package resty
import (
var (
ErrDigestBadChallenge = errors .New ("digest: challenge is bad" )
ErrDigestCharset = errors .New ("digest: unsupported charset" )
ErrDigestAlgNotSupported = errors .New ("digest: algorithm is not supported" )
ErrDigestQopNotSupported = errors .New ("digest: no supported qop in list" )
ErrDigestNoQop = errors .New ("digest: qop must be specified" )
var hashFuncs = map [string ]func () hash .Hash {
"" : md5 .New ,
"MD5" : md5 .New ,
"MD5-sess" : md5 .New ,
"SHA-256" : sha256 .New ,
"SHA-256-sess" : sha256 .New ,
"SHA-512-256" : sha512 .New ,
"SHA-512-256-sess" : sha512 .New ,
type digestCredentials struct {
username, password string
type digestTransport struct {
transport http .RoundTripper
func (dt *digestTransport ) RoundTrip (req *http .Request ) (*http .Response , error ) {
req2 := new (http .Request )
*req2 = *req
req2 .Header = make (http .Header )
for k , s := range req .Header {
req2 .Header [k ] = s
if req2 .Body == nil {
req2 .ContentLength = 0
} else if req2 .GetBody != nil {
var err error
req2 .Body , err = req2 .GetBody ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
resp , err := dt .transport .RoundTrip (req )
if err != nil || resp .StatusCode != http .StatusUnauthorized {
return resp , err
chal := resp .Header .Get (hdrWwwAuthenticateKey )
if chal == "" {
return resp , ErrDigestBadChallenge
c , err := parseChallenge (chal )
if err != nil {
return resp , err
cr := dt .newCredentials (req2 , c )
auth , err := cr .authorize ()
if err != nil {
return resp , err
err = resp .Body .Close ()
if err != nil {
return nil , err
req2 .Header .Set (hdrAuthorizationKey , auth )
return dt .transport .RoundTrip (req2 )
func (dt *digestTransport ) newCredentials (req *http .Request , c *challenge ) *credentials {
return &credentials {
username : dt .username ,
userhash : c .userhash ,
realm : c .realm ,
nonce : c .nonce ,
digestURI : req .URL .RequestURI (),
algorithm : c .algorithm ,
sessionAlg : strings .HasSuffix (c .algorithm , "-sess" ),
opaque : c .opaque ,
messageQop : c .qop ,
nc : 0 ,
method : req .Method ,
password : dt .password ,
type challenge struct {
realm string
domain string
nonce string
opaque string
stale string
algorithm string
qop string
userhash string
func parseChallenge(input string ) (*challenge , error ) {
const ws = " \n\r\t"
const qs = `"`
s := strings .Trim (input , ws )
if !strings .HasPrefix (s , "Digest " ) {
return nil , ErrDigestBadChallenge
s = strings .Trim (s [7 :], ws )
sl := strings .Split (s , ", " )
c := &challenge {}
var r []string
for i := range sl {
r = strings .SplitN (sl [i ], "=" , 2 )
if len (r ) != 2 {
return nil , ErrDigestBadChallenge
switch r [0 ] {
case "realm" :
c .realm = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
case "domain" :
c .domain = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
case "nonce" :
c .nonce = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
case "opaque" :
c .opaque = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
case "stale" :
c .stale = r [1 ]
case "algorithm" :
c .algorithm = r [1 ]
case "qop" :
c .qop = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
case "charset" :
if strings .ToUpper (strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )) != "UTF-8" {
return nil , ErrDigestCharset
case "userhash" :
c .userhash = strings .Trim (r [1 ], qs )
default :
return nil , ErrDigestBadChallenge
return c , nil
type credentials struct {
username string
userhash string
realm string
nonce string
digestURI string
algorithm string
sessionAlg bool
cNonce string
opaque string
messageQop string
nc int
method string
password string
func (c *credentials ) authorize () (string , error ) {
if _ , ok := hashFuncs [c .algorithm ]; !ok {
return "" , ErrDigestAlgNotSupported
if err := c .validateQop (); err != nil {
return "" , err
resp , err := c .resp ()
if err != nil {
return "" , err
sl := make ([]string , 0 , 10 )
if c .userhash == "true" {
c .username = c .h (fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%s" , c .username , c .realm ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`userhash=%s` , c .userhash ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`username="%s"` , c .username ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`realm="%s"` , c .realm ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`nonce="%s"` , c .nonce ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`uri="%s"` , c .digestURI ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`response="%s"` , resp ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`algorithm=%s` , c .algorithm ))
if c .opaque != "" {
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`opaque="%s"` , c .opaque ))
if c .messageQop != "" {
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf ("qop=%s" , c .messageQop ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf ("nc=%08x" , c .nc ))
sl = append (sl , fmt .Sprintf (`cnonce="%s"` , c .cNonce ))
return fmt .Sprintf ("Digest %s" , strings .Join (sl , ", " )), nil
func (c *credentials ) validateQop () error {
if c .messageQop == "" {
return ErrDigestNoQop
possibleQops := strings .Split (c .messageQop , ", " )
var authSupport bool
for _ , qop := range possibleQops {
if qop == "auth" {
authSupport = true
if !authSupport {
return ErrDigestQopNotSupported
c .messageQop = "auth"
return nil
func (c *credentials ) h (data string ) string {
hfCtor := hashFuncs [c .algorithm ]
hf := hfCtor ()
_, _ = hf .Write ([]byte (data ))
return fmt .Sprintf ("%x" , hf .Sum (nil ))
func (c *credentials ) resp () (string , error ) {
c .nc ++
b := make ([]byte , 16 )
_ , err := io .ReadFull (rand .Reader , b )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
c .cNonce = fmt .Sprintf ("%x" , b )[:32 ]
ha1 := c .ha1 ()
ha2 := c .ha2 ()
return c .kd (ha1 , fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%08x:%s:%s:%s" ,
c .nonce , c .nc , c .cNonce , c .messageQop , ha2 )), nil
func (c *credentials ) kd (secret , data string ) string {
return c .h (fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%s" , secret , data ))
func (c *credentials ) ha1 () string {
ret := c .h (fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%s:%s" , c .username , c .realm , c .password ))
if c .sessionAlg {
return c .h (fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%s:%s" , ret , c .nonce , c .cNonce ))
return ret
func (c *credentials ) ha2 () string {
return c .h (fmt .Sprintf ("%s:%s" , c .method , c .digestURI ))
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Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu .
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