interface{}{
//			"username": "jeeva@myjeeva.com",
//			"password": "welcome2resty",
//			"address": &Address{
//				Address1: "1111 This is my street",
//				Address2: "Apt 201",
//				City: "My City",
//				State: "My State",
//				ZipCode: 00000,
//			},
//		})
// String as a body input. Suitable for any need as a string input.
//	client.R().
//		SetBody(`{
//			"username": "jeeva@getrightcare.com",
//			"password": "admin"
//		}`)
// []byte as a body input. Suitable for raw request such as file upload, serialize & deserialize, etc.
//	client.R().
//		SetBody([]byte("This is my raw request, sent as-is"))
func ( *Request) ( interface{}) *Request {
	.Body = 

// SetResult method is to register the response `Result` object for automatic unmarshalling for the request,
// if response status code is between 200 and 299 and content type either JSON or XML.
// Note: Result object can be pointer or non-pointer.
//	client.R().SetResult(&AuthToken{})
//	// OR
//	client.R().SetResult(AuthToken{})
// Accessing a result value from response instance.
//	response.Result().(*AuthToken)
func ( *Request) ( interface{}) *Request {
	if  != nil {
		.Result = getPointer()

// SetError method is to register the request `Error` object for automatic unmarshalling for the request,
// if response status code is greater than 399 and content type either JSON or XML.
// Note: Error object can be pointer or non-pointer.
//	client.R().SetError(&AuthError{})
//	// OR
//	client.R().SetError(AuthError{})
// Accessing a error value from response instance.
//	response.Error().(*AuthError)
func ( *Request) ( interface{}) *Request {
	.Error = getPointer()

// SetFile method is to set single file field name and its path for multipart upload.
//	client.R().
//		SetFile("my_file", "/Users/jeeva/Gas Bill - Sep.pdf")
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.isMultiPart = true
	.FormData.Set("@"+, )

// SetFiles method is to set multiple file field name and its path for multipart upload.
//	client.R().
//		SetFiles(map[string]string{
//				"my_file1": "/Users/jeeva/Gas Bill - Sep.pdf",
//				"my_file2": "/Users/jeeva/Electricity Bill - Sep.pdf",
//				"my_file3": "/Users/jeeva/Water Bill - Sep.pdf",
//			})
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	.isMultiPart = true
	for ,  := range  {
		.FormData.Set("@"+, )

// SetFileReader method is to set single file using io.Reader for multipart upload.
//	client.R().
//		SetFileReader("profile_img", "my-profile-img.png", bytes.NewReader(profileImgBytes)).
//		SetFileReader("notes", "user-notes.txt", bytes.NewReader(notesBytes))
func ( *Request) (,  string,  io.Reader) *Request {
	.isMultiPart = true
	.multipartFiles = append(.multipartFiles, &File{
		Name:      ,
		ParamName: ,
		Reader:    ,

// SetMultipartFormData method allows simple form data to be attached to the request as `multipart:form-data`
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		 = .SetMultipartField(, "", "", strings.NewReader())


// SetMultipartField method is to set custom data using io.Reader for multipart upload.
func ( *Request) (, ,  string,  io.Reader) *Request {
	.isMultiPart = true
	.multipartFields = append(.multipartFields, &MultipartField{
		Param:       ,
		FileName:    ,
		ContentType: ,
		Reader:      ,

// SetMultipartFields method is to set multiple data fields using io.Reader for multipart upload.
// For Example:
//	client.R().SetMultipartFields(
//		&resty.MultipartField{
//			Param:       "uploadManifest1",
//			FileName:    "upload-file-1.json",
//			ContentType: "application/json",
//			Reader:      strings.NewReader(`{"input": {"name": "Uploaded document 1", "_filename" : ["file1.txt"]}}`),
//		},
//		&resty.MultipartField{
//			Param:       "uploadManifest2",
//			FileName:    "upload-file-2.json",
//			ContentType: "application/json",
//			Reader:      strings.NewReader(`{"input": {"name": "Uploaded document 2", "_filename" : ["file2.txt"]}}`),
//		})
// If you have slice already, then simply call-
//	client.R().SetMultipartFields(fields...)
func ( *Request) ( ...*MultipartField) *Request {
	.isMultiPart = true
	.multipartFields = append(.multipartFields, ...)

// SetContentLength method sets the HTTP header `Content-Length` value for current request.
// By default Resty won't set `Content-Length`. Also you have an option to enable for every
// request.
// See `Client.SetContentLength`
//	client.R().SetContentLength(true)
func ( *Request) ( bool) *Request {
	.setContentLength = 

// SetBasicAuth method sets the basic authentication header in the current HTTP request.
// For Example:
//	Authorization: Basic <base64-encoded-value>
// To set the header for username "go-resty" and password "welcome"
//	client.R().SetBasicAuth("go-resty", "welcome")
// This method overrides the credentials set by method `Client.SetBasicAuth`.
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.UserInfo = &User{Username: , Password: }

// SetAuthToken method sets the auth token header(Default Scheme: Bearer) in the current HTTP request. Header example:
//	Authorization: Bearer <auth-token-value-comes-here>
// For Example: To set auth token BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F
//	client.R().SetAuthToken("BC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08FBC594900518B4F7EAC75BD37F019E08F")
// This method overrides the Auth token set by method `Client.SetAuthToken`.
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	.Token = 

// SetAuthScheme method sets the auth token scheme type in the HTTP request. For Example:
//	Authorization: <auth-scheme-value-set-here> <auth-token-value>
// For Example: To set the scheme to use OAuth
//	client.R().SetAuthScheme("OAuth")
// This auth header scheme gets added to all the request raised from this client instance.
// Also it can be overridden or set one at the request level is supported.
// Information about Auth schemes can be found in RFC7235 which is linked to below along with the page containing
// the currently defined official authentication schemes:
//	https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7235
//	https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-authschemes/http-authschemes.xhtml#authschemes
// This method overrides the Authorization scheme set by method `Client.SetAuthScheme`.
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	.AuthScheme = 

// SetDigestAuth method sets the Digest Access auth scheme for the HTTP request. If a server responds with 401 and sends
// a Digest challenge in the WWW-Authenticate Header, the request will be resent with the appropriate Authorization Header.
// For Example: To set the Digest scheme with username "Mufasa" and password "Circle Of Life"
//	client.R().SetDigestAuth("Mufasa", "Circle Of Life")
// Information about Digest Access Authentication can be found in RFC7616:
//	https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7616
// This method overrides the username and password set by method `Client.SetDigestAuth`.
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	 := .client.httpClient.Transport
	.client.OnBeforeRequest(func( *Client,  *Request) error {
		.httpClient.Transport = &digestTransport{
			digestCredentials: digestCredentials{, },
			transport:         ,
		return nil
	.client.OnAfterResponse(func( *Client,  *Response) error {
		.httpClient.Transport = 
		return nil


// SetOutput method sets the output file for current HTTP request. Current HTTP response will be
// saved into given file. It is similar to `curl -o` flag. Absolute path or relative path can be used.
// If is it relative path then output file goes under the output directory, as mentioned
// in the `Client.SetOutputDirectory`.
//	client.R().
//		SetOutput("/Users/jeeva/Downloads/ReplyWithHeader-v5.1-beta.zip").
//		Get("http://bit.ly/1LouEKr")
// Note: In this scenario `Response.Body` might be nil.
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	.outputFile = 
	.isSaveResponse = true

// SetSRV method sets the details to query the service SRV record and execute the
// request.
//	client.R().
//		SetSRV(SRVRecord{"web", "testservice.com"}).
//		Get("/get")
func ( *Request) ( *SRVRecord) *Request {
	.SRV = 

// SetDoNotParseResponse method instructs `Resty` not to parse the response body automatically.
// Resty exposes the raw response body as `io.ReadCloser`. Also do not forget to close the body,
// otherwise you might get into connection leaks, no connection reuse.
// Note: Response middlewares are not applicable, if you use this option. Basically you have
// taken over the control of response parsing from `Resty`.
func ( *Request) ( bool) *Request {
	.notParseResponse = 

// SetPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the
// Resty current request instance.
//	client.R().SetPathParam("userId", "sample@sample.com")
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/details
//	client.R().SetPathParam("path", "groups/developers")
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/groups%2Fdevelopers/details
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The values will be escaped using `url.PathEscape` function.
// Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance
// level.
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.PathParams[] = 

// SetPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the
// Resty current request instance.
//	client.R().SetPathParams(map[string]string{
//		"userId":       "sample@sample.com",
//		"subAccountId": "100002",
//		"path":         "groups/developers",
//	})
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/{path}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/100002/groups%2Fdevelopers/details
// It replaces the value of the key while composing request URL.
// The value will be used as it is and will not be escaped.
// Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance
// level.
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.SetPathParam(, )

// SetRawPathParam method sets single URL path key-value pair in the
// Resty current request instance.
//	client.R().SetPathParam("userId", "sample@sample.com")
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/details
//	client.R().SetPathParam("path", "groups/developers")
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/groups/developers/details
// It replaces the value of the key while composing the request URL.
// The value will be used as it is and will not be escaped.
// Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance
// level.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Request) (,  string) *Request {
	.RawPathParams[] = 

// SetRawPathParams method sets multiple URL path key-value pairs at one go in the
// Resty current request instance.
//	client.R().SetPathParams(map[string]string{
//		"userId": "sample@sample.com",
//		"subAccountId": "100002",
//		"path":         "groups/developers",
//	})
//	Result:
//	   URL - /v1/users/{userId}/{subAccountId}/{path}/details
//	   Composed URL - /v1/users/sample@sample.com/100002/groups/developers/details
// It replaces the value of the key while composing request URL.
// The values will be used as they are and will not be escaped.
// Also you can override Path Params value, which was set at client instance
// level.
// Since v2.8.0
func ( *Request) ( map[string]string) *Request {
	for ,  := range  {
		.SetRawPathParam(, )

// ExpectContentType method allows to provide fallback `Content-Type` for automatic unmarshalling
// when `Content-Type` response header is unavailable.
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	.fallbackContentType = 

// ForceContentType method provides a strong sense of response `Content-Type` for automatic unmarshalling.
// Resty gives this a higher priority than the `Content-Type` response header.  This means that if both
// `Request.ForceContentType` is set and the response `Content-Type` is available, `ForceContentType` will win.
func ( *Request) ( string) *Request {
	.forceContentType = 

// SetJSONEscapeHTML method is to enable/disable the HTML escape on JSON marshal.
// Note: This option only applicable to standard JSON Marshaller.
func ( *Request) ( bool) *Request {
	.jsonEscapeHTML = 

// SetCookie method appends a single cookie in the current request instance.
//	client.R().SetCookie(&http.Cookie{
//				Name:"go-resty",
//				Value:"This is cookie value",
//			})
// Note: Method appends the Cookie value into existing Cookie if already existing.
// Since v2.1.0
func ( *Request) ( *http.Cookie) *Request {
	.Cookies = append(.Cookies, )

// SetCookies method sets an array of cookies in the current request instance.
//	cookies := []*http.Cookie{
//		&http.Cookie{
//			Name:"go-resty-1",
//			Value:"This is cookie 1 value",
//		},
//		&http.Cookie{
//			Name:"go-resty-2",
//			Value:"This is cookie 2 value",
//		},
//	}
//	// Setting a cookies into resty's current request
//	client.R().SetCookies(cookies)
// Note: Method appends the Cookie value into existing Cookie if already existing.
// Since v2.1.0
func ( *Request) ( []*http.Cookie) *Request {
	.Cookies = append(.Cookies, ...)

// SetLogger method sets given writer for logging Resty request and response details.
// By default, requests and responses inherit their logger from the client.
// Compliant to interface `resty.Logger`.
func ( *Request) ( Logger) *Request {
	.log = 

// SetDebug method enables the debug mode on current request Resty request, It logs
// the details current request and response.
// For `Request` it logs information such as HTTP verb, Relative URL path, Host, Headers, Body if it has one.
// For `Response` it logs information such as Status, Response Time, Headers, Body if it has one.
//	client.R().SetDebug(true)
func ( *Request) ( bool) *Request {
	.Debug = 

// AddRetryCondition method adds a retry condition function to the request's
// array of functions that are checked to determine if the request is retried.
// The request will retry if any of the functions return true and error is nil.
// Note: These retry conditions are checked before all retry conditions of the client.
// Since v2.7.0
func ( *Request) ( RetryConditionFunc) *Request {
	.retryConditions = append(.retryConditions, )

// HTTP request tracing

// EnableTrace method enables trace for the current request
// using `httptrace.ClientTrace` and provides insights.
//	client := resty.New()
//	resp, err := client.R().EnableTrace().Get("https://httpbin.org/get")
//	fmt.Println("Error:", err)
//	fmt.Println("Trace Info:", resp.Request.TraceInfo())
// See `Client.EnableTrace` available too to get trace info for all requests.
// Since v2.0.0
func ( *Request) () *Request {
	.trace = true

// TraceInfo method returns the trace info for the request.
// If either the Client or Request EnableTrace function has not been called
// prior to the request being made, an empty TraceInfo object will be returned.
// Since v2.0.0
func ( *Request) () TraceInfo {
	 := .clientTrace

	if  == nil {
		return TraceInfo{}

	 := TraceInfo{
		DNSLookup:      .dnsDone.Sub(.dnsStart),
		TLSHandshake:   .tlsHandshakeDone.Sub(.tlsHandshakeStart),
		ServerTime:     .gotFirstResponseByte.Sub(.gotConn),
		IsConnReused:   .gotConnInfo.Reused,
		IsConnWasIdle:  .gotConnInfo.WasIdle,
		ConnIdleTime:   .gotConnInfo.IdleTime,
		RequestAttempt: .Attempt,

	// Calculate the total time accordingly,
	// when connection is reused
	if .gotConnInfo.Reused {
		.TotalTime = .endTime.Sub(.getConn)
	} else {
		.TotalTime = .endTime.Sub(.dnsStart)

	// Only calculate on successful connections
	if !.connectDone.IsZero() {
		.TCPConnTime = .connectDone.Sub(.dnsDone)

	// Only calculate on successful connections
	if !.gotConn.IsZero() {
		.ConnTime = .gotConn.Sub(.getConn)

	// Only calculate on successful connections
	if !.gotFirstResponseByte.IsZero() {
		.ResponseTime = .endTime.Sub(.gotFirstResponseByte)

	// Capture remote address info when connection is non-nil
	if .gotConnInfo.Conn != nil {
		.RemoteAddr = .gotConnInfo.Conn.RemoteAddr()


// HTTP verb method starts here

// Get method does GET HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.1 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodGet, )

// Head method does HEAD HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.2 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodHead, )

// Post method does POST HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.3 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodPost, )

// Put method does PUT HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.4 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodPut, )

// Delete method does DELETE HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.5 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodDelete, )

// Options method does OPTIONS HTTP request. It's defined in section 4.3.7 of RFC7231.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodOptions, )

// Patch method does PATCH HTTP request. It's defined in section 2 of RFC5789.
func ( *Request) ( string) (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(MethodPatch, )

// Send method performs the HTTP request using the method and URL already defined
// for current `Request`.
//	req := client.R()
//	req.Method = resty.GET
//	req.URL = "http://httpbin.org/get"
//	resp, err := req.Send()
func ( *Request) () (*Response, error) {
	return .Execute(.Method, .URL)

// Execute method performs the HTTP request with given HTTP method and URL
// for current `Request`.
//	resp, err := client.R().Execute(resty.GET, "http://httpbin.org/get")
func ( *Request) (,  string) (*Response, error) {
	var  []*net.SRV
	var  *Response
	var  error

	defer func() {
		if  := recover();  != nil {
			if ,  := .(error);  {
				.client.onPanicHooks(, )
			} else {
				.client.onPanicHooks(, fmt.Errorf("panic %v", ))

	if .isMultiPart && !( == MethodPost ||  == MethodPut ||  == MethodPatch) {
		// No OnError hook here since this is a request validation error
		 := fmt.Errorf("multipart content is not allowed in HTTP verb [%v]", )
		.client.onInvalidHooks(, )
		return nil, 

	if .SRV != nil {
		_, ,  = net.LookupSRV(.SRV.Service, "tcp", .SRV.Domain)
		if  != nil {
			.client.onErrorHooks(, nil, )
			return nil, 

	.Method = 
	.URL = .selectAddr(, , 0)

	if .client.RetryCount == 0 {
		.Attempt = 1
		,  = .client.execute()
		.client.onErrorHooks(, , unwrapNoRetryErr())
		return , unwrapNoRetryErr()

	 = Backoff(
		func() (*Response, error) {

			.URL = .selectAddr(, , .Attempt)

			,  = .client.execute()
			if  != nil {
				.log.Warnf("%v, Attempt %v", , .Attempt)

			return , 
		RetryConditions(append(.retryConditions, .client.RetryConditions...)),

	if  != nil {
		.log.Errorf("%v", )

	.client.onErrorHooks(, , unwrapNoRetryErr())
	return , unwrapNoRetryErr()

// SRVRecord struct

// SRVRecord struct holds the data to query the SRV record for the
// following service.
type SRVRecord struct {
	Service string
	Domain  string

// Request Unexported methods

func ( *Request) ( int64) ( string) {
	 = "***** NO CONTENT *****"
	if !isPayloadSupported(.Method, .client.AllowGetMethodPayload) {

	if ,  := .Body.(io.Reader);  {
		 = "***** BODY IS io.Reader *****"

	// multipart or form-data
	if .isMultiPart || .isFormData {
		 := int64(.bodyBuf.Len())
		if  >  {
			 = fmt.Sprintf("***** REQUEST TOO LARGE (size - %d) *****", )
		 = .bodyBuf.String()

	// request body data
	if .Body == nil {
	var  []byte
	var  error

	 := .Header.Get(hdrContentTypeKey)
	 := kindOf(.Body)
	if canJSONMarshal(, ) {
		,  = noescapeJSONMarshalIndent(&.Body)
	} else if IsXMLType() && ( == reflect.Struct) {
		,  = xml.MarshalIndent(&.Body, "", "   ")
	} else if ,  := .Body.(string);  {
		if IsJSONType() {
			 := []byte()
			 := acquireBuffer()
			defer releaseBuffer()
			if  = json.Indent(, , "", "   ");  == nil {
				 = .Bytes()
		} else {
	} else if ,  := .Body.([]byte);  {
		 = fmt.Sprintf("***** BODY IS byte(s) (size - %d) *****", len())

	if  != nil &&  == nil {
		 = string()

	if len() > 0 {
		 := int64(len([]byte()))
		if  >  {
			 = fmt.Sprintf("***** REQUEST TOO LARGE (size - %d) *****", )


func ( *Request) ( []*net.SRV,  string,  int) string {
	if  == nil {

	 :=  % len()
	 := strings.TrimRight([].Target, ".")
	 = strings.TrimLeft(, "/")

	return fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%d/%s", .client.scheme, , [].Port, )

func ( *Request) () {
	if .values == nil {
		.values = make(map[string]interface{})

var noescapeJSONMarshal = func( interface{}) (*bytes.Buffer, error) {
	 := acquireBuffer()
	 := json.NewEncoder()
	if  := .Encode();  != nil {
		return nil, 

	return , nil

var noescapeJSONMarshalIndent = func( interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
	 := acquireBuffer()
	defer releaseBuffer()

	 := json.NewEncoder()
	.SetIndent("", "   ")

	if  := .Encode();  != nil {
		return nil, 

	return .Bytes(), nil